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Day 29 50%/50% veg & flower nutes. 2Tbl of worm castings and a pinch of Azoz. Top dressed, watered it in at 6.3PH, leaf tucked, and gave her a Neem Oil top drench. Lights on 80% (320w). Day 30 NY Diesel Auto #3 got a pony tail so her under growth can catch up. Light watering including Fish Sh!t, to start consuming the amended nutes (both plants). Tucked a few leaves. NY Diesel Auto #2 has slight taco leaves at the top. Dialed the light back to 75%. Will reassess in 48 hours. Day 31 NYD#2 is funky!!!😤💨 Day 33 NYD#2 Had a 2" growth spurt. When the lights come back on, I'm going to LST the branches and crank the light to 90%. NYD#3 is bushing underneath main. She's almost outgrown the pony tail. Need to figure out how to handle the growth (LST, defoliation, tucking).
solo me fui dos días de la casa y cuando llegue así estaba, va muy bien su crecimiento Bueno como ven e ido podando las hojas bajas para que pueda coger más luz su tallo, ahora mismo la tengo en un indoor casero que tengo por qué el clima está muy lluvioso
Bienvenidos cultivadores de marihuana clandestinos y también a los que tienen la fortuna de no serlo!🖐️👨‍🌾 Bien, bien, esta cepa va muy bien, siete semanas de vida y uno desde el paso a floración, buen consumo de agua y compactación, gran fortaleza en tallo y ramas, todas las cepas sativas que cultivo esta temporada me parecen que crecen lento, pero queda mucho por delante.🤸‍♂️🕺 Para combatir el gran aumento de la humedad relativa y la aparición de hongos, en el periodo de oscuridad estoy reuniendo los once cultivos actuales en una habitación con un des-humificador, manteniendo una humedad relativa durante ese periodo, alrededor del 55-60%. Mañana voy a hacer una aplicación foliar con azufre soluble para las plantas jóvenes, y para otras dos que tengo comenzando la floración voy a aplicar cola de caballo foliar, para prevenir oídio con ambos productos. También, esta semana de días muy nublados, mantengo todas las plantas con 12h de luz interior, si vuelven días soleados, volveré a sacar mis plantas un par de horas a tomar, la gratuita e inimitable luz de sol. • DATOS: 👨‍⚖️🤷‍♀️ Cultivo clandestino de marihuana en el norte de España 🌼 Maceta air-pot de 6l. 🌍 Sustrato personalizado con minerales y etc... ver la composición en la cuarta semana de este diario. 💡 Luces ViparSpectra P1000 al 60% de potencia a una distancia media de 15cm. 🌞💡 Horario mixto: 10h en interior y 10h en exterior. 🏠 Carpa de cultivo compartida con otras 4 plantas sativa: 60x60x140cm. 🥗 Nutrición soluble 3M, hecha en casa con Materia orgánica, Minerales y Microbiología. ========================= • CON TU PERMISO, ME REBELO... 💃👨‍🌾 En el jardín mojado por la lluvia Sin Gurú, sin Método, sin Maestro Solo tú y yo, la naturaleza y el espíritu santo Sin Gurú, sin Método, sin Maestro Séptima semana desde que comencé la nueva temporada de cultivos, después de un breve descanso, una semana donde me cuestiono, una vez más, el sentido de estos diarios semanales en GD... Después de más de dos años publicando mis cultivos orgánicos, aprendiendo, compartiendo, incansable, conocimiento, fórmulas y técnicas, escribiendo desde la emoción y la euforia del eterno aprendiz, sin apología, intentando al tiempo, amenizar con mis anti héroes y memes, perdedores que han tenido la oportunidad de expresarse con libertad, tal vez, porque yo soy uno de ellos, o todos! 👨‍🚀... todo bien! ha sido divertido y me ha permitido estructurar mejor mi experiencia... pero estoy cansado!! La deriva que observo en GD no me gusta, el esfuerzo gozado antes, se ha convertido poco a poco, para mi, en vano y fútil, yo he buscado el conocimiento y compartirlo... ¿Hay alguien ahí?, he mantenido la independencia frente la industria del fertilizante soluble, orgánico o de síntesis química, y sus tablas predeterminadas de nutrición, me he resistido a algunos patrocinios... porque, algunos, piden más de lo que dan!😯 y ahora me encuentro como Simón en el desierto, pero, aun así, prefiero mantener mis diarios de cultivo limpios y libres de polvo y paja... ser o tener!! Hay una tendencia, o mejor, carrera por los "me gusta", en la que yo también he participado, que mayormente está relacionado con los patrocinios, y también con aquellos, que a falta de otras cosas, quieren ganarse el cielo en GD... ¿Cuántos gurús habrá el mes que viene?... y el próximo? Habitualmente, recibo "me gusta" de desconocidos, a viejos comentarios de aquí y de allá, también mensajes amables en mis diarios de cultivo, pero serializados la mayoría, obviando cualquier contexto... todos a la espera de reciprocidad, y así me he comportado hasta ahora con este asunto, pero observo que esto lleva a una pérdida de autenticidad y hasta una perversión del sistema, porque creo que el interés ya no pasa por los diarios de cultivo. Yo por mi parte, no voy a devolver ningún "me gusta" descontextualizado o sistematizado, sea en mis diarios o fuera de ellos, agradezco y animo la comunicación entre cultivadores, y yo estoy siempre abierto, con entusiasmo, a compartir mi experiencia con quien lo desee. En cuanto a mis diarios de cultivo, voy a ser mas críptico, a ver si consigo rescatar algo de tiempo y energía para hacer otras cosas y acabar los diarios de cultivo en curso. Esto es todo por hoy... SALUD CULTIVADORES!! 