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Over a pound. Let’s gooo

10 months ago
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/320W
Fission 300W
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/320W
Fission 300W
Room Type
weeks 4-5
weeks 8
weeks 8
Grow medium
Grow medium
45 L
Pot Size
a year ago
I to soil-12/17/23. Started breaking out 12/20/23. Must not have planted deep enough as they all have seed still attached after sprouting through soil. I keep putting a drop of water on the shells in hopes to soften them. Two seem as if they’re working the shell off, the third looks to be almost completely closed. At some point today I will try to take it off if nothings changed. Update- lost one and popped another
Used method
Directly In Substrate
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
a year ago
2.54 cm
16 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
55 %
23 °C
12/24/23- Still waiting for the replacement seed to sprout. The two other girls are doing their thing. Gave them a little dechlorinated water. Didn’t measure it. Just dripped a little ina circle around them. Right now I have them under a little low wattage grow bulb so I don’t burn them while they’re so little. 12/25/23- the replacement seed came through overnight and looks beautiful (picture added with date) 12/26/23- Seems like maybe I had the light too far from the babies. They seem a bit tall (long stems). They still look good and healthy otherwise
Week 2. Vegetation
a year ago
5.08 cm
16 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
55 %
23 °C
Made it through the first week! 2 of the babies are a week old and the 3rd is 3 days old I think? They all spent their first day with the seeds stuck on. 2 made it and 1 didn’t - which is why 1 is a few days behind (had to plant another in its place). It will be the smallest pictured. Haven’t fed them or anything. Just been giving them small amounts of decholrinated water. Had them a bit too far from light initially I assume, as they got a bit tall. 12/29/23- Going to add a bit more soil to the cups to cover up some stem. 12/30/23- leaves looking a bit crinkled.. wondering if humidity isn’t as high as they’d like? 1/1/24- Took them away from the baby light bulb and have them under a 100w led that’s about 24 inches away at about 30%. Plan to slowly increase and see how they respond. #2 seems to be growing faster than #1 and 3 seems to be trucking along, trying to catch up. (It was planted several days after others) the very ripe of leaves are looking maybe burned? Like from what I see others call nutrient burn, but I haven’t fed them anything yet.
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Week 3. Vegetation
a year ago
12.7 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
55 %
23 °C
60.96 cm
Nutrients 5
General hydroponics-FloraGro 0.66 mll
General hydroponics- FloraMicro 0.66 mll
General hydroponics- FloraBloom 0.66 mll
I’ve updated this week to correctly reflect the actual age of the babies. Somehow .. like a noob I got ahead of myself and was putting all the things for actual week 2, here in week 3. So here we goooo on track lol. 1/10/24- #1 & #2 are 21 days old. #3 is 17 days I’m pretty sure. 1 & 2 have both been transplanted. Will be transplanting 3 soon. Fed/watered all and increased light intensity on little 100w light to 100% at about 2 feet away. 1/11/24. #1 & #3 each have a leaf with strange growth. Ones curved weird and the other is like deformed? #2 is larger than #1 by quite a bit, even though those 2 were planted, and spouted same time.
Week 4. Vegetation
a year ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
55 %
21 °C
8 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
General hydroponics-FloraGro 0.66 mll
General hydroponics- FloraMicro 0.66 mll
General hydroponics- FloraBloom 0.66 mll
1/18/24- Babies are 29 days old now, except the 3rd, it’s 24. All have been topped once. Have fed them twice. Other than that they are needing water every other day, with the exception of #3. It’s every 3 days. I’ve been giving silica and calmag with waterings. #2 seems to be growing tall with huge leaves and long node spacing. It looks odd. #1seems just about right, but has a small bit of brown kinda crunchiness on the edge of one of its leaves. I’m not sure what that’s about. Maybe it got light burn? Can too much calmag do this? Going to check into it. #3 is truckin along.. playing catchup. It still has its weird misshapen leaf. I guess everything seems well otherwise. 1/23/24- #1 & #2 have been topped twice. #1’s shape is looking nice. It’s smaller but looks the best to me. #2 is is kinda droopy and sad looking. I think maybe it wants a bigger pot now. It’s growing very lanky and weird. I’m trying some lst clips on a couple branches that are blocking light to others. Trying to let these grow as naturally as possible (minimal training) other than topping, but this one’s leaves are just so big and blocking everything. #3 is doing well playing catch up.
