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Start of day 98 ...... January 15 2022 Start of week 14 ........ 72 DAYS INTO FLOWERING 😕 LOOKS LIKE THERE GONNA GO A LITTLE LONGER THEN EXPECTED ? 😕 Gonna be honest , I didn't expect it to go over 85 days but here we are ........ ( I BELEIVE IT HAS ALOT TO DO WITH THE SIZE OF MY GROW MEDIUM , AND THERE HEALTH AS I AM RUNNING 45 LITERS OF SOIL MEDIUM) .... SHE SEEMS TO WANNA RIPEN ON HER TERMS ( OMG THEY SMELLING GREAT ) !!!!!!! Check out the full grow video on latest weekly update Super Exceptional Growth Daily Still adjusting LST when needed and leaf tucking....... Water Only when needed but its drinking more every otherday and adjusting lights when needed...... Rain Water Only ....... ( DAY 26 AND BOTH NL 1 & NL 2 SHOWED PREFLOWERS ) ( DAY 49 AND RESIN PRODUCTION HAS STARTED ) ( DAY 57 , EQUIPMENT FAILURE , main FAN , over heated😡 tripped breaker , reset light timers , lost a DAY, REPLACED new Main Fan 😁 back up running 👌) ( DAY 70 DID ITS FINAL FLUSHING TODAY TO GET RID OF ANY BUILDUP ) ( DAY 77 AND IT SHOWS A SLIGHT DEFICIENCIE MAYBE A CAL/MAG GETTING CLOSE TO END OF LIFE ) IM ALSO DOING VERY LITTLE, SLIGHT DEFOLIATION ( DAY 101 AND ALL IS GOOD , THERE FATTING UP ) DAY 101 .....NL 1 SHOWS SOME CLEAR TO MOSTLY CLOUDY RESIN HEADS , LOOKS LIKE THERES STILL AWAY TO GO😩😩 ....... DAY 101 .....NL 2 SHOWS MOSTLY CLOUDY TO MILKY RESIN HEADS ( 💀 PROBABLY PEAK THC LEVEL 💀 ) , AMBER IS JUST GETTING STARTED , GETTING CLOSE BUT SEEMS MORE TIME NEEDED...... VERY CLOSE ( AS I WANT SOME % OF AMBER 😁 ) I hope you enjoy my growlog... (Who the hell is TropiCannibis Todd😎 Well This is not only my FIRST AUTOFLOWER but my FIRST GROW in over 11-12 Years😳 I Grew from 2002-03 TO 2010-11 , I'm back nahnahnahnahnah , Been a fun grow , learned alot , and it looks like I am gonna have a great harvest with some great smoke....... who new 😁 )
RadicalJuice – Week 4 Update A few days ago, I top-dressed the soil with some homemade organic fertilizer – a mix of worm humus, infected biochar, horn shavings, and a natural universal fertilizer. The plant is responding really well and thriving! 🌿🔥 Unlike my previous hydro grows, where nutrients were directly fed to the plants, this time, the focus is on feeding the microorganisms in the soil. I’m only watering with pure water and letting the soil life provide the nutrients – the goal: the most flavorful cannabis possible! 🍇💎 🚀 Want to be part of the RootJuice community? Send me a message to enter the giveaway! I’ll be selecting a few testers who will receive one liter for free – only shipping costs need to be covered. Testers should share their results here on GrowDiaries! 🙌🔥 --- RadicalJuice – Woche 4 Update Vor ein paar Tagen habe ich die Erde mit etwas selbstgemachtem organischem Dünger aufgefrischt – einer Mischung aus Wurmhumus, infizierter Bio-Kohle, Hornspänen und einem natürlichen Universaldünger. Die Pflanze nimmt das super an und wächst prächtig! 🌿🔥 Im Gegensatz zu meinen vorherigen Hydro-Grows, wo die Nährstoffe direkt zugeführt wurden, liegt hier der Fokus darauf, die Mikroorganismen im Boden zu füttern. Ich gieße ausschließlich mit Wasser und lasse das Bodenleben die Nährstoffe bereitstellen – das Ziel: das geschmackvollste Cannabis überhaupt! 🍇💎 🚀 Wer Teil der RootJuice Community werden will, kann mir eine Nachricht schreiben, um in den Auslosetopf zu kommen! Ich werde bald einige Tester auswählen, die jeweils einen Liter gratis erhalten – lediglich die Versandkosten müssen übernommen werden. Die Tester sollten ihre Erfahrungen hier auf GrowDiaries teilen! 🙌🔥
Both are still growing healthy beautiful buds but like the rest of the tent, they were a little burned this week. I dimmed down the light. That helped with the temperature as well.
