The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Flushed her and split the stam due a slow flowering , now she is producing new growth and flowers 😅 is this oke?
Day 37 We started with nutes today Then all day long outdoors From 6AM to 6PM Plus CFL afterwards They rest for 3 hours and then CFL again Btw accidentally snapped one part of one big leave but that okay Since we don't do defoliation on her We guessing it's okay she will recover soon Day 38 Since she's such a queen we wanted to upload a video showing how she starts flowering for the record, thanks a lot You can Always follow me at Instagram @cannagrowersiriuz Also don't forget to add your comment below, it is important to us! We want to learn, any tips, suggestion, more than welcome my friends Happy Growing Day 39 Some mins before installing ScroG Day 40 Wonderful, she's out of there already so huge, full of buds Day 41 she's actually doing great full of buds but those 2 first leaves are a little bit sad looking weird plus those black dots idk and it's turning yellow in between I decided to remove it and well, I'm hoping she's doing well what else I could think of guys any help or concerns? At the end of the day, she's overall healthy and strong Day 42 Time to feed the babies, so we added 900PPM (300ml) floranova grow Followed by 1590ppm (300ml) flora nova bloom to make sure she's got all nutrients balanced well, also added 400ml of plain water after that so they could get a nice run off. I think they're happy and we gonna check on them in a couple days to see how they go, Ph is around 6.2 which is great Temp outdoors from 7-@ 1pm around 25C to 36C Then back indoors Temp is 28C and drop to 22 at night and dawn so they're good and comfortable Keeping humidity lvls around 40/65% top Nice AC and Fan for air circulation Thank you all for your support
Aqui esta mi primer time lapse. No tenia ni idea de como se hacía, así que para lo poco que se, he quedado satisfecho. La cámara no es de calidad, y al ser una cámara deportiva no tiene un buen enfoque tan de cerca. Ahora que la planta se ha espigado he rellenado lo que quedaba de la copa para que gane estabilidad. Intentaré seguir con el time lapse si la vuelta al trabajo me lo permite.
After surviving a wicked thunderstorm last weekend the Devil's still stand tall. I was able to get some branches tied down and everything secured. Tallest girl measures just over 9ft, up above the app will only allow me to enter 118 inches as the most for height when the tallest plant is 126 inches tall. The peak of the greenhouse frame is 8ft. Been having a hard time keeping Monster Bloom in stock so been using slightly less and compensating with Alaska Morobloom 0-10-10. Stepped up the Purpinator a little bit to 1 1/2 tsp, and plan to > as flowering continues. Hopefully in this next week they blow up with calyxes. Was also considering reintroducing my waterproof lights in places to be used during the daytime where light is scarce. On the other hand it's kind of nice having a lower electric bill, haha. HAPPY GROWING TO ALL!
(Week 34)Realized that my plants looked a little phos deficient. BioGrow has plenty so i adjusted my ph back down to 5.8 plants looking allot happier. Using baking soda as ph up, very little needed.
Some light defoliation on Critical.. all girls going great.. raising water volume tho, today was maintence day ! Critical is super thirsty at all !! Loving this crop 👌
I don't plan on doing any topping. Just all low stress training. I think I'll do some topping on my next grow round and compare the 2 grows.
Well I’m pretty excited about this being my first auto grow. These things are really doing awesome I’m pretty impressed I don’t have any experience with them but I feel like they’re all pretty big for their size all of them are really starting to stack up bud. One of the jacks seems to be a few days behind the others in the flowering process. The jacks are both a lot Bashir and flatter the bubblegum and OG a really stretching out nice I love that shape of plant. Soil pH and everything keeps testing good no big issue so far I think one of the plants may have had some small nutrient lockout last week but I flushed it out good. I’ll update this week again soon or maybe not I don’t know thanks for stopping bye be safe ✌️.
