420Fastbuds FBT2307/Week11 What up everyone weekly update on these three beauties. All though they appear to be different in looks they all three are equally lovely. Really looking forward to the upcoming week as I'll start looking at the trichs to see if we got some amber showing up. All in all Happy Growing
Week 8 and the blue dream keeps getting taller and buds are growing slowly, but she seems to be growing very good I also added the led full spectrum lights on the sides for my seedlings since my other two died because i didnt have enough Light and they been helping a lot .. purple lemonade is growing slower but looking good hopefully this next week she does better
This grow is more around the 9 and a half week stage I’ve chopped her a few days earlier than I’d liked but she was ready with plenty of amber trichomes to be seen. I never had much hope for this girl she was just a last minute idea, I’ve also used 4 year old soil from previous grows as an experiment ..this has been a cheap run and will still be a flavoursome smoke! This strain is sooo resilient I put her through hell and she still rewarded me! (Not the greatest yield but decent) Bad quality camera just in time for harvest typical but yeah she really took off after some topping and gave me some nice heads! I’m getting a fruity biscuit sort of smell out of her she smells amazing! Will update this post in 10 days dry
Update; February 14th, 2023. From the moment I flipped to flower, they’ve been exploding with growth! They are super healthy! They grow back and fill in so fast after defoliating, no matter how heavy I go. I’ve added the supplemental lighting (Viparspectra 600) this week to really get the most I can. Figuring out a way to mount it higher.
Update; February 14th, 2023. From the moment I flipped to flower, they’ve been exploding with growth! They are super healthy! They grow back and fill in so fast after defoliating, no matter how heavy I go. I’ve added the supplemental lighting (Viparspectra 600) this week to really get the most I can. Figuring out a way to mount it higher.
Hello everyone, gardening brothers! my gorgeous nuggets are starting to get a little chilly! ❄️ these girls have risen a lot and we had to adopt more techniques to keep them at bay we had some small led burns .... but nothing serious....
Hello everyone, gardening brothers! my gorgeous nuggets are starting to get a little chilly! ❄️ these girls have risen a lot and we had to adopt more techniques to keep them at bay we had some small led burns .... but nothing serious....
This week hasn't really done much, recon it's the week it focuses on root system, hopefully get alot of vegetation over next few weeks.
Today was plant care day -defoliation of all plants -huge watering 4L ( usually only 2L) -general check up / applied some more LST for better air flow The LSD has such a nice smell with some of the most beautiful purple buds i’ve grown yet! Atm my favourite at the tent
Time for the LAST CUT!! Top two picks transplanted I’ll do 2 more and find homes for the rest !
420Fastbuds FBT2301/Week11 What up GrowFam. Weekly update for these two stunning girls. Getting close for the chop after checking the trichs, I'm starting to see amber so will keep a close eye until we get to about 10%. I did to a major defoliation this week taking off most of the fan leafs to allow some of the lower buds to mature before getting chopped. Over all super happy with the way they've grown up to this point. Happy Growing
420Fastbuds FBT2303/Week11 Weekly update on these chunky girls. Did a defoliation this week on them taking off some of the bigger fan leafs. The flowers have swollen noticeable this week which is crazy as they were huge before. Over all seeing fading in the leafs as they get close to finishing up. Starting to see some amber in the trichs which is an exciting time. All in all Happy Growing
420Fastbuds FBT2302/Week11 What up everyone. Hopefully all are having an amazing weekend. Weekly update in these two little ladies. The flowers on these have definitely swollen up more this week and starting to show some amber when looking at the trichs. They both are super frosty and smell absolutely delicious. Did take off most of the bigger fan leafs this week allowing more light to the lower flower sites before getting the chop in a couple days. All in all Happy Growing
420Fastbuds FBT2305/Week11 These lovely ladies are getting super close to being done. Getting excited when opening the tent as these two just draw your attention straight to them. Flowers are super dense and smell mesmerizing. Looked at trichs this past week and noticed some amber showing up so I'll wait until I see about 10% until they get chipped and trimmed up to start drying on the rack. All in all Happy Growing
420Fastbuds FBT2304/Week11 Weekly update on these beautiful girls. They're getting super close to getting the chop. They smell like a candy factory when taking a sniff. Flowers are super dense to the touch and sticky as can be. Started getting the fade on the bigger one but expected this far into flower. I did do a defoliation taking of some of the bigger leafs during the final week. I really can't wait because I'm starting to see some amber trichs, so I'll wait until I see about 10% before chopping. All in all Happy Growing
Dopo circa sei giorni a 12 ore di luce, le parti apicali delle diramazioni hanno iniziato a cambiare forma e a breve appariranno i primi peletti, molto compatte e piene di rami, in ottima salute promettono grandi emozioni! Tra una settimana inizio a rimuovere le foglie più grandi di sotto in modo da fare arrivare più luce.
Week 4 (13/02 - 19/02) During this week I will continue to monitor the training adjusting the ropes in order to allow the development of secondary branches. I will increase the extractor time to 7 hours in the morning and 8 hours during the afternoon because I noticed that, during the last days of previous week, the humidity increased faster when the extractor was off. The extractor will be at 30% of its capacity. I will also try to increase the water quantity because the plants are growing well and faster. No changes to the cooling/heating system parameters. I will add the Bio-bloom to the pants every two watering days. 13/02 D21: only water sprayed on leafs in the morning. 14/02 D22: watering day. I added 2 ml of Bio-grow plus 1 ml of Bio-bloom to 2 liters of tap water 15/02 D23: today I removed the couple of single leafs to each plant. Sprayed leafs with tap water. 16/02 D24: - 17/02 D25: watering day. I added 2 ml of Bio-grow to 2 liters of tap water. 18/02 D26: leafs sprayed with water. Increased the distance lamp from the top to 30/40 cm. Increased the light power to 100% 19/02 D27: watering day. 2.5 liters of tap water only.