She is a little burned so I had to dim down the light intensity. I am almost defoliating everyday but still some bud sides are shadowed. Just following the Greenhouse Feeding Schedule and giving BioEnhancer every 2 weeks.
The runtz are about 45cm start of this week and the tall LCC is 75cm. She is also further into flower, but did not spread out so much in the tent. RAK seems to be very good with high PPFD, for the LCC they need a bit less I can feel.
|They are loooking so good!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGQ5Lx4-Quw Watch the video here!
Both are still growing healthy beautiful buds but like the rest of the tent, they were a little burned this week. I dimmed down the light. That helped with the temperature as well.
9/2/25 Overall I'm delighted with these. 17 weeks grows for me are few & far between. These 2 phenos had 7 weeks in 2L pots. And were put into a 20L pot of coco/pebbles and gives 10-14 days to recover and were flipped. I purposely grew them this shape as I had to make sure I kept them apart if hit with WPM or anything like that. As grows these long, buds this dense. And running a tent with a bunch of mixed grows from done to days into the start of the 12-12 flip. I would have liked to run for another week on a 100w light and high doses of UV but because of such a mixed bag of grows in my tents. Running reds/uv just wasn't even attempted. 10/2 She smells absolutely amazing, buds are super big, sticky & very smelly. They're still mainly hard for the moment. And leaves not even limp. So, I removed the big fan leaves to allow air to move around better. They're hanging behind my 100cm2 tent kept out of UV rays.
small timelapse more comments and good pictures follow up, slowly my eyes are going better and better and I can come back to fully commitment again. Plant 1: Topping and LST done by scrogging Plant 2: Heavy LST on Mainstem and LST done by scrogging Plant 3: smallest plant, done nothing stunted early by a bit to much nutients + water (seed poped 3 days later treated the same because no time). Loads of fun right now with those plants and just for refence guys its JUST a 5Liter pot!!!!
1st Day of Flower 🌼 🌸 🌻 🌹
The last week of vegetation is already ending. Starting from day 60, I switched to a 12/12 hour light regimen.
Buenas compañeros! Por aquí ha habido una lluvia con vientos de más de 120km/h, en mi casa tiro de un árbol unas 6 ramas gigantes, una de 200kg cayó encima de la permanent. Perdí 1/3 de la planta, pero después de unos riegos bien cargados de biobizz (bio heaven una magia) se recuperó en unos pocos días y pudo continúar su flora lo más bien. A partir de la semana que viene comienzo a cosechar, primero las ramas secundarias de más abajo y dejo madurar un tiempo mas todas las colas. Excelente la precision del banco de semillas que dice un tiempo de flora +-70 días, es exactamente eso. Para el próximo post subo fotos de los clones que miden aprox 1.7mts y están empezando flora muy rápido. Buenos humos y buena semana para todos! Hello buddy's! There has been a rain with winds of more than 120km/h here, at my house a tree knocked down about 6 giant branches, one of which weighed 200kg fell on top of the permanent one. I lost 1/3 of the plant, but after a few waterings with lots of biobizz (bio heaven is da bomb Mr White) it recovered in a few days and was able to continue its flowering as well as possible. Starting next week I will start harvesting, first the lower secondary branches and I will let all the colas mature a little longer. The seed bank's precision is excellent, it says a flowering time of +-70 days, that's exactly it. For the next post I will upload photos of the clones that measure approximately 1.7m and are starting to flower very quickly. Good smokes and a good week for everyone
7th week of flower looking nice! Only feeding foop sweetener at 10 ml a gallon to finish up final weeks. 10 ml a gallon comes out 60 ppm nice and light just enough to feed the living soil!
Started off week 2 with heavy defoliation // they took it like champs // they instantly started to fill the space again // back right corner is still a bit behind but the rest of the canopy looks crisp 👌🏼 End of week 2 // kolas starting to form up // currently 27° at 60% // gonna lower the temp to 25 very soon // also collecting the water every day and then water them daily // gonna start using green power phosphor booster in the next week