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Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
a year ago
33.02 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
55 %
21 °C
45 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 5
General hydroponics-FloraGro 0.66 mll
General hydroponics- FloraMicro 0.66 mll
General hydroponics- FloraBloom 0.66 mll
1/25/24 day 36 for #1 & #2. Day 32 for #3 All have been topped twice. All need water every other day in the 2 gallon pots. They will need transplanting soon. They were looking a bit dark so I’ve been cautious with feeding. Once a week now for nutrients and giving silica and calmag with each water. All seems well as far as I can tell with the exception of #2 always looking droopy. Not sure what her issue is. 1/27/24- transplanted 1 & 2. Going to transplant #3 on the same age day as the other two. (It’s 4 days behind them). Also didn’t have them in the tent before and they’ve now been moved there. 1/30/24- droopy looks less droopy (#2)
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
a year ago
38.1 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
55 %
23 °C
45 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 2
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 1.321 mll
Silica Gold - True Plant Science (TPS)
Silica Gold 1.057 mll
2/2/24- all have been transplanted into their final homes. Using totes. #2 seems happier and less droopy than she’s always been. #3 has caught up nicely and #1 has always been chill. I guess for now everything seems to be going good. Watering when dry and haven’t fed for awhile as I think they were getting toxicities (they were VERY dark green and kinda waxy looking). Have been giving them silica and calmag with waterings. Light is about 2 feet up and about 75%.
Week 7. Vegetation
a year ago
63.5 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
61 %
23 °C
45 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 5
General Hydroponics FloraGro 2.642 mll
General Hydroponics FloraMicro 1.321 mll
General Hydroponics FloraBloom 1.321 mll
2/10/24. The girls grew a ton this week. The temperature has gotten warmer (staying around 80 in tent) They were growing more slowly in the lower 70’s previously. They seem to like it hot. The leaves have lightened in color so I’ll be feeding them again and see where we wind up. For the most part Ive just allowed them to grow pretty naturally just to see what they do. They are looking a bit in a need of some defoliation and I think I’ll try trellising them tomorrow to spread them out a bit. In all everything seems to be going well so far.
Week 8. Vegetation
a year ago
68.58 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
61 %
23 °C
45 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 5
General Hydroponics FloraGro 2.642 mll
General Hydroponics FloraMicro 1.321 mll
General Hydroponics FloraBloom 1.321 mll
2/19/24- added trellis a few days ago. Don’t think it’s there quite right .. think I waited too long and it was hard to get it down level and tight enough. Ah well, it’s still helping to spread them out and many more bud sites have shown up. Defoliated a bit, but I think I should have done more. Letting the third one catch up a few more days before flipping these girls. Some of the leaves on one of them seems like it’s gone from too dark of a green to kinda purple with light green markings. Don’t know what that’s about. Deficiency or idek. It seems happy still I think. 2/23/24- I’m flipping today. I think there are trying to do something on their own? They have changed at the tops. Things are sticking out and I’m pretty sure I’m seeing white hairs there too. The one that needed to catch up has enough anyway. I’ll just put a picture.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
a year ago
73.66 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
60 %
22 °C
45 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
General Hydroponics FloraGro 2.642 mll
General Hydroponics FloraMicro 2.642 mll
General Hydroponics FloraBloom 2.642 mll
2/26/24. So I flipped these girls 3 days ago. Not sure what’s going on with them? They look like they have little buds starting or something..and they kinda looked like that before I flipped them. I think that’s maybe not normal? I’ve looked at lots of diaries and haven’t noticed that until a couple weeks in. I’m hoping all is okay. The tops all seem very light in color as well, compared to the rest of the plant. Also getting a bit of what appears to be some sorta burn on the tips and some light coloring in between leaf veins-which by looking at deficiencies is similar to magnesium def. So kinda wondering what to do. Slight tip burn and deficiencies? Hmm could be lighting issue maybe. Going to keep an eye on it. Gave transition feeding. Seems early for any smells from what I’ve researched.. but yeah.. there’s a slight smell coming from the tent 😳