Week 4 8/9 - All the girls are still moist so no water today as I'll let them dry out a bit until tomorrow when I'll check them again in the morning. The FastBuds Purple Lemonade and Seedsman Gelato OG girls are ALL getting it done! They are all 8" and bushy as hell! I've been tucking leaves, gently bending branches and doing my daily LST on all the girls to stay on top of them in this stretch before flower. 8/10- Checked the soil on all the ladies and it was very moist down deep, but fairly dry in the top 4" so I gave all the ladies a small drink (1 quart each) of de-chlorinated water ph'd to 6.8 @ 77deg. OMG they are really starting to bush out and stretch now, especially the girls in the Fox Farm/Natures Living Soil Autoflower Concentrate mix, they're literally exploding! FastBuds Purple Lemonade and Seedsman Gelato OG's continue to lead the pack with growth and overall looks although the rest are now looking like they're gonna give them a run for their money! 8/11- No water for the girl's today. Mail Call! The Nematodes arrived today, 10 million of them, goodbye Fungus Gnats!😀 Temp's, RH and VPD all remain on point with day temps running 75-84 deg. and 68-74 deg. during the 5 hour dark period, RH maintaining @ 50-55% (I've been running the humidifier set @55% and I'm adjusting the ph to 6.5 on the water in it as well and the VPD runs from .90 to 1.18. Started a batch of Compost Tea ( 4g de-chlorinated 6.9ph water, 4 cups Worm Castings, 2/3 cup Kelp Meal, 2/3 cup Alfalfa Meal, 1/4 cup Bat Guano, 2 scoops Great White Mycorrhiza, 4 tbsp. Neptune's Harvest Seaweed Extract, 2 tbsp Alaskan Fish Extract and 1/3 cup unsulfured molasses) for the girls breakfast in 2 days. They're all growing like crazy now and the FastBuds Crystal Meth is beginning to flower along with one of the FB Purple Lemonades, the rest shouldn't be far behind. 8/12- Applied the Nematodes to all the girls this morning mixed into 2 gallons of 75 deg de-chlorinated 6.8ph water divided equally among them. I continued with my daily mild LST on all the girls, continuing to spread them out to allow light to reach all parts of the plants. I also cranked up the HLG 650R's to 450 watts each for a total of 900w @ the wall hung @ 36" from the soil. After I eventually have them cranked to max during flower I may drop them slightly depending on how the girls react. 8/13- Compost Tea for breakfast! Fed the girl's 1/2g each through the top with tea (840ppm, 1780EC, 7.6ph @ 81 deg), tucked shade leaves and LST'd where needed. FastBuds Purple Lemonade's and Crystal Meth's are all in flower, still waiting on Seedsman! Growth is phenomenal, girls are healthy looking with the exception of the Seedsman Gelato OG in SOHUM Living Soil - she is getting what appears to be tip burn, I'll be keeping an eye on her. 8/14- Well well...almost the end of Week 4 and I thought it would be prudent to calibrate my Blue Labs Soil PH Pen and TDS/EC Pen, which I did. I then proceeded to check all of the ladies mediums ph and OMG am I glad I did! All of the Natures Living Soil/Happy Frog mixes ph'd between 6.2 and 6.8 which is perfect! The SOHUM Living Soil with the Seedsman Gelato OG in it also had an acceptable ph of 6.4 ----BUT, and I mean a BIG but, the SOHUM Living Soil with the FastBuds Crystal Meth #2 in it had a ph of 5.2-5.4 checked at four places around the pot!...WTF! I double checked everything and same result. The plant looks generally healthy, although not as robust as it's sister in NLS/FF mix. Gonna sleep on this and ponder my next move. The rest of the ladies are on FIRE😍 They are all in flower now with the Seedsman Zkittles the furthest behind and the FastBuds Crystal Meth #1 and both of the Purple Lemonade's are the furthest along so far. No water today as they got a healthy dose of compost tea yesterday but I did do my daily leaf tucking and light LST to keep the light penetration good into the lower bud sites. Speaking of light penetration, I cranked the HLG 650R's up to 450w at the wall each for a total of 900w hitting my girls now and lowered both of the 650R's 4" from 36" to 32" and will see how the ladies respond. 8/15- Well, I slept on what to do with the Crystal Meth #2 in the SOHUM Living Soil with the ACIDIC ph. Today I ran 4 1/2 gallons of de-chlorinated water @ 7.7 ph to try to get some ph back. I measured the ph and PPM/EC of the runoff and more surprises awaited. The runoff had a PH of 4.2, repeat FOUR POINT TWO, 1480 PPM and an EC of 6550 @ 77 deg. I don't know how this girl looks as good as she does considering that she's basically living in ten gallons of between black coffee and tomato juice! I'll check the ph of her medium tomorrow and see where we go from here. I gave all the rest of my girls 1 gallon of de-chlorinated water ph'd to 6.9 @ 76 deg. and defoliated a couple of leaves on the OG's, Zkittles and lightly LST'd everybody, even the girl living in a pot of coffee!...LMAO😂 ONWARD to Week FIVE!!! Whoo Hoo!!!👍💪
Note: Little chem-burn this week. Feed just water for 4 days with correct PH and they jumped back. Was not that bad though. Day 21 on flower!
