The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Hi there peeps, This week went great and they are really growing vigorously. The GSC is really stalky and is the hardest to controle but I'm managing. On the other hand, the Runtz requires little care to grow uniform and is a breeze to grow so far. The Monster Zkittlez has recovered nicely from her stress and is catching up with the other 2. I could not be more pleased atm. I also found out that if I feed with BioCanna Vega, the solution's ph levels out at 6.6 so that is one less worry. Next week it's switching time so stay tuned. Have a good week growmies!
Ehi ragazzi come va? Tutto bene spero! Bene questa settimana, quasi due settimane son passate, io sono un po' in ritardo poiché ho tanti progetti, la ragazza purtroppo da quando ha avuto probabilemnte uno stress molto intenso da troppi nutrienti, ha smesso di crescere in altezza ed ha iniziato subito a fiorire, un sacco di foglie sono bruciate nel tempo e ho provveduto un po a defogliarle, ma nonostante questo la pianta non ha smesso di produrre fiori! Magari è per questo che si chiama la "regina del succo!", comqnue sembra che si stia riprendendo anche a livello di sviluppo di nuovi fogliame, se pur in modica quantità, però sembrano che siano sane.. L ho rialzata dal base di circa 50 cmq perché ho alzato la lampada al massimo dato che le altre sorelle sono diventati due mostri di cannabis voraci d acqua e nutrienti organici! Mi sa che se non gli do da mangiare mi ritrovo che si metabolizzano la plastica del vaso😝 ahah ri grazio come sempre l attrezzatura di Mars Hydro che senza di essa non potrei avere un risultato simile! 👊😺😽😼🧑‍🌾🌱🌿🌲🍀💨
Week 1 Day 1 - 8/12/2023 1st Water change Day! Such a special time it is when you remove the little bit of Nutes that you gave them as an appetizer and you give them their first real meal. Added 39 Gallons of Water to my system SILICA= .5mil/Gal = 19.5 = 20mil Root Drip = 1mil/Gal = 39mil Cal Mag= .25mil/Gal = 9.75 = 10mil FLoraMicro= 3.0mil/Gal = 114mil FloraGro = 2.0mil/Gal = 78mil FloraBloom = 2.0mil/Gal =78mil ORCA= .5mil/Gal = 19.5 = 20mil Week 1 Day 2 - 8/13/2023 Everything is looking good the roots are making their way to the water and the new grow is looking nice and green. Week 1 Day 3- 8/14/2023 Everything is right on track, they are looking beautiful and in the praying position all leaves happily lifting towards the light. Week 1 Day 4- 8/15/2023 A little worried today her birth Twin the BA I am growing out is looking great and is raised towards the light and this one is just slightly under.. Will keep an eye on Her. Week 1 Day 5- 8/16/2023 Walked in and the humidity was under 60.... ohh noooooo.. So I added 2 humidifiers to the tent and attached them to my InkBird controller which is set to 62. Also looking at the roots and she has some poking out the bottom but just not in the water yet.. Luckily we are set for 14 days before next water change so the system will stay stable and her sister already has roots in the water so she should only be a day or two behind.. we will just keep tracking but she is delayed. Week 1 Day 6- 8/17/2023 Roots in the Water!!! Huston, we have a successful launch. This grow is on! Humidity was a little low this morning so I refilled the humidifiers. Other than that the temp looks great, the PH looks good, the PPM looks good the plant is in the praying position and all damage from the little drowning from over filling the cloning machine seems to have been fixed. Happy Happy. Week 1 Day 7- 8/18/2023 Yay.. week 1 in the books, roots in the water growth has started. Everything for growth and environment is looking good and on track, there are a couple of mutations with this Lady will keep an eye on those leaves. IMO this grow is going A lot during this week 1 then week 1 of the last grow when I had them drowning. Really excited on how this grow is going to come out.
