Well, this grow has come to an end. I have mixed feelings about that, as I enjoyed the journey, but at the same time I can't wait to try this stuff. 😁 Man, I knew from the start it was likely I was going to get addicted to opium. 😶 But hey, what the hell, I'm in! She was a bit of a job to trim, many breaks to clean the scissors, but me and my grow neighbor plus another bro got her done in about 3.5 hours. She's hanging pretty in the infamous spare bedroom and I can't wait for her to dry up and go into the Grove bags for a cure. Of course, strictly for quality control purposes, a sample will be tested by our expert panel of esteemed judges prior to the cure. 😉
The plants seem pretty strong and resilient, have a interesting smell. The buds are very different from a plant to another in shape and trycome production. I had to cut them early because of the high heat, but the majority of the trycomes were milky.
Die letzte Wachstumswoche ist für Dame angebrochen und die Sonne ist seit 2 Tagen wieder verschwunden. Nächste Woche Mittwoch kommt Sie für 2 Tage ins dunkle um dann geerntet zu werden. Danach lasse ich Sie für 2 Wochen kopfüber trocknen. Schon jetzt bekommt Sie nur noch Wasser. Ich habe auch noch einmal ein paar der verbliebenen Fächerblätter entfernt.
This week went pretty well, other than she stretched like crazy and I am now getting worried about running out of vertical space. I also had a few of my bottom leaves get a few brown and yellow spots on them. I did post some pics and asked a question, thank you for the responses, much appreciated! I am thinking about adding my Spyder Farmer LED 100 Watt light into the tent for the nebula auto because it is about 23 inches shorter than the sour diesel. I believe it would only raise my temp about 2 degrees, and possibly lower the humidity by one or two percent. I must say my dehumidifier has been a freaking stud, running 24X7 and not complaining. I should look into adding another unit, it has been in the mid 90's and muggy for about a week. So far I have to say I am super impressed and excited with this setup, the genetics, and with growing this wonderful plant in general. Already planning ahead to my next grow, and what I can do better. I have been enjoying myself and I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to answer my questions! I am having a blast and am excited to see what this lady will give up in a few weeks!