12/8/20 día 21 de vegetativo Hoy comenzamos el seguimiento de estas nenas de 21 días. Hasta ahora han estado en contenedor de 1l y hoy he transplantado al de 7l que será el definitivo para que no cojan demasiada altura ya que siempre hago vegetativos largos.las pequeñas están muy sanas y fuertes a pesar de que sólo han sido regadas con agua base ( 0,4 ec) y ryzofuel, el enrraizante de Cyco. En el próximo riego comenzaremos a fertilizar suavemente y esperemos que las temperaturas comiencen a bajar ya que por el momento están demasiado altas. Veremos como se adaptan a sus nuevos contenedores. No te pierdas las actualizaciones. 14/8/20 día 23 de vegetativo Nuestras nenas se adaptan bien a su nuevo contenedor, no se observan muchos cambios pero todo sigue avanzando bien. Hacemos un riego preventivo con propolix ya que la botrytis es una amenaza constante en mi zona. El riego será de 0,5l por planta. Las temperaturas y humedad continúan sin cambios por el momento aunque en los próximos días espero que bajen un poco. En cuanto el sustrato esté seco comenzaremos la nutrición con la gama completa de Cyco platinum series que siempre me da grandes resultados (podéis verlos en Instagram en @galiforniaweeds). Seguiré actualizando el diario día si día no, no te lo pierdas, dela tu like y sígueme. Buenos humos y prósperas cosechas!! 16/8/20 día 25 de vegetativo. Las nenas avanzan sin sorpresas. He preparado un riego con los productos Cyco indicados más arriba. Es un riego con una nutrición suave de 0,65 de ec y un ph de 6,1. Las temperaturas rondan los 25 grados durante el día y 22 durante la noche, la humedad se mantiene entre un 60 y un 65%. La mayoría de las nenas han ganado un par de cms estos días, actualizare su altura cada semana En la tabla superior para poder comparar los avances. Dejad vuestros comentarios y likes compis. Buenos humos 18/8/20 día 27 de vegetativo. Buenos días compañeros growers.todo avanza con normalidad en nuestro cultivo, las plantas de fortalecen y crecen día a día hoy hemos echo otro riego con los productos arriba mencionados, con una ec de 0,75 y un ph de 6,2. Las temperaturas han bajado un poco y están donde a mi me gustan, en unos 22,5 durante el día y a unos 20 durante la noche. Por otro lado la humedad está en un 63% con lo que las condiciones son las idóneas para un crecimiento estable. Arriba os he dejado una foto y un vídeo para que comprobéis El Progreso. Buenos humos y prósperas cosechas hermanos
12/8/20 día 21 de vegetativo Hoy comienzo el seguimiento de estas nenas de 21 días de edad. Hoy las he trasplantado a maceta de 7l ( hasta hoy han estado en macetas de 1l) que posiblemente será el contenedor definitivo, ya que será un vegetativo largo y con una nutrición suave como me gustan a mi. Hasta la fecha, las nenas sólo han bebido agua base más el enrraizante de Cyco (ryzofuel) que será la línea de nutrición que utilizaremos durante toda la cosecha. En el próximo riego ya empezaremos a añadir nutrientes de forma suave. Por el momento estamos con temperaturas de 25 grados, una humedad del 62 y regamos con una ec de 0,4 y un ph de 6,1. Actualizaremos varias veces por semana para manteneros informados, no os lo perdais. 14/8/20 día 23 de vegetativo Nuestras nenas se adaptan bien a su nuevo contenedor, no se observan muchos cambios pero todo sigue avanzando bien. Hacemos un riego preventivo con propolix ya que la botrytis es una amenaza constante en mi zona. El riego será de 0,5l por planta. Las temperaturas y humedad continúan sin cambios por el momento aunque en los próximos días espero que bajen un poco. En cuanto el sustrato esté seco comenzaremos la nutrición con la gama completa de Cyco platinum series que siempre me da grandes resultados (podéis verlos en Instagram en @galiforniaweeds). Seguiré actualizando el diario día si día no, no te lo pierdas, dela tu like y sígueme. Buenos humos y prósperas cosechas!! 16/8/20 día 25 de vegetativo. Las nenas avanzan sin sorpresas. He preparado un riego con los productos Cyco indicados más arriba. Es un riego con una nutrición suave de 0,65 de ec y un ph de 6,1. Las temperaturas rondan los 25 grados durante el día y 22 durante la noche, la humedad se mantiene entre un 60 y un 65%. La mayoría de las nenas han ganado un par de cms estos días, actualizare su altura cada semana En la tabla superior para poder comparar los avances. Dejad vuestros comentarios y likes compis. Buenos humos. 18/8/20 día 27 de vegetativo. Buenos días compañeros growers.todo avanza con normalidad en nuestro cultivo, las plantas de fortalecen y crecen día a día hoy hemos echo otro riego con los productos arriba mencionados, con una ec de 0,75 y un ph de 6,2. Las temperaturas han bajado un poco y están donde a mi me gustan, en unos 22,5 durante el día y a unos 20 durante la noche. Por otro lado la humedad está en un 63% con lo que las condiciones son las idóneas para un crecimiento estable. Arriba os he dejado una foto y un vídeo para que comprobéis El Progreso. Buenos humos y prósperas cosechas hermanos