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Week 10. Flowering
a year ago
91.44 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
60 %
22 °C
45 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
General Hydroponics FloraGro 2.642 mll
General Hydroponics FloraMicro 2.642 mll
General Hydroponics FloraBloom 2.642 mll
3/4/24-Here we are with the ladies goin to their second week. Yay baby flowers 💚 Have a few things going on. I apparently suck at the trellis thing lol. At flower they were all pretty even..I would tuck a few stragglers that got taller under. They’ve went crazy now and I don’t really have anywhere to tuck them other than away from the lights which I don’t wanna do. There was some discoloration on the tips of leaves which I assumed was light or nutrient related, so I dimmed lights a bit and checked the runoff water. Omg. It was wayyyyy too acidic. Like high 4’s low 5. Some leaves also appear to be showing magnesium deficiency.. which I assume is because of the crazy acidity. I’m giving dechlorinated tap water (no normal nutes) without phing it because it’s very alkaline. Hoping it will bring things back up. Oh, I sprinkled epsom salt on the soil before watering. (Magnesium) Really crossing my fingers that I am doing the right things and don’t screw this up! These ladies still look really good to me considering.. but only time will tell. Update: pretty sure I had nitrogen toxicity and too much salt buildup in the soil. In the meantime got what seemed to be magnesium deficiency. I’ve been giving only water with some epsom salt and the girls seems much happier. Hopefully Krisis averted 😂
Week 11. Flowering
a year ago
99.06 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
55 %
22 °C
45 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 3
General Hydroponics FloraBloom 2.642 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 1.321 mll
Silica Gold - True Plant Science (TPS)
Silica Gold 1.057 mll
03/11/24- had determined last week that my runoff ph was crazy.. leaves darkened and clawing (N tox) and also a freaking mag deficiency. For the 3 past waterings I’ve given nothing but dechlorinated non ph’d water (tap water’s alkaline af) and epsom salts. The girls perked up and seem pretty happy. I’m going to give the calmag I have that claims to be N free, that has some micros and then some bloom only. I’m hoping stretch is over because it’s turning into a jungle. The frost on these things looks amazing already. The smell? Yeah.. can’t really describe it but it’s kinda offensive LOL
Week 12. Flowering
a year ago
101.6 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
50 %
22 °C
45 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
General Hydroponics FloraBloom 3.963 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 1.321 mll
03/18/24. Entering week 4 wow. Times flying. Nothing really interesting to update on. #2 is driving me crazy. It seems like she’s always getting upset about something. When I think I figured her out.. she’s like nah, here’s some other strange leaf issues. The other 2 seem perfectly fine. Im thinking now maybe from me cutting back on food before because she seemed over fed-now she’s too hungry. Her leaves seem a bit pale in certain areas now with tiny reddish coloring on edges. Aside from that it seems like she’s still doing her flower thing. All 3 seem frosty and the leaves are sticky and smelly lol. Going to feed #2 a bit heavier than the others for now. Forgot on post earlier to say- Light at 18 above at 75%
Week 13. Flowering
a year ago
101.6 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
50 %
22 °C
45 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
General Hydroponics FloraBloom 3.963 mll
General hydroponics- Flora Micro 1.321 mll
03/26/24 So, I hadn’t been giving the micros I have because I noticed it has a lot of nitrogen in it and they already had too much in the past. This wasn’t a good idea apparently.. getting some serious yellowing and reds in some of the leaves. One of the girls seems perfectly fine with no signs of this, but the other 2.. yeah. I’ve not made any changes from last update other than adding the micros. Hope they’ll be alright as I’m pretty sure this is way too early for any colors other than green 😢 Any input here is completely appreciated. Other than that the girls are smelly, frosty and sticky af. I can’t really figure out how to describe the smell. Something like chemically-cough medicine? With like some kind of funky but then a whiff of sweet with a bit of the marker smell. Terrible description, I’m sure.. but it’s hard to explain.