🖐️👨‍🌾🌞 ================================= 🙄☮️👇🙏👌🤛👍👉👉👉❤️💜❤️👈👈👈🤜👌🙏👇☮️🤩🖐️🏻 =================================
I’ve been dealing with fungus gnats. Sounds like a common problem I layer the ground with perlite and heavily put diatomaceous on top let it sit for two days vacuum the top layer off and repeat. Twice got all of them I can see and back to a regular feeding schedule daily. I have yellow fly traps I’m gonna put on the soil to help keep them down. I’m going to get a drip system. So there isn’t much saturated soil on the top for them to breed . To prevent this next grow
Неделю держал на воде,промывал.сегодня первый раз на цвет пролил.
Info: Unfortunately, I had to find out that my account is used for fake pages in social media. I am only active here on growdiaries. I am not on facebook instagram twitter etc All accounts except this one are fake. Flowering day 29 since time change to 12/12 h. Hey guys :-) . The lady is developing very nicely. The buds start to grow. This week it was poured twice with 1.2 l each (sewing materials, see table above). As always, the tent was cleaned and the plants checked for health. Have fun with the update. Stay healthy 🙏🏻 A thank you for this wonderful strain goes out to Herzog and the Exotic Seeds team You can buy this Nutrients at : With the discount code: Made_in_Germany you get a discount of 15% on all products from an order value of 100 euros. You can buy this Strain at : Type: Herz Og ☝️🏼 Genetics: Larry OG X Kosher Kush Indica 60 % / Sativa 40 % 👍 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow Led Quantum Board 100 W 💡 Bloom Lamp : 2 x Todogrow Led Cxb 3590 COB 3500 K 205W 💡💡☝️🏼 Soil : Canna Coco Professional + ☝️🏼 Nutrients : Green Buzz Liquids : Organic Grow Liquid Organic Bloom Liquid Organic more PK More Roots Fast Buds Humic Acid Plus Growzyme Big Fruits Clean Fruits Cal / Mag Organic Ph - Pulver ☝️🏼🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.8 - 6.4
Info: Unfortunately, I had to find out that my account is used for fake pages in social media. I am only active here on growdiaries. I am not on facebook instagram twitter etc All accounts except this one are fake. Flowering day 29 since time change to 12/12 h. Hey guys :-) . The lady is developing very nicely. The buds start to grow. This week it was poured twice with 1.2 l each (sewing materials, see table above). As always, the tent was cleaned and the plants checked for health. Have fun with the update. Stay healthy 🙏🏻 You can buy this Nutrients at : With the discount code: Made_in_Germany you get a discount of 15% on all products from an order value of 100 euros. You can buy This Strain at : ☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼 Strain Gelato clone from mother (Zamnesia ) ☝️ Genetics: Wedding Cake x Gelato x Gelato 33 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow Led Quantum Board 100 W 💡 Bloom Lamp : 2 x Todogrow Led Cxb 3590 COB 3500 K 205W 💡💡☝️🏼 Soil : Canna Coco Professional + ☝️🏼 Nutrients : Green Buzz Liquids : Organic Grow Liquid Organic Bloom Liquid Organic more PK More Roots Fast Buds Humic Acid Plus Growzyme Big Fruits Clean Fruits Cal / Mag Organic Ph - Pulver ☝️🏼🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.8 - 6.4
It went, very well, I am writing while I am harvesting, next week the precise data today the photos of the last day on Mother Earth. Dear Tropicanna, It was an honor to grow you and as the other times we had met you you were great, you didn't give us any difficulties and you lent yourself to our care and we sincerely loved you, as every time we sorry to cut you, sorry. I just cleaned all the large sundeck leaves without or with little resin and I am going to do some pictures still on the clean plant to see better a bit. Bloomed exactly in six weekly as declared as usual congratulations to Sweet Seeds, with these rapid flowering plants gives you something before, the grass ends quickly and therefore you have to replace it and the F1 are always the first to be consumed, C 'It's a certain relationship. It lends itself perfectly to the topping, I would never do it straight it like a waste. Our 16-peak topping makes it make it greatly with all in all a month and a week of veg. We love it and redo you soon, indeed we recommend to all Sweet Seeds for the F1 Super Quick. The high-penetration Marshydro lamps have done the rest. LIGHT >> MARSHYDRO SP3000 AT 100% OF POWER. CHECK IG >> Buy >> GD >> #Marsyear
