Busted out a new soil analyzer, used it on another plants pot that has been having issues, 7PH. Last weeks transplant and used of PHd 7 water worked and cleared my calcium/magnesium lockout but now causing autoflowers and bagseed to grow a bit more slowly. As far as this SD plant, it's still seeing 6.0-.6.15 steady and that's why this plant is bangin' through early vegetation quickly. I've also caught this problem early with this plant and have gone way down on ferts and water amounts. Each afternoon when this plants fan leaves start to look a bit drab, one full cup of straight RO with a quarter tsp. Maxigrow, let that dissolve, fizzle the water and turn pp yellow, 1.5mL Sweet Raw and 2mL Hydrogurad, stir and add by feeder syringe.
I'm pretty sure soil is fine too as bot lh my soil readers show 6 and 7 respectively on all pots(should be, same soil, same nutes) but you can literally see plants that I've overfed, this SD plantbis not one of them so soil is well buffered. I'm also scrambling to raise the lights to get all 5 plants good top coverage but the more I raise the lights, the more I see nodes and lateral braching stretch. Definitely not an auto or Indica Dominant.
Bought some #2 2.6Gal pots today, will sterilize and coat with copper sulfate and mix up some Ocean Forest with a bit of silica sand, tiny bit of Oak wood ash and also new, Dr. Earths Blood Meal with whats left of my Tree and Nut dry amendments from same company. Have had alot of good results with these mix in or too dress fertilizers, buds are much more dank than when using chemical ferts! I will most likely cut out the maxigro, start using Brier Rabbit Blackstrap Molasses, keep using Floralicious Plus and the Botanicaire line and back with the Alaska Fish Fertilizer, all just in much lighter amounts!! Blood Meal will make this plant HUGE and FAT...just remember...be super skimpy on the amounts used!