Hello. This is a harvest report for Panty Punch regular seeds.
I got this strain for some males to cross with the Blackberry Moonrocks growing in my greenhouse this summer,
But wanted to see the females too, to see if they really could be up to 30% THC like advertised by the breeder.
The plants grew well and I found 3 males and 7 females.
Good luck / Bad luck. I sorta wanted more males to choose from, but was happy with the females.
Made a mistake after repotting them. I thought I set the light for 18 hours instead I set it for 6 hours of light, for 1 1/2 weeks, before I found out.
I wanted to grow them bigger, and take clones, but they were forced into flowering. So I got lower results than normal.
But the plants preformed well even with the lighting mistake. 4 out of the 7 females had lots of resin, even on the top fan leaves.
Plant #6 had some male flowers when I was wet trimming the buds. I don't know if it was the lighting mistake that may have caused that.
I took pollen from the male outside, and sprinkled it over the last buds left on the plant, and then put them under 18 hours of light to reveg them and get some seeds.
I'm reveging Plants #1, #3 and #7 but will regrow Plant #7 when it is reveged. so I can make clones.
The plants grew well, with big buds, and a good smell, and they get me stoned with a happy up buzz. See the smoke report.
Thanks for looking in.
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7 months ago