8/15 Yesterday the girls finally got some sun. They're flowering. Like crazy. I do need to do an application of BT once this rain stops. It just started up again. Went back over and things were dry. I decided to hold off watering until tomorrow when I feed. 8/16 Watered the 50 2 gallons, 10 1 gallon, and the rest about 1.5 gallons. I fed a pint to the ten, 2.5 pints to the 30 and 2.5 pints to the FIMMed bluecheese that looked hungry. This way I can tell if they can handle larger doses. I'd like to keep it as small and simple as possible. Gave me a fright this morning when a sheriff pulled in while I was feeding. He was on his way to a neighbors but it looked like he was just admiring things lol. I'm all legals there's no problem there. I put off spraying BT last night because dad had a couple ppl drinking and I didnt want to interact with them. Plus it was to early. The sun hadn't crested the barn yet. At least now u know what time to go spray. I'm finding some lady bugs and I killed my FIRST aphid of the season. I still have caterpillar holes in some leaves though so I might as well hit them with the BT (even though I actively hunt them). No one ever said growing cannabis is easy. Oh and my soil must be BANGING because I found some mushrooms growing in it and like a mycelium web which is awesome. 8/17 This was a quick morning due to an upcoming doctor's appointment. Removed some grass that had grown on the tar from spilt soil as it had diseases on it. I don't want that spreading to my plants. I have one blueberry cheese that I FIMed with four cola's that doesn't have as many leaves and has dropped a few leaves but looking at ot from the other side it doesnt look as open. I know that these girls are transitioning and this is the time I lose leaves. However some plants still seem totally green with no problems despite flowering. I'm wondering if it's a specific phenome thing. I also noticed that the caterpillars are still there and this morning would've been a great time to apply BT but I didn't have time and since I upped the feed I didnt want to do two things at once and have a problem and not know what it is. 8/18 Rained overnight. Plants were soaked. It's not raining now. Plants are definitely overwatered. I'm losing a few more leaves that are yellowing on the bottom interior of a couple plants. Some of it could be from the transition to flower ir the large amount of rain we've been getting. At least my drainage is really good. I need to pull the fence out and co soder cutting a pallet I. Half to better utilize space. I know I say this stuff all the time and I'm not sure it NEEDS to be done. What DOES need to be done sooner rather than later is to apply BT. I can see the damage from them. It's not bad but I want to avoid botrytis as much as possible so those pillars have got to go. Otherwise I've never had plants this healthy and it's been a real ahotty season. Boy those 10th planet's are all mice and green and healthy looking. I'm really looking forward to flowering these strains and see what they can do. I'm already greatly impressed with what I've experienced so far. UPDATE: Wasn't raining earlier then it Rained off and on but just a light steady rain that plants love but it's 3:30 now and it's pouring. Guess I won't be applying BT tonight. We need some sunshine but unfortunately I can't control the weather. Just sitting here thinking I was wondering about using Plant Doctor preventatively just due to the steady rain but I noticed mushrooms growing in my soil and since I haven't not9ced any type of fungal problem I'll revisit that idea another time. Polycarbonate roof or even some form clear plastic and a rough frame of pvc or extra lumber. Theoretically I believe I could move them all indoors for a little bit if need be but that would he a huge pain in the ass. Honestly I've got great drainage and my watering seems pretty good so I might be alright doing nothing. We shall see knock on wood. 8/19 Plants were soaked this A.M. I took a video and uploaded it (which takes forever). It's sunny though today and after the sun comes out after a period of rain the plants grow like crazy. Everything is flowering nicely. I think I can go to the end of October. I talked to a lady today that said she'd already harvested some of her peanut butter breath clones. It's my buddies mom and if you look back at one of my diaries NY mendo breath was done in September. These girls have a ways to go but the are explosively flowering which is good. It's easy to tell which strain is which. Pheno's vary but the flowers on the plants are easy to distinguish from one another. I've also never had plants stay this healthy green this long! Previously I'd have multiple pests, wpm and maybe septoria at this point. I think I've upped my game. Knock on wood. My worst problem now is worrying when to spray BT for the miner caterpillar problem. I have wasps, lady bugs and a shit ton of birds from the 3 bird feeders. I see them dart in and out of my cage. Chances are I'll spray BT tonight and take some pictures if it's nice out. 8/20 The sun is finally out. Bags are still heavy. Looks like it Rained again. I found caterpillar shit so I REALLY need to get that BT applied. I also saw minor damage to a budsite on a low hanging branch. Looks like those fucking earwigs bur I'm probably being paranoid. I also had to remove the rope that I was using to support "the big cheese" because with all this wind and rain it "rubbed" against the stem and caused an injury. I don't need that now anyway with the trellis up. Bids are developing rapidly and stacking up nicely. I have a couple plants that aren't as green as the others bit it may be do to all the rain we've been getting. I think I need to increase the volume of liquid i give my plants when I feed. Next feed I'll be doing at LEAST a quart. Due to my w8fes illness I haven't been able to spend as much time there as I should. No fungal stuff "YET". I have seen some leaves that show the plants have been over watered. Drainage is good though. I forgot to upload the video from this morning and it's uploading super slow so I'm gonna have to upload it tomorrow 8/21 Awesome. Went to town and left without going to my doctors appointment. Good job man. 👏 ANYWAY....My phone was dead when I went to town so I coukd only upload one video. I'll have to do the others later. I mixed up a batch of bt 1 tablespoon with half gallon of water (as that's what this hand mister holds. I went around the cage and sprayed every angle. Then I went to each individual plant and sprayed while spreaking the branches to make sure I got the interior. I used almost the entire half gallon so I'm hoping this will help. Bags were heavy but doesn't take them long to dry out. I'm wondering if the yellowing that is moving up (on the small purple punch and the one in the tote) is because they need more nutes, they're transitioning to flower and really stacking up or because they've been over watered with all this rain. Opinions are more than welcome. I'll check the girls tonight and if the are wet enough I'll feed and at a higher volume. If they aren't ill wait till they get their full water. MY WIFE WAS HAVING AN "MEDICAL PROBLEM AND SO ON THE WAY TO THE DOCTORS I CHECKED THE PLANTS. THE 10TH PKAMETS WRRE DROOPING. I QUICKLY MIXED UP ENOUGH TO FEED EVERYTHING AT LEAST A GALLON AND THEN GAVE THE ONES THAT WERE THE WORST LIKE AN EXTRA HALF GALLON. JUST ENOUGH TILL WE GET OUT OF THE ER THEN I'LL GIVE THEM THE OTHER HALF OF WATER AND ILL FEED THEM. AT LEAST MY WIFE IS OK. UPDATE: Took my wife to the hospital. They did a shit ton of nothing which is par for the course. However, luckily for me (yeah right) I got back early enough to give the plants another half gallon of water each and then I fed increasing the volume to 2.5 pints (upping the big bloom to 3 tsps per gallon) but I ran out of feed on the last plant. I only mixed up two gallons and it was super dark so thar one container plant will need to be fed tomorrow I guess. This is masterofsmeagal signing off to fucking FINALLY get stoned!
