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Luego de un par de semanas full trabajo me dediqué a ordenar un poco el jardín, revisar las plantas, reubicar algunas y realizar una respectiva poda de algunas hojas para que llegue luz a todos los brotes. Algunas finalizando la tercera semana de floración, otras en su segunda semana de floración. Está costando mantener los parámetros, ya comenzó la primavera por lo que aumenta la temperatura en mi espacio, pero se está logrando. Se ha aplicado riego de Organic Bloom de B.A.C + Nirvana de Advanced Nutrients a partir de la segunda semana de floración. En dosis bajas para ver cómo andan. Muy fuerte el olor dulce que están dejando todas, luego las revisaré mas detalladamente para especificar un poco los olores de cada plantas. La cantidad de resina es impresionante.
I watered her three times this week with 0,8 liters of rainwater, and on the first occasion, I did also provide it with nutrients. At the beginning of the week the runoff water was perfect around 6,4 ph and 800 ppm. Overall, she's a bit small 31cm, but she seems to be doing well, and I have no complaints.
Exotic Genetix: Event Horizon (x3) y Toasted Toffee(x3). Thug pug Genetics: Peanut Butter sunset(x3). Una ves sean transplantadas a su macetero definitivo(5 litros) se comenzará con riego automático, drip to waste, y protocolo Crop Steering. 20 Octubre(15:30): 9 semillas en remojo, solución de 2 partes de agua de ósmosis + 1 parte de peróxido de hidrógeno 3%, 5.8pH, 0.6EC, 28°C~30°C. Antes ser puestas a remojar se lijaron las semillas para favorecer la absorción del agua. 21:30: puestas en toalla de papel con la misma agua de remojo, dentro de un contenedor de vidrio hermético y sobre una alfombra de calor a 28°C~30°C, para aumentar la actividad metabólica. 21 Octubre: Pre carga del coco, con solución de nutrientes Athena en 2.0EC y 5.7pH, saturación hasta lograr drenaje, el drenaje fue de 1.5EC y 5.6pH. 21:50: Todas las semillas presentan radicula de distintos tamaños(1cm aprox) son inmediatamente pasadas al sustrato. 22 Octubre: 21:10, se aprecian todas ya brotando, se mantiene el ambiente en 26°C~28°C y 70%+ de humedad. 23 Octubre: 9/9 semillas brotadas, se ven algunos Cotiledones. 24 Octubre: (9:30)8/9 cotiledones abiertos, altura entre 3cm~5cm, etapa de plantula iniciada. Toffee n3 se atrofió por mala manipulación, espero que crezca aunque sea lento, si no, tendré que seguir solo con 8 plantas. 25 Octubre: Toffee n3 está viva!!! Estuve a punto de quitarla, y está mañana apareció sin su capucha, cotiledones afuera. Yujuuuu!! 26 Octubre: hoy tuvieron su primer riego con nutrientes Athena, 2.0EC y 5.8pH. Se regó hasta alcanzar drenaje, el drenaje fue de 1.9EC y 5.7pH. 27 Octubre: Se desarrollan a buen ritmo, algunas han estirado más que otras, alturas entre 4cm~7cm. 31 Octubre: Segundo riego, 120ml casa una, 2.0EC y 5.8pH, runoff de 2.3EC y 5.7pH. 2 Noviembre: Creciendo a buen ritmo, alturas entre 5cm y 9cm. 4 Noviembre: Riego 180ml cada una, 2.0EC y 5.8pH, runoff 2.8EC y 5.8pH, desde ahora se regarán más seguido, removí las primeras hojas, solo por comodidad para regar, de igual manera los primeros nodos y esas hojas se terminan podando pronto. 8 Noviembre: Riego 2.0EC, 5.8pH, 240ml cada una para aumentar el runoff, valores de runoff de 3.0EC y 6.0pH. Alturas entre 9cm y 14cm.
Week 13! We made it to harvest! The buds are looking gorgeous..bright green super crystally from that 48 hours of darkness prior..and oh so many hints of purple all thanks to my efforts of cooling down temps at night. Smelling absolutely dank right after drying which was a nice teaser for me when I get to finally smoke her! I have two plants chopped one is still drying and I’ll probably add one more photo because it had one fat cola that needs to be shared LOL! Unfortunately this plant was 6 grams short of giving me 2 full ounces but i’m still learning and they weren’t trained at all and I’m happy with the result! I think the plant still hanging will give me an ounce or was my corner plant that didn’t get much tending. What a fun strain to grow will update on the smoke eventually!