Info: Unfortunately, I had to find out that my account is used for fake pages in social media. I am only active here on growdiaries. I am not on facebook instagram twitter etc All accounts except this one are fake. Flowering day 29 since time change to 12/12 h. Hey guys :-) . The lady is developing very nicely. The buds start to grow. This week it was poured twice with 1.2 l each (sewing materials, see table above). As always, the tent was cleaned and the plants checked for health. Have fun with the update. Stay healthy 🙏🏻 You can buy this Nutrients at : With the discount code: Made_in_Germany you get a discount of 15% on all products from an order value of 100 euros. You can buy this Strain at : Type: Banana ☝️🏼 Genetics: OG Kush x unkown 👍 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow Led Quantum Board 100 W 💡 Bloom Lamp : 2 x Todogrow Led Cxb 3590 COB 3500 K 205W 💡💡☝️🏼 Soil : Canna Coco Professional + ☝️🏼 Nutrients : Green Buzz Liquids : Organic Grow Liquid Organic Bloom Liquid Organic more PK More Roots Fast Buds Humic Acid Plus Growzyme Big Fruits Clean Fruits Cal / Mag Organic Ph - Pulver ☝️🏼🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.8 - 6.4
Info: Unfortunately, I had to find out that my account is used for fake pages in social media. I am only active here on growdiaries. I am not on facebook instagram twitter etc All accounts except this one are fake. Flowering day 43 since time change to 12/12 h. Hey guys :-) The buds are developing really well :-). They slowly get thicker and thicker and smell better and better the closer we get to the end :-). She has completely stopped the stretch in order to transport the remaining energy into the buds 👍. This week it was poured 3 times with 1 l each time (See table above for nutrient addition). In the coming weeks, the nutrients will be reduced more and more. The tent was cleaned and everything checked. Fresh osmosis water has been treated for the past few weeks. have fun with the update. Stay healthy 🙏🏻 You can buy this Nutrients at : With the discount code: Made_in_Germany you get a discount of 15% on all products from an order value of 100 euros. You can buy this Strain at Type: Super Silver Haze ☝️🏼 Genetics: Haze x Skunk #1 x Northern Lights Type: 70% Sativa – 30% Indica 👍 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow Led Quantum Board 100 W 💡 Bloom Lamp : 2 x Todogrow Led Cxb 3590 COB 3500 K 205W 💡💡☝️🏼 Soil : Canna Coco Professional + ☝️🏼 Nutrients : Green Buzz Liquids : Organic Grow Liquid Organic Bloom Liquid Organic more PK More Roots Fast Buds Humic Acid Plus Growzyme Big Fruits Clean Fruits Cal / Mag Organic Ph - Pulver ☝️🏼🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.8 - 6.4
Info: Unfortunately, I had to find out that my account is used for fake pages in social media. I am only active here on growdiaries. I am not on facebook instagram twitter etc All accounts except this one are fake. Flowering day 43 since time change to 12/12 h. Hey guys :-) The buds are developing really well :-). They slowly get thicker and thicker and smell better and better the closer we get to the end :-). She has completely stopped the stretch in order to transport the remaining energy into the buds 👍. This week it was poured 3 times with 1 l each time (See table above for nutrient addition). In the coming weeks, the nutrients will be reduced more and more. The tent was cleaned and everything checked. Fresh osmosis water has been treated for the past few weeks. have fun with the update. Stay healthy 🙏🏻 You can buy this Nutrients at : With the discount code: Made_in_Germany you get a discount of 15% on all products from an order value of 100 euros. You can buy this Strain at : ☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼 Green House Seeds Company Cup Clone 🏆 Type: Wonder Pie ☝️🏼 Genetics: Wedding Cake x OG Kush 👍😍 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow Led Quantum Board 100 W 💡 Flower Lamp : 2 x Todogrow Led Cxb 3590 COB 3500 K 205 W 💡💡☝️🏼 Earth: Canna Coco Professional + ☝️🏼 Nutrients : Green Buzz Liquids : Organic Grow Liquid Organic Bloom Liquid Organic more PK More Roots Fast Buds Humic Acid Plus Growzyme Big Fruits Clean Fruits Cal / Mag Organic Ph - Pulver ☝️🏼🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.8 - 6.4
