Well it’s looking like it’s time to flip these girls are Losing their shit on this run. Huge props to MSNL so far, I mean, we’re talking 8/8 seeds popped, fast healthy growth like nothing I’ve had(and I put these girls through some shit-stripped them down to nothing almost weekly and they just bounce back.
Seriously, if this run continues to go anything like the veg then I’m 100% a believer in MSNL’s quality. They’re hardy, put up with some crazy shit that happened with circuit breakers cutting the lights off early on, a lot of supercropping, defoliation and lollipopping... And you don’t even need to rub the stems for scent... I just walk into the room and it’s like a sweet peppery gas smell. Straight fire.
Catch you guys next week, can’t wait to see some pistils!