Week 14. Flowering
a year ago
101.6 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
50 %
22 °C
45 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 3
General Hydroponics FloraBloom 3.963 mll
General hydroponics- Flora Micro 1.321 mll
Terp Tea Bloom - Aurora Innovations (Roots Organics)
Terp Tea Bloom 1.321 mll
04/02/24. Here we are starting week 6. Not too much has changed since last week. 2 of the girls leaves seem to be changing colors no matter what intensity of light I try, or what nutrients I give, or don’t. Both of their pistols have gotten really dark as well. #1 (middle plant) has stayed pretty dark green, pretty sure she has too much nitrogen before. Her pistols seem to be darkening much slower. It seems as the other 2 are very similar to each other, and seem more mature. I figured they would maybe drink less water as time went on but instead it seems they are drinking more than ever. Some days the soil is so dry and they look droopy after having been watered thoroughly the day before. Others they seem alright, so watering schedule is typically every other day unless they demand more. I’ve been giving them about a gallon- watering in very slowly. I also gave them some tea, which I’ve listed up top. Trying to help their leaves. Maybe this is just normal, but I don’t know, just think it’s too early for colors. The smell I mentioned in another week has gotten louder. I swear I smell spices mixed in there now too. It’s been nice out the past few days so I opened the windows. Oops. Could smell them outside. Smelled like weird spicy food cooking with a side of chemical, gas, and a skunk spraying? Yeah idk lol.
Week 15. Flowering
a year ago
101.6 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
45 %
22 °C
45 L
45.72 cm
04/09/24. Time to start week 7. Not much to say other than about the girls themselves. I haven’t changed anything other than I think I’ve given them the last feed yesterday. I’m thinking they’ll be done within 2 weeks and I’ve read that it’s best to give water the last 2 weeks. Hope this is the right thing to do. The buds are thickening up and the pistols are getting pretty dark and starting to recede.. well.. on two of the girls that seem the most similar to each other. The middle plants much frostier, smellier, and skinnier buds- with lighter pistols. All are becoming colorful. It’s smelling very spicy with like rotting fruit or something currently. The smells very strong through the house. I don’t think these will be the biggest buds, but they are definitely dense af and lovely and smelly.. oh and sooo sticky wew Guess that’s it until the start of week 8 flower. We’re gettin close! My video for the week won’t load up for some reason. Idk what the problem is. Update: don’t be an idiot and run out of space on your phone. I made space and it uploaded LOL. Derrrrrrr
Week 16. Flowering
a year ago
101.6 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
45 %
22 °C
45 L
45.72 cm
04/16/24. Hey hiii helloooo. We are entering week 8 wow. I can’t believe we made it. All in all I’m very happy with how thing have gone/are going. I’m not sure exactly how soon or not these will be done. I think they’ve done what they are gonna do and now we’re just watching trichomes. They look sorta done? Like I think I could chop them and all would be fine.. but I’m no expert on trichomes. I think they look milky LOL..mostly? I’m going to let them keep going and watch for any changes. Feeling happy and also sad at the thought of murdering them :( I love them Oh and I dimmed the light to 50% and just giving water still when they’re dry which is every other day. Each drinking 1 gallon. Trichome pictures included for anyone who can look at them better than me.😅
Week 17. Harvest
10 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Growing Permanent Marker has been a great experience. Being my first time, the outcome has been far better than I could have ever hoped for. Good sized, strong plants with plenty of frosty, sticky, pungent buds. Even when I messed up she was forgiving, and still soldiered on. I would definitely recommend anyone to grow these babies. You won’t regret it. I’ll be growing it again in the future. Update: seeds still good - company turned into a pos. I’d buy elsewhere.
