

Official Representative


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Several strains under TSW 2000
18 weeks
Several strains under TSW 2000 MarsHydroLED
+3 strains
3 years ago · 54 comments
Sherbet Auto under TS 1000 Mars Hydro
14 weeks
Sherbet Auto under TS 1000 Mars HydroMarsHydroLED
Seedstockers - Sherbet Autoflower
3 years ago · 35 comments
4 x strawberry Banana under TS 1000
11 weeks
4 x strawberry Banana under TS 1000MarsHydroLED
strawberry banana
3 years ago · 15 comments
White Widow under SP LED
11 weeks
White Widow under SP LEDMarsHydroLED
white widow
4 years ago · 34 comments
Fruity PebblesXGrape Pie - Under TS3000
16 weeks
Fruity PebblesXGrape Pie - Under TS3000MarsHydroLED
Jungle Boys - Fruity Pebbles x Grape Pie
4 years ago · 29 comments

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2 years ago
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Your outgoing message, is 9 months old. And there are a Lot of Pissed users out here ! I’m having a hard time staying professional & Proper here in Public, with the World-Scale behaviour issues You guys are having. Please get it together Humans! I’m a supporter of your Gear and really Need what I’ve been Awarded!
Could I please have the Prizes that I Won in your November 2023 photo contest. I have send dozens of messages, here and on other platforms, and there is no answer as to why You have Failed to Follow-through on your Promise and Commitment. I hope you get it together soon! If you cannot figure it out, I’m really looking forward to wirking with Your Gear !!!!
Ciao zio, mi hanno detto di scriverti qui riguardo all’uso della TSW 2000 con dimmer luce regolabile ( settimana 3) se dai un occhiata al mio diario e mi dai qualche consiglio sulla lampada ( ora come ora % dimmer 35%, growbox 100x100x200 mammuth pro, PH 6.4, temperatura 26 gradi ( indoor )
@Statman, disculpa que me meta, un uruguayo que la tiene clara con los leds, me recomendó para mi tsw2000 con un grow de 120x120x200, 50% germina, 80% vegeta y 100%flora. 🖖
Im using Mars Hydro Products on my first grow and I have really really frosty buds ripening at this time. Ill recommend to all my friends!
@Blacklisted, Concordo pienamente! Con Mars hydro ho avuto veramente tantissimi problemi, iniziando con il servizio clienti e finendo con i suoi prodotti che si esauriscono velocemente e per non parlare di altri problemi che ho avuto! Non consiglierei mai Mars hydro neanche ad un novello! Molto meglio spider farmer 🤙🏼
just got a SP 3000. Great job on that light. Love the removable driver/dimmer. My light came with the polarity of the light cables to driver were wrong. And as i have a uk plug the mains lead was not screwed propperly. I dont know who you use for the UK side of your distribution but the quality control should be looked at. The light would turn off and short out until i opened the cables and re did the screws. Apart from those tiny, first world problems.. I love it and its a happy upgrade from my Eco 120..
I signed a contract with them for almost a year and then I didn't get my stuff and they never got back in touch, the worst part was that I missed an opportunity to sign a contract with another light brand.
@CURATI_DA_SOLO, They didn't response anything until now brother
@SolitudeCapitale, e successo lo stesso a me solamente che in più sono stato anche bloccato su Instagram, perché ho raccontato quello che è successo
Your unofficial reps are pissing away the ppl you sponsored. They're rude. No nothing about the products They're asking ppl to test. And well, shocking customer service Very sad. As I love Mars-Hydro lights. Just not the ppl that work for you, on here anyways. 2 months I've been waiting on an answer for a light. And then finally after being passed from one useless rep to some1 with promise goes ahead and instead of seen all the hard work I've put into promoting your products, ( unofficial rep) "That Diary with the title SF/P 1000 did you buy these products or were you sponsored them" after asking for my contract and me explaining me waiting for 2 months. All apologies and then goes and says that. 1st thing she brings up after not hearing anything for a wk "oh sorry about not replying i was on a break for 7 days" and then that drivel up above. yet her and my past rep were both online, not that I mind waiting, as it's a light for free. But dickin me round for 2 months and then brings up a possible breach in a contract that didn't exist. (I'M NOT EVEN IN CONTRACT WITH YOUS ANYMORE) nor was it when that diary was made and even if so. They're my lights. I paid for them. And that's brough up. Not the other 40+ diaries promoting products 10 1000s of views. Answering Q about lights. Pushing them in answers, (As I fully understand how good your lights are, its just sad the customer service falls so far behind) really you need to put some training into them. I've had 4 unofficial reps and only Eleen was a dream Rep. Respectful, nice, helpful, knowledgeable and supportive. Unbelievably Rude and crazy the way to treat someone who have been growing with your lights for a year. And no 1 else, and I've turned down 2 other chances for sponsorship in the past 2 months. I really think 1 official rep. Some1 that knows your products, (and some1 who has an inkling about growing) # Bring back @Eleen.
@gottagrowsometime, ti capisco, hanno fatto uguale con me, hanno bloccato le mie email e anche Instagram! Ma io non smettero mai di far conoscere la mia esperienza con loro
Just would like to say thanks to marshydro these guys are very helpful and give friendly advice support and help keep up the good work guys
@CelticSmokey88, can you send me who you dealt with 🤣
Mars hydro is the best. Gets em super frosty 👏👌
Love the new sp 3000. I only use mars hydro.
Hello , was wondering when I would receive my light & or a email return with some info ?
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥TOP LIGHTS🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Many thanks to this awesome company!! @marshydroLED, always helpfull and kind, delivering kick-ass lights and letting me try out their SP-3000... You guys are awesome!!!
So looking forward to working with the new gear I have Won in 2023. Theft is high where I live. Please let me know when your shipping
@1Right_Angle, controlla bene la.lampada a me hanno inviato una lampada difettosa quando vinsi il contest
Mars Hydro I've seen people using your products and you guys get your game right but you could always use a little more percent I'm friends with dex the rapper well we were childhood friends cuz he is anxiety and depression and he's counting through Canada on a tour or I'm going with him through the whole tour and afterwards done we got a big ranch he told me to get in contact with you guys cuz he will promote you the stuff you he's looking for somebody to get flower off of he can't bring across the states
@Johnmike, lol. No way you'll get sponsored mate. You've no diaries. And what your rapper mate gonna promote the FC(S) in a rap lol. Also, you need a minimum of likes, followers and grows
Mi hanno fatto disdire una collaborazione con un altra azienda. Dopo aver usato le mie foto nel loro profilo su Instagram sono spariti nel nulla ....non è un buon comportamento specialmente quando uno ha creato moltissimi diari per loro (molti più di quelli in contratto) penso di essere un buon growers e non merito questo trattamento... scriverò il mio dispiacere dove posso, spero di avere un giorno un loro riscontro....considerato sononstago bloccato su Instagram solamente perche ho spiegato il mio accaduto
Well im new to mars world.. But their gt3×3×6 tent and their tsw2000 together are untouchable..i love their products..HIGHLY recommend both tent and light .. 💯💯💯 I ❤️my mars hydro combo💯🏆🏆🏆🏆💪💪💪💪💪
I have a 45 square meter room. My room is 5 meters wide and 9 meters long. Do you think 20 ts3000 is enough? Or do you need more light? thanks
Sto coltivando delle ragazze sotto la sp3000 Marshydrø🛸💣...che dire è semplicemente favolosa grazie ragazzi!🔥💚
Hell yeah I only use your lights got a bunch of from 600 all the way to fc4800 and all in between if I could figure this out I'd show you it erased everything I put yesterday can't find me no where's