We plan to pre-flowering in next week. In this week we are stop topping in these girl. And make 160 cola per 1 plant and training with maintenance cut for Top bud every cola. We use compost tea and craft organic fertilizer to take nutrient to soil and plant can use it for flowering stage.
Welcome growmies, to the becoming of Amaretto Tarmac. You don't need to ask me twice concerning almonds, amaretto, or marzipan.. 😋 😍 Genetics: Amaretto Sour X Apollo Black Cherry And OMFGS she turns purple!! 💜 Thanks @SeedstockersOfficial for the beautiful goodie pack!! :squirrel: 💚 💨 Can't wait to grow the new stuff!! Everybody, if you like, check out the other Seedstockers' new strain I grow here on GD: Terp&Tonic Auto! Thanks @GreenBuzzNutrients for sponsoring your products, I am very happy!! 💚 If anyone wants to give those nutes a try, you find a generous discount code in my setup description! 😙 _______________________________________________________________ Strain description: Amaretto Tarmac was born from the cross of two varieties with a high pedigree: on the one hand, the tasty American Amaretto Sour; and, on the other, the resinous Apollo Black Cherry. This union results in a sativa-leaning strain that will certainly captivate those users looking for a psychoactivity that is both powerful and energising, and which induces creativity. This is a 5-star strain whose terpene profile is something incredibly special: the combination of a hot tarmac aroma on a bitter background, along with an Amaretto flavour and a mix of cherry, blueberry, and kola undertones. A truly unique taste that is a must for those with the most demanding palates who are in search of new experiences. With a relatively short flowering period for an 80% sativa-dominant strain, Amaretto Tarmac will be ready for harvest in just 8 weeks (in late September when grown outdoors). This beauty is also highly decorative as she can express two different types of phenos: one with more greenish tones, and another one with lovely shades of purple. ______________________________________________________________ Setup: 140x70x200 cm Spiderfarmer tent 2x Monkey 16W fans (not oscillating) 1x Secret Jardin 30W 1x box fan 50W oscillating (on lowest level) LED Full Spectrum 320W AGLEX AGL-320W-MA 5,6 kg foldable, dimmable 864 pieces Samsung LH301H 864umol/s 2,7umol/J full spectrum white + RED 660nm + IR 740nm wavelength range 380-780nm covering 3x4ft Green Buzz Nutrients ❗ Use code GD42025 for generous 25% discount (for orders of minimum 75€) Biobizz Lightmix Carbon Active Granulate Filter 125/360 cm³/h PrimaKlima exhaust EC 125-400/240 cm³/h
Tag 40: Ich gebe zusätzlich Alg a mic in das Gießwasser zur Stressbehandlung. Tag 46: Ich habe mich entschlossen diesen Grow abzubrechen. Seit kurzem werden die Blätter hell und fühlen sich trocken an. Ich vermute es liegt daran das ich einmal ein großen Schluck zu hartes Wasser genommen habe. Ich hatte einmal zuwenig Gießwasser vorbereitet (PH wert eingestellt 6,3) und es lief unten nicht raus so nahm unvorbereitetes (PH wert 7 etwa) Wasser zum Schluss, zunächst wuchs die Pflanze normal weiter, doch nach 1-2 Wochen stagniert das Wachstum die Blätter sind hell und trocken, auch die neuen Triebe sehen nicht gut aus.
Tag 40: Ich gebe zusätzlich Alg a mic in das Gießwasser zur Stressbehandlung. Tag 46: Ich habe mich entschlossen diesen Grow abzubrechen. Seit kurzem werden die Blätter hell und fühlen sich trocken an. Ich vermute es liegt daran das ich einmal ein großen Schluck zu hartes Wasser genommen habe. Ich hatte einmal zuwenig Gießwasser vorbereitet (PH wert eingestellt 6,3) und es lief unten nicht raus so nahm unvorbereitetes (PH wert 7 etwa) Wasser zum Schluss, zunächst wuchs die Pflanze normal weiter, doch nach 1-2 Wochen stagniert das Wachstum die Blätter sind hell und trocken, auch die neuen Triebe sehen nicht gut aus.