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Spent 114 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
192.21 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Talkative, Happy, Hungry
Positive effects
Medical effects
Stress, Depression
Medical effects
Diesel, Pungent, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
What a day for harvest! Happy 420! The trichomes told me they were ready for a few days I guess. Got a few opinions that said HARVEST them. So, here we are. They have been murdered :( Sad & happy day. I don’t have a way to measure them wet so we’ll have to wait until they’re dry. I’ve got them in my closet with a fan to keep the air moving (not pointed at them) & a humidifier going. They are staying pretty steady so far at around 60% humidity and around 65f. Best I can get it around really. The smell is pretty strong. Smells kinda like a gas station in the closet. I didn’t do anything special, like hours of darkness etc. just went in and did the deed. Hopefully they dry nice and slow. Will update more when it’s finished drying and trimmed etc


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Krisiscommentedweek 0a year ago
Lost one of the little things :( I suspected that would happen as the stem on the one with the completely closed seed looked unwell and limp. I popped another seed so hopefully that one makes it and catches up
popcornsuttoncommentedweek 4a year ago
lookn good. what % is your lamp at?
Krisiscommenteda year ago
@popcornsutton, I actually was trying 100% for awhile back then which I realized was way too much. I’ve messed around with it- from heights to different dims. Back then I’m pretty sure I wound up at 22-24 up and about 80%. One plant seems a bit more sensitive to everything, so I’m always trying to get the light right for her. I honestly think I’ve run the light to high and too close for a lot of the time
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popcornsuttoncommenteda year ago
@Krisis, 75% at weeeks 4 and 12?
Krisiscommenteda year ago
@popcornsutton, Crap, I guess I should’ve included that. It’s at 75% & thanks
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Growlownoknowcommentedweek 15a year ago
Nice buds mate!!
Krisiscommenteda year ago
@@Growlownoknow, Thanks so much. My first time with this is going much better than I expected. I obviously have a lot to learn, I guess it’s a good thing I got such a nice genetic. She’s not letting me down 🙂
BigDripFelgocommentedweek 14a year ago
😳 those are looking amazing and honestly looking at the pics I feel as if I’m looking at my plants lol they are identical. A week or two more the calyx should start swelling as the new white pistils begin darkening and receding, as well as more purple coloring continues to show! Exciting times lol! You have done a lot better than I did, great work!! 🙏
Krisiscommenteda year ago
@BigDripFelgo, I think it’s trying to get done or something because the leaves have went crazy and it doesn’t matter what I do. They just keep getting worse. The buds are falling over in some spots and very dark hairs that are shrinking too. No way I am doing better than you LOL that’s funny but thanks 😂
Growlownoknowcommentedweek 14a year ago
Tasty lookin :-1
Krisiscommenteda year ago
@@Growlownoknow, Indeed 😻
Lemonhazelovercommentedweek 0a year ago
Happy growing and good luck buddy ☘️
Lemonhazelovercommenteda year ago
Krisiscommenteda year ago
@Lemonhazelover, Thanks 😊
Hattiwatticommentedweek 1710 months ago
Gongrats for harvest 👌 nice buds.
Krisiscommented10 months ago
@Hattiwatti, Thank you. We shall see how nice they are after they dry 🐿️
BigDripFelgocommentedweek 13a year ago
Looking great!! Hope they grow BIG trichome covered buds 🙏
Krisiscommenteda year ago
@BigDripFelgo, hey thanks 🙏. I think they’re gonna be trichome covered but not BIG lol. They seem smaller in size but chunky and dense so far. I guess there’s always time but just not seein it so far. The smell is insane just like you said though 😍
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Hattiwatticommentedweek 12a year ago
Green Luck 🍀
Hattiwatticommenteda year ago
@Krisis, looking great.
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Krisiscommenteda year ago
@Hattiwatti, Thanks, you as well 💚
NAS_Gardencommentedweek 0a year ago
Happy grow! Amazing strain 😍 curious for the results!
