Was another good week, had mostly sun and only two days of rain, one of them being today. No vertical growth again this week but she is really filling in. Back on nutrients 3 days a week but cut water back to 6L in morning and an extra 4L in afternoon (only when very hot and soil dries faster).
Did a good defoliation on day 2 of the week, removed any branches growing inwards and cleaned up all around. No shock next day and by end of week almost filled back in again. Will give it time to grow through net but for sure 1-2 more defoliation in the future. Gotta keep good airflow through the middle to avoid problems down the road.
So originally I had planned on just using the garden stakes, but that's just not going to cut it so McGivered a good support system. 2x2x12 screwed into the corners of the skids (fit perfectly in existing holes) and horizontal supports to strengthen it up. Netting around and two rows up near the top. Ready to take on the weight that this girl is going to put on.
I would think that should start flower in next week? 🤞 end of July but they're still getting 12hours direct sun + 3-4 hours a day of sun filtered through tree canopy. If she don't start soon it's gonna be a late finish!