Ms Mia Wallace went to town and blew the f up. Lots of leaf growth but no sign of bud spots- I know it’s early days tho.
Watered with half serving of bloom nutes. Not the ideal nute mix I think, but served me well last grow.
Also, as I turned up the light to max power, I noticed heat stress so i turned it down and successfully installed the worlds most eco friendly trellis - one minute- hockey net - next minute - weed trellis. It’s called upcycling boys and girls.
I know it’s shit, I’m gonna reinstall it one more 1/4 ass so it’s a full half-ass scrog.
Point is, the canopy is flat, pushed that puppy down so there’s more distance. Light back to 100%.
Humidity was a little higher under the canopy, even with the dehumidifier, so I put my inline fan back in (was just a booster in-line fan before) and the temp and humidity is dropping.
Saw a little bug. Hit the top & bottom canopy layer with light neem oil spray then incecticidle soap.
I saw a small critter so I put Diatomaceous Earth on a upside down Tupperware lid. Don’t know if that works. Last time I did a top coat of the stuff on top of the soil - something happened and bad nute burn. Anyone know anything about this?
Finally, also tied down a bunch of branches to let the light hit the lower areas.
Tune in next time, where I’ll show you how to make a trellis from a pair of spandex Leggings , Peanut butter and a single streamer from the handlebars of a kids bicycle.
Keep your buds green, and your grow room clean.