This was a big girl to harvest. She came in at 417.3 g dry, which is a personal best for me. Additionally, I received 36g of nice trim for my tincture. The buds aren't the biggest I have grown, but they are some of the tightest! I really enjoyed growing this clone. She filled out the tent well using a type of SCROG to get the most out of the grow area. I dried the buds on a drying rack for 10 days, and then gave them a nice rough trim. Since this is all for personal use, I don't worry about making them pretty, just functional. She is a sticky girl, and gummed up my scissors more than once. That is a good problem to have! I put the trimmed buds in my Grove 1/2 gal bags for the cure. I have found these bags to be EXCELLENT to cure my buds. No burping is required, they preserve the terps, and keep the humidity between 58 and 62. Perfect! My best harvest to date!