Day 121 (Day 1st Week 19) and the lady's buds are very clearly packing on weight. She is ready ready for a PK boost again! But if I really have to tell my opinion, I think she doesn't need more P, she's growing very well. On the other hand, a boost won't hurt. It's a pity the high temperatures of summer, she may be really suffering the heat inside the grow room. Luckily prosilicate may help her (as it seems to be) helping on this heat issue. Of course everyday I inspect buds to put those approaching the lights farther. Led lights are too bright and may bleach the precious buds so proximity to lights is the real problem of this current grow.
Day 124 (24/01/2020) Helaas i found an incipient spider mites infestation, this f*cking plague always makes its way into my grow. Because of spider mites I sotpped growing outside. Really, I do hat these nasty animals and I would eradicate forever if it was in my power. I found a few leaves with inequivocal symptoms of spider mite bites, and in the back of the leaves I saw eggs, nymphs and adult forms. I started treatment with neem oil 5 mL/L applied as soil drench. I'll repeat in 5 days. on the other hand it's fortunate that I have seen them and so I can start treatment soon before they take over the entire plant.
1/5 day for PK boost: 0.5 mL/L Prosilicate + 1mL/L CalMax + 0.6 g/L Bloom fertilizer + 0.2g/L Boost (inflow 530 ppm) pH 5.85 (run off 450 ppm)
Day 125 High temperatures again, with the open tent temp is 29.4 ºC inside... Day 2/5 for PK Boost
Day 126 (26 01 2020) PK Boost day 3/5 inflow 550 ppm, run off 530 pmm
Day 127 (27/01/2020) PK boost dat 4/5, luckily it was a cooler day today , i kept the tento closed, and temperatures did not exceed 29 ºC which I consider "normal" for the summer (but I would like lower temps though)