Clean tanks and filters with h2o2+vinegar acid +bleach
Mix fresh nutrient solution with 1.7ml AN connoisseur AB + Silica @ 1% H2o2 - total 30l
Donne one pass off long misting 2m with diluted nutrient solution 0.7EC. Flush buckets with diluted solution
PAR 350 PPFD, VPD 0,8, RH 60-62%, Temp Night-21c, Day-24/25c, Leaf temperature 22c, Light distance 75cm, CO2 650+ppm
340w@75cm distance
45s ON time 15min OFF time
PT-Pressurized tank - PH- 5.9 , EC -1.05, Temp-21c
NT-Nutrient Tank - PH -5.85, EC -1.0, Temp-19c
Topping on all girls, 4 cut par plant
Detailly clean grow room floor, benches and main room floor,
From this week start feeding more, runoff is lower than input
Lower humidity to 58-60%
Girls looking great so far
PAR 380 PPFD, VPD 0.9, RH 58-60%, Temp Night-21c, Day-25c, Leaf temperature 22c, Light distance 75cm, CO2 650+ ppm
360w@75cm distance
NT-Nutrient Tank - PH -5.95, EC -0.9, Temp-19c
Have timer malfunction, watering didn't work for some time, not affected by roots, still wet when realize defect
Replace all filters, great condition so far, no need for changing
After topping girls looking healthy,
PAR 360 PPFD, VPD 0.9, RH 58-60%, Temp Night-21c, Day-25c, Leaf temperature 22c, Light distance 75cm, CO2 650+ ppm
380w@75cm distance
NT-Nutrient Tank - PH -6.02, EC -0.84, Temp-19c
Nutrient strength still drooping, next top-up will be a higher strength, around 1.1EC
PAR 410 PPFD, VPD 0.9, RH 58-60%, Temp Night-21c, Day-25c, Leaf temperature 22c, Light distance 75cm, CO2 650+ ppm
Nutrient Tank - PH -6.04, EC -0.81, Temp-20c
400w@70cm distance
Increasing light intensity slowly every day, Tropicana in center love it, still at the end off day have leaves point up
One Weeding Cheesecake is not so light hangry, it drip every day before light out, but stay up one hour after light is on
Humidifier running less and less time, girls make humidity in room
Again have issue with watering timers (DH48S-S), stop working again, noticed that early so no damage
Will need to invest in better timer for misting, this one is start to malfunction😡
Girls growing fast this week, no problem at all😇 Every day their progress can be seen 😀
Like that girls are almost same height and structure, very uniform growth by any mean👏
Hope differences will be marginal between cultivars, Weeding Cheesecake is taller so far but not much
Tropicana Cookies still have most byshy and tight internodal spacing from all three cultivars
Replace all filters and clean UV-c bulb
PAR 460 PPFD, VPD 0.9, RH 58-60%, Temp Night-21c, Day-25/26c, Leaf temperature 22c, Light distance 70cm, CO2 650+ ppm
Nutrient Tank - PH -6.05, EC -0.86, Temp-22c
Girls start to drink noticeable more water and nutrients, EC drop in tanks by 0.2 in last two days, PH is stabile, going on base side by little
Replace all filters , set Diablo to 440w without changing light height, let it shine 😀
Start to manipulate branches and tucking big fan leaves, recovery from topping is apparent, two new shoots are larger and larger every day
If growth continue with this speed, flowering probably in middle off next week, probably don't want to wait more than that
All girls from same strain looking very similar, really great genetic , very uniform growth and structure
Tropicana still most bushy, Weeding Cheesecake is taller , minor deferences so far
Hot and humid outside condition, thin this year we hit several HIGH Temp Record!
PAR 490 PPFD, VPD 0.9, RH 58-61%, Temp Night-21c, Day-25/26c, Leaf temperature 22c, Light distance 70cm, CO2 650+ ppm
Nutrient Tank - PH -6.07, EC -0.80, Temp-22c