Day 85 - Noticed at least briefly, the tent had gotten up to about 84°, but went back down to its normal 82ish. I don't know if it has to do with slightly warmer temperatures or not. I will monitor. Was also fed today, following the Dyna-Gro feed chart with 2 tsp Bloom, and 2 tsp Mag Pro. As of this week, Foliage Pro is no longer going to be given.
As I sit here and reflect on some of the earlier grow, I am starting to realize that lots of my discoloration early in the grow was likely predominantly caused by me. Not thinking, with this being a coco/peat mix, once I started feeding, it should have been every feed. I was not wanting to overfeed, so basically I fed one watering, then the next was plain water, thus essentially flushing the pot once a week and feeding once a week. Am I sure this was the cause, no, but it is the most logical thing that I can think of. I will call it 'first grow' lessons learned!
Day 86 - Temp seemed to stay around 82° today, with a few hours of light left.
Day 87 - She seems to be moving along fine with minimal effort on my part. Flowering seems to be the easiest part by far, but the hardest (having to wait when it gets close).
Mid day update - New fan has arrived. Will be put in the tent tonight when the lights come on.
Day 88 - Fed today, just over 1g with 2 tsp of Bloom and Mag Pro (per gallon). Installed the new Vivosun fan. Happy with it so far, seems a much better design to clip to the tent. Haven't used the old one as an underskirt fan just yet, but may still do so. Added a video looking at the new fan through the looking window of tent, so you can see it in action, while the tent is sucked in. You can see the leaves move from each side of the plant, then how the oscillation just perfectly fills the tent corner.
I won a reverse auction from GPS, for a pack of Chinook Haze over the weekend (killer price), so I am going to start a small genetics collection I think. My original order from GYO has 1 Barneys Farm Pineapple Chunk (freebie), 2 random (freebies), 2 GYO GSC and 2 GYO Bubblegum seeds left, all of which should be feminized. The GPS seeds are regular. I really want to try some Subcool strains, like Jack the RIpper (have had the smoke and liked it) or Grape Lime Ricky (description just sounds awesome), but don't feel like paying $10 a bean for regular seeds at this point in time. The other I want to get is some White Rhino, which I might end up picking up some Nirvana White Rhino (another smoke I thoroughly enjoyed) seeds at some point as well.
Day 89 - There is something peaceful about just sitting by the tent with the door open, and relaxing with the plant.
NOTICE: Since a comment brought it to my attention that I never showed the lights, I added pics in the week 2 section, since that is when they went into the tent. They are QB132 v1 lights from HLG.
Day 90 - Temp again hit 84° in the tent. I guess I can't worry too much. There is plenty of airflow, that that thermo is on the net, in the light, so it may be more of a radiant vs ambient temp. She isn't really showing any ill signs of it, so I will just keep plugging along.
Day 91 - Fed today, 2tsp Bloom and Mag Pro (per gallon), with 140 oz given. 5 weeks of flower in the books. GYO lists this strain as a 55-63 day flower. I don't know if they base that off of time flip, or pistil formation, but I am 35 days in from time flip (I think it was about 12 days for first pistils), and I can't imagine that it will be done in 3 more weeks. I'm thinking at least 4 more, but we will see how she finishes as the weeks continue to go by. Opened the tent right before lights on today to grab a couple lights off flash on photos.