Welcome friends to week 14. 8/6-12.
I did defoilation last week of most of the feeder leaves. The goddesses let you know what they want and dont want. When I was defoliating, if the leaf was hesitant in coming off, don’t force it, because it will bring part of the bud with it.That being said, I have 3 small buds that came off during trim. Close up pics above. I have these drying on a fruit bowl in the kitchen and will give CBG a try in about 2 weeks.
8/6 No water today. Adjusting to yesterday’s defoliation, outside time and fertilization. This is day 106 since popping the soil on April 17. Based on the last auto flowers I grew, I anticipate these will be ready to harvest at the end of 2 weeks (Aug 19-20).
I don’t know how long it takes for trichomes to start turning amber but I see almost 100% milky, just no amber yet.
8/7 I’m pushing an extra day without water and not running humidifier. This is pushing VPD higher into the excess range. I read that this stress can motivate the plant to make bigger buds. Harvest time will determine if that’s so.
8/8 Ferigate 3 gallons using TPS1 23.75ml, Signal 9.5ml, EC 1.19, PPM 820, ph 7.5. I only gave them 1 ½ liters each today.
8/9 No water. Still not seeing amber trichomes. How long will it take?
8/10 light fertilize today. 3 gallons with 15 ml TPS1, 7.5 ml Signal. Each received 1 gallon. They were in the tub so all run off went down the drain and I didn't get measurements.
There was a summer storm today so I utilized the time to go thru more boxes. Interesting items that I came across:
1 grandmother's notes for colorizing black white photos. She won awards for this process.
2 grandfather's attestation to the US State land department on the improvements made on the homestead acreage. State confirmed improvements. The official land rights posted above.
3 1928 cook book Women of the Presbyterian Church. Shown is a recipe for cooking 'possum. Good old southern cooking. Recipe by my great grandfather. I'll check the book for any that might be really yummy.
8/11 no water. More hair tufts forming
8/12 ferigate today. Prepared 3 gallons TPS1 23.75 ml, signal 15 ml, cal mag 15 ml, ppm 794, ph 6.59
From the emergence of women in the workforce after the depression ad WWI, women in business were the secretaries and clerks. A woman’s place was in the home. My grandmother, father and mother were all high achievers in their careers, and interests. All won awards for their achievements in work activities, teaching, and arts. This type A behavior was instilled in me from the start.
In everything I did I had to be my best. I worked a variety of jobs from jewelry sales to office clerical during high school and college. Attending school and working at the same time and maintaining straight A’s is typical A behavior. I started picking up industrial psychology courses and some business. When I got into accounting, my male accounting professor said I was really good and I should consider it. The economics of business was changing. Women were breaking the glass ceiling in large corporations with more women were becoming CEO's of big corporations. So, I changed my major of study in college from science to business and accounting. I entered a difficult field. Once out of college, I started in the accounting field and remained in the same career for over 35 years. I did not have the desire to travel the world so I remained in Tidewater.
My career began as an accountant responsible for payroll and accounts payable at a hospital, then went into banking. From there, I entered government accounting and finance. Over the years, I was promoted from staff accountant to manager, then director of financial reporting at Tidewater Community College (TCC). Interestingly, I came across my mom’s college yearbook. She attended Teachers College of Connecticut (TCC). My mom began her teaching career in college, and I ended my career while working in higher education. What a coincidence!
My need for perfection is causing stress and anxiety since I’m having difficulties. Even though I followed the TPS1 autoflower weekly recommendations, I still overfed. This caused nutrient lock out for which I flushed with no nutrients for 3 weeks. Once I resumed 1/4-1/2 strength the required solution, I started seeing new white pistils in the existing buds.
Thanks for stopping by. Your likes and comments are appreciated. Have a great week, enjoy your smoke and have fun 👍.