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Now I started to add some Green sensation for boost. I am still trying to figure out the ratio to give her the right amount of mix woith the extra Nitrogen. But so far everythig is going really good. And she is getting frostier!!😎😍🙏
Hello growers! I want to share some news with you about our second star, Jealousy-2! This girl has been showing something special from the very beginning. Yesterday, we had to tie up her branches as they started bending under the weight of the buds. But despite this, she continues to thrive, and we hope that over these weeks she will become even bigger and stronger. Over the past week, she has been developing normally, and we have been closely monitoring her growth. Her buddies, who were planted a week earlier, were already harvested yesterday, but our Jealousy-2 still has a way to go. We are not rushing and deciding to give her time to become even stronger. Our plan is to let the trichomes become brown by 50% and even more before harvesting her fruits. We are ready to experiment and observe how she develops. This week, we also decided to increase the fertilizer dose from 1500-2000 ppm to 2500 ppm to give our girl an extra energy boost. She looks great - green leaves, no signs of yellowing, and her appearance is impressive. I invite you all to visit us, evaluate our work, like, comment, and ask questions. We are happy to share our experience and communicate with you. See you on our stream!⁶
Gracias al equipo de AnesiaSeeds, Marshydro y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no sería posible 💐 🍁Pink Matcha Slush: es un híbrido con una ligera dominancia índica (60% índica) que ofrece altos niveles de potencia y un aroma increíblemente delicioso. La cepa tiene el subidón perfecto de efectos índica y sativa, y trae consigo una gran potencia que puede dejarte completamente anonadado si no tienes cuidado con la dosis. El subidón es rápido y potente, con una euforia cerebral vertiginosa. Te sientes concentrado, sociable y lleno de energía. Es una planta de crecimiento veloz cuando empieza a florecer, llegando a alcanzar una altura de 100-120cm en interior, las plantas pueden alcanzar hasta 2m de altura en exterior, proporcionando una gran cantidad de rendimiento Los efectos energizantes y el increíblemente alto contenido medio de THC del 31% hacen de Pink Matcha Slush una valiosa variedad terapéutica para su uso contra el estrés crónico, los cambios de humor, la depresión, la fatiga crónica y el TDA/TDAH. 🌻 🚀 Consigue aquí tus semillas: 💡 Mars Hydro TS 3000, como la lámpara de cultivo LED más grande de la serie TS, ofrece suficiente cobertura para un área de 4 × 4 pies con un precio asequible y rendimientos de calidad; a cambio, se puede aplicar tanto al cultivo doméstico como al cultivo comercial. Potencia - 450w Cobertura Vegetal – 5×5 pies Cobertura de flores - 4 × 4 pies La opción abrumadora para la mayoría de los productores que la aplican en tiendas de campaña. Consigue aqui tu lámpara: 📆 Semana 10: Última semana de esta maravilla de la naturaleza, ha quedado limpia y con unos cogollos duros y llenos de resina. Defoliacion para una mejor penetración de la luz en la parte baja de la planta. Una semana de lavado de raiz a base de agua de manantial y al secadero.
