Hi everyone, well I got excited when i saw the fast buds outdoor competition, i just wrote them a message all like "what strain do you recommend?" and they wrote back every strain i didnt have so that s like green crack cali snow, some other ones, i'm kinda bummed but it's whatever plenty of fastbuds in the fridge so i try to get set up and literally on the day i want to start i get a hat and those strains in the mail so i was like damn thank god i send my address to people on growdiaries lol #safetyfirst
My set up is pretty simple i'm using a 5 gal pot branded AZTech Genetics, seems it's non woven and fairly decent quality but what do i know ? 😅 anyway i'm sort of honing in my technique but i ran out of micro nutrients so idk what's gonna happen, let's see what i figure out on the way. that's later on, right now my plants got 15gs of trychoderma, myco and bacilusses mixed into the soil, planted one seed straight drop, didnt sprout, actuvated two more seeds in smart protein solution then planted one and it cracked the surface the same day, covered it and let it sit. Planted random companion plants with the weed this time, i think it's really exciting how you can see all the little sprout coming up at the same time. Let's see how this goes, last year i had spider mites and inchworms 🚀
Day 7 i've watered 1L 3 times this week with 1ml/L smart proteins each time, first watering and all the seeds sprouted, by the second watering i noticed the two other cali snows also popped, now i have three plants in one pot which i need to separate... does anyone want/need an extra seedling or two? hit me up before you drop by to pick them up if you want them ! see how all the companion plants and the cali snows are growing robustly? basically with the bowl on top their making their own atmosphere i'm guessing it hits the high 80s in RH inside there, 80RH 29°C .... when i watered them i intentionally left some on the glass bowl, the smart proteins have optical properties but i dont know what they are yet ha ! on to the next week, peace ! 🚀