Let's talk about our Jealousy girls from Zamnesia Seeds. We have one Jealousy (1) at 15 weeks and another Jealousy (2) at 14 weeks. Jealousy (1), nicknamed 'the first,' has been on a water-only regimen for two weeks now. For the past three days, instead of regular watering, we've been adding ice to her pot to give her a little stress. Meanwhile, Jealousy (2), or 'the second,' is still enjoying her nutrient diet with TDS at 1800 ppm and pH at 6.2. However, Jealousy (1) has started showing signs of yellowing leaves and around 30% of her trichomes have turned brown. We're planning to harvest Jealousy (1) by the end of the week on March 3, 2024. As for Jealousy (2), she's still growing strong!