Gracias al equipo de Sweet Seeds, MarshHydro y XpertNutrients, sin ellos esto no seria posible 💐 🍁 Purple Punch OG: variedad resultante de la hibridación entre un clon élite de Purple Punch (Larry OG x Grand Daddy Purple) y un clon élite de Star Killer (Skywalker OG Kush x Rare Dankness #2). Dos genéticas campeonas de reconocido prestigio en la escena cannábica internacional. Variedad principalmente índica, de estructura compacta, con un gran cogollo principal y robustas ramas laterales. Produce cogollos densos cubiertos de abundante resina muy aromática. La producción de terpenos es muy alta, muy apropiada para la extracción de concentrados. Debido a su ancestro Grand Daddy Purple, algunos individuos pueden mostrar tonos morados o rojizos en flores y hojas. El aroma y sabor es delicioso y complejo, dulce y afrutado, con tonos OG Kush muy especiados y pinceladas de limón. El efecto es intenso y relajante. 🌻 🚀 Consigue aquí tus semillas: 💡 Mars Hydro TS 3000, como la lámpara de cultivo LED más grande de la serie TS, ofrece suficiente cobertura para un área de 4 × 4 pies con un precio asequible y rendimientos de calidad; a cambio, se puede aplicar tanto al cultivo doméstico como al cultivo comercial. Potencia - 450w Cobertura Vegetal – 5×5 pies Cobertura de flores - 4 × 4 pies La opción abrumadora para la mayoría de los productores que la aplican en tiendas de campaña. Consigue aqui tu lámpara: 📆 Semana 10: Última semana de esta maravilla de la naturaleza, ha quedado limpia y con unos cogollos duros y llenos de resina. Los colores son admirables, tonos morados, grisaceos y el contraste blanco de la resina es impresionante Defoliacion para una mejor penetración de la luz en la parte baja de la planta. Una semana de lavado de raiz a base de agua de manantial y al secadero.
Hola amigo! Nuevo diario de comienzo por aquí! Esta vez tenemos la cepa de GB Strains NewGlue, una híbrido S1 entre dos cortes premium de GG#4 😍 💐 Día 23 de febrero: Semillas 24 hs en vaso de agua de manantial con peróxido de hidrógeno a 22 C⁰ Día 24 de febrero: siembra directa en suelo vivo con Light mix de la marca GB nutrients y micorrizas Mykos Pack. (Sustrato previamente regado durante dos semanas para establecer vida y mejorar la adaptación) (Manta térmica permanente) Día 27 de febrero: los dos brotes aparecieron a mismo tiempo! Brotes cubiertos bajo vaso plástico para retener la humedad relativa y así favorecer la producción de raíces. Día 3 de marzo: las plántulas se establecen correctamente y se dejan al aire directo. Humedad relativa del 80% 5+5-. Esto es todo por ahora amigos, el sustrato estaba bien húmedo a la hora de la siembra y regaremos según sea necesario para mejorar la producción de raíces. Un nuevo juego comienza de la mano de la línea completa de GB! GB NUTRIENTS GB SEEDS Un saludo enorme a todos y les deseo éxito en su camino. Keep It IRIE
Gracias al equipo de Zamnesia Seeds y MarshHydro, sin ellos esto no seria posible. 🍁 💐 La Biscotti es un cruce de la South Florida OG y la Gelato, y contiene un 22-25% de THC, suficiente para colocar tu cuerpo de la cabeza a los pies. El perfil genético de esta planta es 80% índica y 20% sativa, y produce un efecto que promueve la relajación y la creatividad al mismo tiempo. Podrás coger tus tijeras y empezar a cosecharla tras unas 8-9 semanas de floración en interior. Sus plantas son robustas y vigorosas, y crecen bien tanto en exterior como en interior. Al aire libre, son capaces de llegar a los 130-170cm, y producen unos 800g por planta de excelente hierba en octubre. La Biscotti es sin duda una de las variedades más deliciosas de Zamnesia ya que ofrece un aroma a galletas de vainilla y miel, con un clásico trasfondo de combustible 🌻 🚀 Consigue aquí tus semillas: 💡 Mars Hydro TS 3000, como la lámpara de cultivo LED más grande de la serie TS, ofrece suficiente cobertura para un área de 4 × 4 pies con un precio asequible y rendimientos de calidad; a cambio, se puede aplicar tanto al cultivo doméstico como al cultivo comercial. Potencia - 450w Cobertura Vegetal – 5×5 pies Cobertura de flores - 4 × 4 pies La opción abrumadora para la mayoría de los productores que la aplican en tiendas de campaña. Consigue aqui tu lámpara: 📆 Semana 10: Última semana de esta maravilla de la naturaleza, ha quedado limpia y con unos cogollos duros y llenos de resina. Defoliacion para una mejor penetración de la luz en la parte baja de la planta. Una semana de lavado de raiz a base de agua de manantial y al secadero
Estamos en la última semana para dos de las cuatro variedades, así que a partir de este momento, eliminamos Bio Flores. Añadiremos al bidón de riego Canna Flush, que nos va a ayudar a lavar bien nuestras raíces, eliminando restos de sales y nutrientes. Buscamos que las plantas gasten sus reservas de las hojas, que poco a poco veremos como pierden verdor, eliminando clorofila, sobre todo las más bajas. Canna Flush - 20ml por cada 10 litros de agua. Bajamos la potencia de nuestros balastros a 600w.