Info: Unfortunately, I had to find out that my account is used for fake pages in social media. I am only active here on growdiaries. I am not on facebook instagram twitter etc All accounts except this one are fake. Flowering day 43 since time change to 12/12 h. Hey guys :-) The buds are developing really well :-). They slowly get thicker and thicker and smell better and better the closer we get to the end :-). She has completely stopped the stretch in order to transport the remaining energy into the buds 👍. This week it was poured 3 times with 1 l each time (See table above for nutrient addition). In the coming weeks, the nutrients will be reduced more and more. The tent was cleaned and everything checked. Fresh osmosis water has been treated for the past few weeks. have fun with the update. Stay healthy 🙏🏻 You can buy this Nutrients at : With the discount code: Made_in_Germany you get a discount of 15% on all products from an order value of 100 euros. You can buy this Strain at : Type: Runtz ☝️🏼 Genetics: Zkittlez x Gelato 👍 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow Led Quantum Board 100 W 💡 Bloom Lamp : 2 x Todogrow Led Cxb 3590 COB 3500 K 205 W Soil : Canna Coco Professional + ☝️🏼 Nutrients : Green Buzz Liquids : Organic Grow Liquid Organic Bloom Liquid Organic more PK More Roots Fast Buds Humic Acid Plus Growzyme Big Fruits Clean Fruits Cal / Mag Organic Ph - Pulver ☝️🏼🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.8 - 6.4
20 weeks from flowering
Info: Unfortunately, I had to find out that my account is used for fake pages in social media. I am only active here on growdiaries. I am not on facebook instagram twitter etc All accounts except this one are fake. Flowering day 43 since time change to 12/12 h. Hey guys :-) The buds are developing really well :-). They slowly get thicker and thicker and smell better and better the closer we get to the end :-). She has completely stopped the stretch in order to transport the remaining energy into the buds 👍. This week it was poured 3 times with 1 l each time (See table above for nutrient addition). In the coming weeks, the nutrients will be reduced more and more. The tent was cleaned and everything checked. Fresh osmosis water has been treated for the past few weeks. have fun with the update. Stay healthy 🙏🏻 You can buy this Nutrients at : With the discount code: Made_in_Germany you get a discount of 15% on all products from an order value of 100 euros. You can buy this Strain at : Type: Cream Caramel ☝️🏼 Genetics: Blue Black x Maple Leaf Indica x White Rhino 👍 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow Led Quantum Board 100 W 💡 Bloom Lamp : 2 x Todogrow Led Cxb 3590 COB 3500 K 205W 💡💡☝️🏼 Soil : Canna Coco Professional + ☝️🏼 Nutrients : Green Buzz Liquids : Organic Grow Liquid Organic Bloom Liquid Organic more PK More Roots Fast Buds Humic Acid Plus Growzyme Big Fruits Clean Fruits Cal / Mag Organic Ph - Pulver ☝️🏼🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.8 - 6.4
Info: Unfortunately, I had to find out that my account is used for fake pages in social media. I am only active here on growdiaries. I am not on facebook instagram twitter etc All accounts except this one are fake. Flowering day 43 since time change to 12/12 h. Hey guys :-) The buds are developing really well :-). They slowly get thicker and thicker and smell better and better the closer we get to the end :-). She has completely stopped the stretch in order to transport the remaining energy into the buds 👍. This week it was poured 3 times with 1 l each time (See table above for nutrient addition). In the coming weeks, the nutrients will be reduced more and more. The tent was cleaned and everything checked. Fresh osmosis water has been treated for the past few weeks. have fun with the update. Stay healthy 🙏🏻 You can buy this Nutrients at : With the discount code: Made_in_Germany you get a discount of 15% on all products from an order value of 100 euros. You can buy this Strain at : Type: Runtz ☝️🏼 Genetics: Zkittlez x Gelato 👍 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow Led Quantum Board 100 W 💡 Bloom Lamp : 2 x Todogrow Led Cxb 3590 COB 3500 K 205 W Soil : Canna Coco Professional + ☝️🏼 Nutrients : Green Buzz Liquids : Organic Grow Liquid Organic Bloom Liquid Organic more PK More Roots Fast Buds Humic Acid Plus Growzyme Big Fruits Clean Fruits Cal / Mag Organic Ph - Pulver ☝️🏼🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.8 - 6.4
keep forgetting i have this diary going and keep forgetting to keep it updated. these have just been topped dressed and are loving the environment. just starting on the second week of flower.