What a beautiful strain Orange Hill Special is, nice and bushy, great internodal spacing, sturdy and healthy. Happier and happier with how this grow is going.
The less beautiful parts on top are my doing, my blind as a bat FIM destroyed half the top of the plant. More patience next time...
The super soil is still performing great and I´m pushing up the dimmer to get the ladies used to more light, very carefully because leaves are folding every time.
Some of you might be happy to find my European recipe/shopping list for super soil. I tried to make it with widely offered products throughout Europe.
Feel free to use it and elaborate on it.
If one product is not available in your country, please check the brands at the bottom, which might be available in your country, and substitute.
The only thing one could add to the recipe (which I did but forgot in the shopping list) is some Epsom salt.
Fed them again with my permaculture tea, all seem to flourish and smells are starting to come from the plant, with that same distinct dankiness I had in earlier grows with this tea.
See the germination page and other diaries for more info on my Perma tea.
Now they were big enough, some might even say too big, to start the real training. I always love to give them a little bend the week before, to get used to the idea.
With some sterilized bamboo sticks I pushed the plants down to expose their sexy undersides. Let them become forests of buddy bush.
Thats it for this week! Thanks for following and happy growing!!