Hello Growmies, Entering the sixth week of flowering with our vibrant Watermelon Candy F1 Hybrids by Zamnesia, it's evident that our decision to opt for low-stress training over topping is yielding fruitful results. The plants have gracefully embraced the SCROG network, with a well-distributed canopy that's maximizing both light absorption and airflow, fundamental factors for their sustained well-being. The Watermelon Candy's display of luscious green foliage and resilient stems is a clear indicator of their prosperous journey through the vegetative stage and into flowering. The environment within the tent has been fine-tuned to near perfection during the daylight hours thanks to the Tent-X system. The Prima Klima EC blue fan's anticipated arrival next week is expected to iron out the nighttime VPD inconsistencies, ensuring a consistently optimal environment for the critical flowering stage ahead. Despite being introduced a week later than their tent companions, these F1s are displaying a remarkable growth spurt, currently about 10-14 days ahead in development compared to the photoperiod strains sharing their habitat. It's a testament to their vigorous genetics and the efficacy of our environmental controls and nutrient regimen. The weekly feed includes a meticulously measured concoction of Alga Bloom, Sugar Royal, Power Roots, and Orca, administered every four days to sustain their accelerated growth. We've encountered our fair share of challenges with equipment integration, but it's the resilient spirit of these Watermelon Candy plants that keeps us motivated. Their rapid development and the advent of dense floral sites suggest we're on the path to an abundant harvest. In the latest images, you can see the substantial pre-flower stretch, with plants #2 and #3 particularly standing out with their robust stature and symmetrical growth. It's a joy to witness the fruits of our labor coming to such a vivid life. As we adjust our PPFD levels from 250-350 to a more intense 450-500, we're steering our lush green sea towards a future of dense, resinous buds, all while ensuring our environmental parameters are tightly regulated. The TrolMaster's data logs reveal our success in maintaining VPD within range, with occasional deviations promptly corrected—often just a matter of fine-tuning our fan settings between day and night cycles. Our community's wisdom has been invaluable, and we look forward to more shared experiences as these F1s reach their full potential. Stay lifted, Salokin
Hello Growmies, Entering the sixth week of flowering with our vibrant Watermelon Candy F1 Hybrids by Zamnesia, it's evident that our decision to opt for low-stress training over topping is yielding fruitful results. The plants have gracefully embraced the SCROG network, with a well-distributed canopy that's maximizing both light absorption and airflow, fundamental factors for their sustained well-being. The Watermelon Candy's display of luscious green foliage and resilient stems is a clear indicator of their prosperous journey through the vegetative stage and into flowering. The environment within the tent has been fine-tuned to near perfection during the daylight hours thanks to the Tent-X system. The Prima Klima EC blue fan's anticipated arrival next week is expected to iron out the nighttime VPD inconsistencies, ensuring a consistently optimal environment for the critical flowering stage ahead. Despite being introduced a week later than their tent companions, these F1s are displaying a remarkable growth spurt, currently about 10-14 days ahead in development compared to the photoperiod strains sharing their habitat. It's a testament to their vigorous genetics and the efficacy of our environmental controls and nutrient regimen. The weekly feed includes a meticulously measured concoction of Alga Bloom, Sugar Royal, Power Roots, and Orca, administered every four days to sustain their accelerated growth. We've encountered our fair share of challenges with equipment integration, but it's the resilient spirit of these Watermelon Candy plants that keeps us motivated. Their rapid development and the advent of dense floral sites suggest we're on the path to an abundant harvest. In the latest images, you can see the substantial pre-flower stretch, with plants #2 and #3 particularly standing out with their robust stature and symmetrical growth. It's a joy to witness the fruits of our labor coming to such a vivid life. As we adjust our PPFD levels from 250-350 to a more intense 450-500, we're steering our lush green sea towards a future of dense, resinous buds, all while ensuring our environmental parameters are tightly regulated. The TrolMaster's data logs reveal our success in maintaining VPD within range, with occasional deviations promptly corrected—often just a matter of fine-tuning our fan settings between day and night cycles. Our community's wisdom has been invaluable, and we look forward to more shared experiences as these F1s reach their full potential. Stay lifted, Salokin
