Seed was put in a glass of water on the 2nd of January 20:00 (8PM). Around 15h later it sunk to the bottom and I transferred it to a wet paper towel inside a zip. Around 51h later (so ~36h inside zip) the seed had not yet opened. I am a little worried, but at the same time not because I've looked up what the pro's say and some of them don't even look at the seed until after the seed has spent at least 48h inside the paper towel. I will be patient and wait for the seed to open. After the seed has opened I will be even more patient and let the root grow for a bit. I have grown 2 of these plants in my lifetime and first time was really good, second time was very bad, and the second time I planted it when the root was ~1mm long. I will not rush things this time. I will also be careful to not let the root grow too long. If I'll have it my way, then I'll be planting this baby tomorrow evening, so in a bit less than 24h from now. If I have to reschedule then it will probably be planted on the 6th of January. Worst case scenario: We have to restart with a new seed. Bless you.
Update 5 Jan 2022 17:29 (05:29 PM): We have a root! The seed has opened ever so slightly and the root has grown more and more during today. I want the root to grow a tiny bit longer before I plant it. I will take another look before bedtime.
Update 5 Jan 2022 20:43 (08:43 PM): Root has not grown much since the last picture, will plant tomorrow.
Update 6 Jan 2022 10:05 (10:05 AM): Will plant later. Root is too short.
Update 6 Jan 2022 15:00 (03:00 PM): Root is still shorter than I had in mind but my patience has ran out and I think it is still a fine length for the seed to do really good. I also have very good soil for her with claimed great amount of nutrients for seedlings. When it gets large enough I will transplant her to a 11L pot. The 11L pot has been filled with more than 11L soil. Probably around 15L.
By the way, the plant has a name, her name is "Satan" but is referred to as a "she".
Update 12 Jan 2022 18:00 (06:00 PM): We have a sprout! I saw the sprout some hours ago. I am sure that I planted the seed quite perfectly in the middle. However, the sprout happened very much to the side. I suspect that there was something in the soil that might blocked the sprout.
So far it looks like we planted Satan on the 6th of January and we got a sprout on the 12th. I will consider Satan to be in germination stage until it grows a little more. Then I will treat it like she's in the vegetative phase.
SUMMARY: Day 1-21 in Satans life has been so wonderful. Not a minute goes by without me feeling euphoric about her. Every day when I wake up I go to the grow-room and tell her good morning. I hold her largest leaf between my thumb and index-fingers to hold leaf (hold hand) and we just hold leaf together for a few seconds while I admire her beauty. She is so absolutely gorgeous and kind and she is also very happy with her environment. I already have another plant in another grow-room which also is a Northern Lights and I have kept a diary of her as well, just not on (everything is kept in a Word-document). This other plant is called Kim, named after Kim Jong-Un. Kim and her diary is going to be utilized as a "roadmap" for Satan, so I should know what to expect and when to expect it. I also did a few mistakes with Kim, such as water too much or let her grow with way too much nitrogen in the air. Satan will instead be the best grow I have ever done - hopefully. I thank you all for reading and joining me on this adventure. Kim and Satan says hello!