I watered her three times this week with 1.2 liters of rainwater, and on the last occasion, I did also provide it with nutrients. At the beginning of the week the runoff water indicates that the pH level might be a bit high as 7.1. At the end of the week I've managed to lower the pH of the water, and now it receives water with a pH of 5.8. The runoff was 1800-1900 ppm, and 7 ph, so I will continue to lower the ph, and adjust nutrients too. Overall, she seems to be doing well, and I have no complaints.
All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio or combination of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids)TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added in smaller ratios and "Bloom Mix" concentrate what will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely with the ppm and ratios listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. Day 70/0 Flipped to 12/12 - increased ppfd by 100 and worked to stabilize temps/humidity with new gear. I used 15 minutes of IR light before main lights and then 30 minutes of UV light at mid day and will still use 15 minutes of IR light after main light are out. I plan to increase the time of UV lights to a max of 2.5 hours per day mid day but for now Im easing her into the treatments. Watered with 1.12 gallons of 6.3ph de-chlorinated tap water, used 50ppm of veg mix and 50ppm of bloom mix in the water. VPD is mostly steady 74F/65%RH/33%ILV Day 71/1 tested and calibrated my meter, tested the top soil 1 day after feed for ph - tested 4 times for an avg of 6.48 Trimmed brown leaves and did some HST/LST training/binding. Took control pics for UV treatments of 15 minutes per day. Will monitor and increase weekly it she holds up okay. Still doin 15 minutes of IR light before and after lights on/off. PPFD after training was 630 at highest and 540 lowest. VPD was 74F/60%RH/33%ILV Day 72/2 Just a watch today, VPD was 75F/60%RH/setting 4/10 of ILV (about 33% like the last tent) PPFD ranged from 530 to 650. I only used 5 minutes of UV light today as she has a tinge of browning on the tips of a few leaves. Im not cutting it out completely because I still plan to use upto 2.5 hrs by end of flower, so she needs to adjust. Im also still using 15 minutes of IR before and after main light schedule. Her stretch seems to be picking up, from 16 inches 2 days ago to 18 today. Day 73/3 VPD same as yesterday 75F/60%RH/40%ILV PPFD hit 670 at highest and 550 at lowest. Stayed with 5 minutes of UV light and monitored burnt tips from previous days... no spread, so I may add 5 more minutes tomorrow and monitor. 15 minutes of IR before/after main light schedule. Growth continues, another inch in stretch to 19 inches. I turned her slightly because there are still two runted colas that I rather provide more light to. It's been 3 days since last feed and I think with as much growth as she's putting on, I should feed again tomorrow. Im still introducing nutes in lower portions but will add 300ppm and feed about 2 gallons at a 25/75 ratio of veg:bloom mix to see if I can get some run off to measure conditions. Day 74/4 Watered with 2 gallons of 6.4 ph de-chlorinated tap water. I added 300ppm total of 25% Veg/75% Bloom. Starting ppm was 296; ending was 595 and I added a pinch of epsom salt. Poured over the whole base until I got runoff - Since I was so close to the whole 2 gallons, I used it all. I only used the feed water over the roots today as I want her to get the nutes from the soil since the transfer into new soil was so recent. So far VPD is 75F/60%RH/40%ILV. No issues with controls. PPFD was upto 700 at center so I raised the lights to almost 42" from soil - Since the plant is almost 20" that's 22" leaves to light. New PPFD now ranges at 480 to 650 on 70% power. I increased UV time to 10minutes today and took control pics for light burn. I am still using 15 IR before and after main lights. Took some black back picks since I think she's looking good now. Day 75/5 Started the day with evaluation of ph and control pics. Comparisons show no further spread of lock out issues from earlier or light burn of a more recent change. Upto 20 inches before HST/LST today. Meter was tested/calibrated and soil ph was tested 4 times for avg of 6.34 (yesterday's runoff was about 6.35 too) Soil temp is about 66F. Also tested CO2 and got 1050. Room VPD was 74F/60%RH/30%ILV I spread the leaves further apart because I noticed there were two colas