Last week of life, she is yellowing the leaves rippening faster than the week before, and
Bad weather is here, during the middle of this week, so it rained hard dirung a couple of days, high RH and even more bugs are trying to eat the plant.... Aphids, flies, ants... They attract each other so what a jungle hahaha
Im giving the plant a H202 bath to get rid of that bugs, they are really annoying hahaha damn fuckers, but they know whats a good therpene profile hahaha, really, if you could smell this plant would intstantly know that is a piece of cake for the bugs :)
Hairs are like 90-100% orange
Buds are covered by a nice layer of resin and THC ^^ Im happy, as my second auto, ended like an homogeneous bush, all buds at the same level, but now i think i should had removed more lower leaves to increase airflow...
Take care boyzzz and girlzzz, and remember, smoke at least one joint a day if its possible hahaha :D