This weeks been hectic! Iv had a lot of training to do and a fair amount of defoliation - all only done until my plant had no feed left. Iv signed up to a couple of patreon accounts : ‘Willymyco’ and ‘DGC - dude grows podcast’s. Another great podcast. However, over the past week there’s been a heatwave and I accidentally pulled the red on/off plastic valve from the res for a second , it’s all good and just went on insulated wires…so I just mopped it up. I changed it to a mars hydro ts-1000w, and then the ts-600. Glad the dimmer works though or temps will be insane! I am still thinking of putting in the fc-e3000 but if I do that I’m going to have to take out the stoppers from the ends and hacksaw some off. It’s only cheap aluminium and then I’m going to think about removing one of the light strips if I can. Then I’ll just keep it low. It’s still weird working with a plant they suggested, un-topped— this is the first time i have done this in my life - I have literally always - HST’d, using the early veg stage and making used of the time for it to heal.
22.08.2023- на этой неделе боролся с засолами у обеих девочек и было принято решение добавить flash clean ,затем подождав сутки дать питательный раствор меньшей концентрации 900 ppm. До этого вход был 1200 , а выход 2000. Сейчас они очень счастливы и наращивают цветы 🌹
Week 1 Day 1 - 8/12/2023 1st Water change Day! Such a special time it is when you remove the little bit of Nutes that you gave them as an appetizer and you give them their first real meal. Added 39 Gallons of Water to my system SILICA= .5mil/Gal = 19.5 = 20mil Root Drip = 1mil/Gal = 39mil Cal Mag= .25mil/Gal = 9.75 = 10mil FLoraMicro= 3.0mil/Gal = 114mil FloraGro = 2.0mil/Gal = 78mil FloraBloom = 2.0mil/Gal =78mil ORCA= .5mil/Gal = 19.5 = 20mil Week 1 Day 2 - 8/13/2023 Everything is looking good the roots are making thier way to the water and the new grow is looking nice and green. Week 1 Day 3- 8/14/2023 Everything is right on track, they are looking beautiful and in the praying postition all leaves happily lifting towards the light. Week 1 Day 4- 8/15/2023 Looking beautiful today and looked like she could use her first haircut.. gave her a TOP off. Roots are laying in the water everything is looking right on track.. Week 1 Day 5- 8/16/2023 walked in and the humidity was under 60.... ohh noooooo.. So I added 2 humidifiers to the tent and attached them to my InkBird controller which is set to 62. She had roots nicely in the water.. this grow is on!!! Week 1 Day 6- 8/17/2023 Humidity was a little low this morning, so I refilled the humidifiers. Other than that, the temp looks great, the PH looks great, the PPM looks good the plant is in the praying position and all damage from the little drowning seems to have been fixed. Happy Happy. Week 1 Day 7- 8/18/2023 Yay.. week 1 in the books, roots in the water growth has started first hair cut given and both side nodes are growing. Everything is looking good and on track.. A lot better than week one of the last grow when I had them drowning week 1. Really excited on how this grow is going to come out.