not getting as much light and somewhat crowded by the colas near by. So I positioned the larger part of the tomato ring around the limbs extending here out to 32x32 and the used HST/LST to break and bend the center colas inward clockwise (I think I went a bit too hard on one as the others already show a bounce back and now one is still limp-ish (will monitor obviously) But with that the height is now 18" so 32x32x18 - but here's the kicker, I only have a 24x48 tent, so there's a few colas touching the walls and doorway now, so I may have to reconsider the larger ring. New position, new PPFD right?, not exactly, for some reason these settings still gave me range of 480 to 650 as I had yesterday with just a few more of the outer colas have 480 than yesterday. However, there's more light getting lower levels now and I only had to cut 1 leaf. Which is good because I did 15 minutes of UV today with the regular 15 minutes of IR before and after main lights. Day 76/6 VPD is a lil wonky now as humidity is starting to go up in the tent - so I plan to put in the dehumidifier this weekend and just leaving the humidifier off today and tomorrow. Heat seems to also be ticking up - so I reduced the temp on the heater and will monitor. Temps about 75 to 76 - humidity at about 62% as high as 65 though and Im trying to be at or under 60 this week. Increased ILV to 40% I repositioned the fans to hang on the lights while blowing down onto the plant. I tried to make every leaf dance a little. LST seemed to hold up okay - had to reposition a few branches and thinking I may have to build a larger box this weekend since the colas are now pressing the door and back wall. PPFD is between 470 and 700. I used 15 minutes of UV mid day with 15 minutes (30 total) IR before and after main light timers.
Hi everyone 😁 Welcome back on another week update. So far everything going as well as can be. Both 🍌💜👊 girls developing very well. This week I have reduced root juice by half and by the end of this week may introduce fish mix and biogrow on very small dose but all will depend how girls will be developing in coming days. Thank you all for all the likes comments, follows and pm's. Love you all 😁💚 I will keep updating this week progress every few days. Wishing you all a wonderful week ✨🍀✨ Peace and love brothers and sisters ✌️💜 23/10 day 15 Smooth development on both baby girls. Watered with approx. 300-400ml each pot on the entire surface. 26/10 day 18 Girls are growing very nicely. Today another watering approx. 200ml each of 🍌💜👊 girl. Still spraying water around the surface everyday. 29/10 day 21 It's been a perfect week. No issues at all. Very steady growth. Next week will introduce to my 🍌💜👊 girls few new dishes and possibly will start with LST. Thank you all for such a great support 😊✌️💚 Wishing everyone a wonderful upcoming week✨🍀✨ Peace and love brothers and sisters ✌️💚
So far my confidence in this next go around is very high! 😃☀️ Putting the seeds straight into a jiffy pellet is the way I am going to proceed with germination going forward. You are just adding extra variables to what should be a simple equation (seed in sterile medium + warmth + moisture = seedling) unlike with the paper towel method, where you need to transfer them to the medium. But this is just one opinion of a rookie grower.
Hello growmies 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾🌲🌲, 👋 Plant double size in 1 week, and buds coming along 🦔🦔 Drink more and more water and look never enough 😅 💡 I up a bit the supply of lamp each days, now 50%, don't up much. 💪 I continued a bit the training, Removed some leaves. 💧 Give water each 2/3 day 1.25 l Water + Roots + Ez 1.5 l Water + Roots + Bloom + Sugar Royal 1.5 l Water + Roots + Bloom PH @6 RQS - Easy Bloom Booster Tabs 1 tabs/5 l RQS - Easy Grow Booster Tabs 1 tabs/5 l RQS - Easy Micronutrients Plus 1 tabs/5 l (1 watering each 10 days.) 💡Mars Hydro - FC 3000 50% 49 cm. Mars Hydro Fan kit Setting 6 Have a good week and see you next week 👋 Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Mars Hydro - Smart FC3000 300W Samsung LM301B LED Grow Light💡💡 Mars Hydro - 6 Inch Inline Fan And Carbon Filter Combo With Thermostat Controller 💨💨 RQS - Titan F1🌲🌲
the gorilla might already be good, but I'll leave it another week and then cut everything, also because I have a new setup started in a 50x50x140 cm tent with a spider farmer sf1000 and a mimosa x orange punch by barney's f. :DDD.