Hola chicos !, espero que se encuentren muy bien. En esta semana hubo un notable crecimiento de las chicas, todo va super bien !, aun no comienzo a aplicar fertilizante de crecimiento, pretendo aplicarles ya en su primer transplante a maceta Airpot 10.8 litros que sera dentro de una semana para luego ponerlas a florecer, esta semana añadi 1 ml de cal-max de grotek para para aumentar ec a 0.4 ya que trae una pequeña dosis de nitrogeno para darles un empujoncito. esta semana tambien se incorporo la Cookies Usa en reemplazo de la Kryptonite que no sobrevivio y que por lo demas es una chica muy fuerte... saco sus hojas a la luz en un par de horas despues de ponerla en sustrato, maravilloso ! eso es todo por esta semana amigos !
Hi guys! I hope you are doing very well. In this week there was a remarkable growth of the girls, everything is going super well!, I have not yet started to apply growth fertilizer, I intend to apply them already in their first transplant to a 10.8 liter Airpot pot that will be within a week and then put them to flower, This week I added 1 ml of grotek cal-max to increase ec to 0.4 as it brings a small dose of nitrogen to give them a boost. This week Cookies Usa was also incorporated to replace the Kryptonite that did not survive and is otherwise a very strong girl ... I bring its leaves to light in a couple of hours after putting it on substrate, wonderful! that's it for this week folks!