I prepped WW#2 for more good flush and a haircut. She'll have one more day in the sun, then it's a dark day and the axe. She's got a few resin leaks that I can't quite get a good picture of..looks like a drop of oil oozing out of a calyx. Makes my mouth water...
Seedlings are doing well. I transplanted two of them into tall 5 gal pots and they are doing fine.
EM#2 will get another nutrient douche along with EM#3 and both Candy Canes tomorrow. I'm thinking that might also be CC#1's last taste of nutes. An interesting thing about CC#2 is that while her trichromes are pretty much all cloudy and/or amber, the majority of her stigmas aren't withered...I haven't seen that before, but I've never really grown any indica genetics before this grow. CC#1 is delightfully redhaired.
I jarred up WW#1 into 3 x quart jars, EM#4 into 4 x quart jars, and EM#1 into 4 pint jars (barely). Bought more quart jars later today and will rejar EM#1 tomorrow
I did the harvest report on WW#1, EM#1, and EM#4 today. EM#4 is now is 3 x quart jars.
I harvested WW#2 today...yowsa! (see pics)
I mixed up a batch of nutes for EM#3, but after a close look at everybody, I decided to start flushing CC#1, CC#2..they are both suddenly ready. 15-20% amber trichromes. They'll get a few more days in the sun before meeting their maker.
I flushed EM#2 again. I'm gonna harvest her tomorrow. She's at about 25% amber trichs today! Really oozing the good stuff..
(queue Metallica's 'Harvester of Sorrow'..)
WW#2 got the axe today and thoroughly saturated the air with her odoriferous emanations. A wondrous bouquet!
The big tent is getting empty, so I rearranged the remaining girls for optimized PAR and spectra. I really need those seedlings and clones to hurry the phuk up.
WW#2 is drying nice and slow in the top basket and EM#2 is now right below her in the second basket.
CC#1 will be in the basket below them tomorrow...she's ready.
CC#2 will also be drying in the next day or two after that.
That will leave EM#3 (Bush Bitch) as the last remaining original member of this crop. Besides her, there's the Pineapple Express gift from my other diary and that's it for my bloomers.
As I said before, I sure wish I had taken the fine print more seriously and believed that they'd really finish so quickly. I should have started these seedlings at least 2 weeks earlier...
I harvested both CC's today. They couldn't be more ripe. 68 days from seed...impressive. I just wish they had packed on a little more size in the first few weeks so that these super-sugary buds were bigger. This stuff is far more sticky and stiNky than the WW or the EM, but I'll be lucky to get 2 ounces from each of them. When you factor that in with the fact that I only got 3 of 7 to grow (one in current batch of seedlings), the taste/effect will have to be completely off the charts for me to even consider ever ordering any more of them.
I recharged 50gals of soil and have it cooking up now
I gave Bush Bitch some water and will give her nutes on Friday.
The video I added today is the total harvested bud for this grow, minus EM#3/Bush Bitch...I'm betting she'll be 4 quart jars by herself.
From right to left, it's:
3 x 1-quart jars of EM#4, 2 x 1-quart jars of EM#1, the 2 purple lidded 1-quart jars are CC#1, and the tall 2-quart jar between them is CC#2...the two red lidded 1-quart jars are WW#1, the 2.5 gallon jar is WW#2, and the 1.5 gal jar is EM#2.
WW#2 was dry and went into 3 x 1-quart jars. She weighed 90g..not too bad.
EM#2 is still in the biggest jar with the lid off and some bovedas.
CC#1 was about 70% dry so I put it into a big jar with some bovedas and the lid open, branches intact.
CC#2 was mostly dry except for her main cola. She went into a big jar after the photo shoot with the lid off and some bovedas.
I feel so stupid..I had my diary listed with "published wattage" rather than actual draw wattage.
My actual wattage drawn during flowering:
2000w Morsen blurple: 463w
2 x 100w Cree CXB3590: 108w
2 x 100w Citizen Clu048: 108w
4 x 12w Miracle LED: 48w
2 x 36w Higrow Deep Red LED: 48w
2 x 54w ABI Deep Red LED: 52w
3 x 1m strip LED below canopy: 27w
2 x 15.0 26w UVB: 52w
1 x 20w 3000k par38 spot: 20w
926w draw at the wall