NAS_Gardencommenteda year ago
Krisiscommenteda year ago
@NAS_Garden, Thank you so much. I already can’t wait for the results too. Long way to go 😄
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 1a year ago
Best of luck with the new hobby🌱🌱🌱 ✌️😎💨
Inganjawetrustcommenteda year ago
@Krisis, Yeah I still marvel at the whole growth process. ✌️😎💨
Krisiscommenteda year ago
@Inganjawetrust, Hey, thanks 😊 Enjoying watching the cute little things grow
BigDripFelgocommentedweek 1710 months ago
Just read your review and your dry weight 😮 impressive results!! Amazing grow, great job. As for the Sharpie scent mines still had hints of it but after longer curing it took on more of a Blue Dream like scent of berries and sweet! May you continue blessed and continue to harvest amazing results!
Krisiscommented10 months ago
@BigDripFelgo, Thanks and yeah it’s crazy. Still can’t believe it. The smell’s definitely changing as it cures. I kept each plant in separate jars and bags because each was a bit different. One smells really sweet and the other 2 seem like they are actually pretty much the same- one was more frosty than the other. The 2 similar ones have a sour .. idk. Still can’t really place the smell tbh. I need more time haha.
gorynychcommentedweek 1710 months ago
Looks gorgeous! Congrats😋
Krisiscommented10 months ago
@gorynych, Thank you! 😀
MatherFacker420commentedweek 1610 months ago
Looks amazing man! 💨💨💨
Krisiscommented10 months ago
@@MatherFacker420, thank you! 🙏🙂
Robertscommentedweek 1610 months ago
Harvest time for this frosty lady. Enjoy, looks delicious. 🌱❄️🌱✂️
Krisiscommented10 months ago
@Roberts, I agree! I checked the trichomes again and Im tired of going back and forth with myself on if they look right. I can look at other peoples and say yes or no with no problem but can’t decide on my own lol. I say let’s 420! Oh and thank you :)
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 16a year ago
Beautiful bunch of flowers you have there, nice job. ✌️😎💨
Krisiscommenteda year ago
@Inganjawetrust, thanks so much 💚
BigDripFelgocommentedweek 11a year ago
What I meant to say on my last comment was, your better off tying them up with something or using some sort of stake to hold up branches when the time comes. Sorry!
Krisiscommenteda year ago
@BigDripFelgo, Hahah all good. I was kinda thinking I wasn’t sure what I’d do really. I was like hmm I’m sure I can figure out something when and if the time comes. So this makes sense
BigDripFelgocommentedweek 11a year ago
“The smell? Yeah.. can’t really describe it but it’s kinda offensive LOL“ 🤣🤣🤣 I have one Permanent Marker and it’s strong I can’t imagine how yours will be if your pheno smells similar to mines! Yours are looking great, will you be adding another trellis?
Krisiscommenteda year ago
@BigDripFelgo, yeah I remember you saying pulling up outside smelled like a dead skunk or something LOL. Also thanks, I’ve been trying to take good care of them but one likes to be fussy. I’m not sure if I need another trellis. Idk if I even did the one that’s there right tbh. 😂
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BigDripFelgocommentedweek 8a year ago
Good luck with your grows bro, hope your pheno has a similar scent as mines which honestly is f**kin crazy like it has everyone in the house going crazy thinking it’s a dead skunk outside. Or a car fuming lol I think I’m attracting critters outdoors lately! 🤣🤣 When I do a rub test it has a super strong Permanent Marker scent.
Krisiscommenteda year ago
@BigDripFelgo, Thanks 🙏 and omg lol that’s hilarious. One thing I don’t have is a carbon filter. Now I’m wondering how fked I might be 😆
Craft2Growcommentedweek 8a year ago
Love the taste of this cultivar... nice job!😉
Krisiscommenteda year ago
@Craft2Grow, I’m so curious about it - can’t wait and thanks
the end.
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