Die dritte Woche unter sehr guten Bedingungen ist abgeschlossen und die Ladies sind wohl auf und geben Gas. Der Vorsprung der Pflanze rechts auf den Bildern baut sich aus, dies scheint der Pheno zu sein der sich stark stretcht. Ich werde ihn die nächsten Wochen täglich mit Superscropping stressen um eine einheitliche Höhe zu bekommen. Die Luftfeuchtigkeit war diese Woche heftig hoch, so das ich diese außerhalb vom Zelt mit einem großen Entfeuchter auf rd 55-60 % regulieren musste um im Zelt optimale Bedingungen zu erreichen. In dieser Woche wurden beide Ladies getoppt zusätzlich alle weiteren Trainingsmethoden die ich nutze parallel angewendet. (Topping, LST, Entlaubung, Supercropping) Durch das umtopfen stehen erstmal genug Nährstoffe zur Verfügung. Ich steigere langsam. Pflanzen haben eine gute gesunde Farbe Tage der Keimung = 4 Tage. Tage in Wachstum = 21 Tage Wachstum h = 8 cm 1 mal in dieser Woche mit Purolyt Mischung 1:25 besprüht Lichtstärke: 55 % PPFD: ca. 500 umol Lichtabstand: 35 cm Std Tag/Nacht: 18/12 Temperatur Tag: ca. 26,5 Grad RLF Tag: 65% Temperatur Nacht: 22-23 Grad RLF Nacht: ca. 65 % VPD Wert: ca. 0,8-0,9 PH Wert Wasser/Düngelösung: 6,3 EC Wert: nicht gemessen Ventilator Oszillation: Stufe 1 Befeuchter: an Entfeuchter: aus Zusätzlicher Entfeuchter: 1 Stk. außerhalb vom Zelt im Raum Bewässerung: 2* bewässert mit Dünger mit den o.g. Mengen, 1 mal pures Wasser Purolyt Besprühung: 1 mal Besprühung Fast Plants Spray: 1 mal Controlling: Grow Control Dünger: Greenbuzz Nutrients Licht: Pro Emit Vollspektrum Abluft: EC Carbon Active 750 m3 Danke an Greenbuzz Ihr bekommt 25 % Rabatt bei der Nutzung des Codes auf der GB Homepage Code: GD42025 (Mindestbestellwert 75€)
Tutto procede bene, ultima settimana per le ultime 2: gorilla skittles e gorilla punch. Ho tagliato la prima g. Skittles ed è a seccare, flush flush flush.
All looking good,.. healthy, not much smell yet but roll on next week 👌
Coming at you guys with my second grow here. I started late this diary, vegging is boring anyway. These guys should be done within the next week or two. I’ve honestly never smelled anything like the strawberry currently in my tent. I’ve been growing for a while and have been skeptical with the naming choices these breeders make. My last run I grew a strawberry crinkle. It didn’t have the slightest smell of sweetness. This girl is packing some unique Turpines and I can’t wait to try it.
I can try and cobble together some lovely prose however nothing much has changed since last week!
14/08/2023 Nothing special to mention at the beginning of this week, except my new heat/humidity detector, which is actually an old device I found. I came across it because my little one doesn't seem very reliable anymore(As you can see on a picture it say 69% while the other big one say 45%). Still no nutriments, just water with pH-. And I think I won't make any more changes until the final weeks, when I'll probably trim a maximum of leaves. 17/08/2023 I redid the LST for number 3, without knowing what I was doing, and I'm not sure if I did it right, but I'm pretty happy with the result. The canopy of #3 looks really good, even though the overall canopy is quite uneven. However, doing the LST on all 4 plants intimidated me way too much. So I changed the position of each plant so that they wouldn't encroach too much on each other; I only have a space of 60cmx60cm.
Week 6 for this beautiful girl was flush week an she was ready to harvest she has some amazing plump nugs covered in trichromes this medic grow led is no joke as it helped produce some top of the line plants
More Fantastic Grow News! They have been still doing great and developing the flowers and buds - I am VERY happy with how everything has been turning out! When opening the tent you are immediately hit with the subtle smell of maturing, ripening ganja - Each flower has a mixture of white hairs, orange hairs and an incredible amount of frosty leaves and trichomes. I notice that my Cherry Gorilla x Sol Sonic #2 is sprouting the red hairs faster than the rest - I hope she can hold off until the rest of the girls are completely finished! The Cal-Mag seems to be working - I am noticing dark, dark green leaf color right next to the biggest buds - I am guessing that this is the Cal-Mag doing its thing. I see that the leaves that were damaged from the deficiency are slowly turning back, however I feel as it is this far along, the plants are most likely focusing on the flowers rather than the leaves - which seems to be what I wanted. The dark color next to the buds give me hope it was a good remedy. When touching each of the flowers, you are left with a VERY sticky, leftover goo than stays on your fingers. Each flower smells extremely distinct - which is somewhat unexpected. This just goes to show you the power of phenotypes! These seeds came from the same dispensary bag, and each one seems to be just a little different. You can especially see what I am talking about from the Macro shots I took this week - look at the descriptions for the full breakdown. Wish me luck! I am slowly approaching week 7 - 8 when I am going to be starting my flush process (I think?) Appreciate all the input, likes and follows!