Estamos en la última semana para dos de las cuatro variedades, así que a partir de este momento, eliminamos Bio Flores. Añadiremos al bidón de riego Canna Flush, que nos va a ayudar a lavar bien nuestras raíces, eliminando restos de sales y nutrientes. Buscamos que las plantas gasten sus reservas de las hojas, que poco a poco veremos como pierden verdor, eliminando clorofila, sobre todo las más bajas. Canna Flush - 20ml por cada 10 litros de agua. Bajamos la potencia de nuestros balastros a 600w.
Estamos en la última semana para dos de las cuatro variedades, así que a partir de este momento, eliminamos Bio Flores. Añadiremos al bidón de riego Canna Flush, que nos va a ayudar a lavar bien nuestras raíces, eliminando restos de sales y nutrientes. Buscamos que las plantas gasten sus reservas de las hojas, que poco a poco veremos como pierden verdor, eliminando clorofila, sobre todo las más bajas. Canna Flush - 20ml por cada 10 litros de agua. Bajamos la potencia de nuestros balastros a 600w.
Another week of blooming for the HighCloudz and the buds are growing well. The top leafs are not looking too good because of the excess nitrogen, but the new leafs are healthy again. I'm glad it didn't slow down the flowering and I'm extra careful from now on to not overfeed her. The smell on this plant is amazing! It's sour/lemon and very spicy, almost like fresh ground pepper. I never grown a plant with this terpene profile before and I'm already looking forward to the smoke report :) The smaller plants have the same aroma, with a hint of candy. Not much more to say for now, my plan is to give her the peace and quiet to grow some beautiful flowers ☘️✌️ Stay tuned for more updates and pics later this week!
Raspberry Ripple #1 and #2 (Flowering Plants)- This week, I believe the stretch pre-flower phase is over for both of these Phenos! They are now begining to really stack on those nugs. Number 1 has been on its same purple kick and appears to be purple to it's core! Both Phenos are showing long pistils hairs and have already began to build some trichome shelves! #1 still prays very hard daily, while #2 holds its leaves upright but not over a flat plane ever. I gave another 1/4 cup of build a flower to each plant, and a 1/4 tsp of TM-7 today. Today I went through and defoliated some stray leaves and really underdeveloped branches. The smells while I was doing this, were fantastic; like a smarties or sweet tart candy, but not runtzy it's very hard to describe. Definitely excited for the upcoming weeks! I'll be pushing the lights to 100% this week, pulling 400w from the wall for the stacking/bulking weeks! Raspberry Ripple #1 and #2 (Clones)- This week the #2 clones were topped, so now all the clones in the tent have been topped once. The branch growth has improved and they took it well! The weather is getting warmer, so keeping the tent well ventilated is key. I did notice a few springtails walking along the edge of one of my pots today, so I plan to treat this with Wettable Sulfur tonight. I have read these are not the worst pest to have by any means, but you definitely want to keep the population under control at the least! I went ahead and put one of the #1 clones back in the mini tent to make some space in the 55 inch. It was starting to get a little crowded. I'm hoping these clones don't have any genetic drift and I can preserve these genetics for runs to come! Catch you Next Week, Happy growing and thanks for checking on my grow -StarFish
Why hello, if you are still here thank you for the love & support. I cant believe we are already on the start to week 3 of bloom! This lady here has been streching the last 2 weeks! During the first week of bloom I gave her nutrients with both bloom a & b as well with bud candy! Then water in betwen watering. Shes been needing watered everyday in this 10 Gallon pot! So im very careful with the nutrients and keeping a close eye on her! Ive also used dried coconut powder with irrarated, ph balanced water. To help the roots absorb the nutrients and really up take! Im beyond ready to see what week 3 brings us! Ive been behind on defoilation only taking about 3 to 5 leafs a day just to try to get other coals light! If you have any question feel free to ask! Much lovee lets go guava!!!
En 2do video se encuentran, MPK #1 #2 y Og cream x gg #1 y Og cream Feno seleccionado. 1/03/24
En 2do video se encuentran, MPK #1 #2 y Og cream x gg #1 y Og cream Feno seleccionado. 1/03/24
Gracias a @James, Royal Queen Seeds y MarshHydro sin ellos no sería posible hacer este diario. La Tropical Mirage es la última creación de los maestros de la cría de Royal Queen Seeds. Trabajando mano a mano con el DJ y productor Henry Saiz, nuestro equipo se propuso crear una variedad que sirviera como chispa de inspiración para las personas creativas de cualquier ámbito de la vida. Y ahora, por fin podemos presentar el resultado. La Tropical Mirage desciende de la todopoderosa Zkittlez, uno de los híbridos más populares del mundo. Es el resultado de un cruce entre un esqueje seleccionado de la Forbidden Zkittlez y la Melonade, y es afrutada, edificante e inspiradora. Sus flores densas, alargadas y resinosas desprenden intensos aromas y ejercen un subidón energizante capaz de impulsar cualquier proyecto creativo, desde la música y las artes visuales hasta la escritura, el baile y mucho más. En el cuarto de cultivo, la Tropical Mirage es rápida, fiable y muy productiva. Con una serie de cuidados básicos, esta variedad tan resistente te dará suficientes cogollos para mantener tu flujo creativo en acción durante todo el año. 🌻 🚀 Consigue aquí tus semillas: 💡 Mars Hydro TS 3000, como la lámpara de cultivo LED más grande de la serie TS, ofrece suficiente cobertura para un área de 4 × 4 pies con un precio asequible y rendimientos de calidad; a cambio, se puede aplicar tanto al cultivo doméstico como al cultivo comercial. Potencia - 450w Cobertura Vegetal – 5×5 pies Cobertura de flores - 4 × 4 pies La opción abrumadora para la mayoría de los productores que la aplican en tiendas de campaña. Consigue aqui tu lámpara: 📆 Semana 10: Última semana de esta maravilla de la naturaleza, ha quedado limpia y con unos cogollos duros y llenos de resina. Defoliacion para una mejor penetración de la luz en la parte baja de la planta. Ultimos riegos con nutrientes
New week, new growth.. Will hopefully start the LST and Topping in a few days. They are really starting to grow. Fan leaves looking healthy and big. Girls coming with vigorous growth now, everything dialled in and happy. Just adjusting the EC/pH as needed when the girls show me the relevant signs/deficiencies if any. D31/D35- Decided they were in a good enough place to start topping the girls, all 6 topped and just some defoliation of the bigger fan leaves that are shading the growth shoots some HST was also done. We were also due a water change, so I cleaned the whole system just to keep things extra cleanly, very important in a RDWC system. I also switched over to a sterile system instead of using beneficial bacteria so I will experiment and see how this goes. Time to let the girls ecover before the next training session. Cruise control for now.