👋Hello, my friend!👋
If You reading this, sign up to my profile, I will be pleased! I download new photos and comments updates every day! It will be nice to walk true this grow of my two Fast Buds 'Banana Purple Punch' auto flowers together! I asking a lot of grow questions and take part in a life of this grow community.
New week starts!
Today I came home and saw my smaller one showing four stigmas in the upper knot. I was afraid of she already starts flowering, but mates from 'Grow questions' made me kalm, answering that she's just showing her gender. It's too early for flowering and thet's how all autos do. Thank You, my friends, You've saved my nerves (as usual).
I have watered my girls with full pack of GHE nutrients, including 'GHE Diamond nectar' and 'GHE Mineral magic'.
Solution ph: 6.0
Drenage ph: I forgot to drain vater from pot's bottom and after four hours it was gone. So I'll measure it next time.
I've done some more LST and sprayed them with 'GHE SeaWeed'.
Today I asked one more grow question: 'Why all new brunches on my autu flowers has triple fingerd leaves?'
Mates told me it's a fault of my substrate Ph and I can do some flushing to fix that. I took one on my girls (#1) and made this procedure deeping a whole pot in a bucket with 10 liters of ph5.9 water.
Maybe it's some kind ob a black magic, but it did NOTHING.
Inflow: ph5.9
Outflow: ph6.7
Substrate ph after 3 procedures: 6.9
I gave up.
I'll not doing this to #2 and let them grow in that cursed substrate till the every end.
I made small defoliation after all of this to bouth of my girls. Lowest leaves (first floor) was cut with a brunches growing from it. Also I cuted one fingered leaves of a first week.
Results are on downloaded photos.
Photos downloaded.
Mb its my mind tricks itself but I noticed #1 starts growing faster after flushing. It was smaller than #2 and now it's almost the same size and even looks thicker. Tomorrow we'll see it more closely and I'll flush #2 if it's true.
I watered #2 with full pack of GHE and sprayed them bough with 'GHE SeeWeed'.
Also my BPPa#2 showed her gender today (stigmas on a upper knot). Yep, we have a girl here!
It's a 'rest day' today.
Nothing to wright.
(Photos downloaded)
I made some LST and sprayed my flowers with 'GHE SeaWeed' solution.
Substrate ph rised by ph0.1 and now it ph7. It's critical already, especially when my BPPa#1 starts to show stigmas everywhere - almost in every knot. I think pre-flowering starts soon. She looks soft and wobbly, I think there is a deficit of some elements. But my substrate still wet, and I can't do anything. Tomorrow I'll make them both to bath in ph5.5 nutrients solution - and it's only thing I can imagine to do now.
Relying on the best, waiting for tomorrow.
Today I watered both of my plants with 'GHE' nutrients (TriPart + Fulvic acid + Roots stimulator + Selicates) and sprayed 'GHE SeaWeed' on the leaves.
Also, I think I finally resolved my cuestion: 'Why ph of substrate don't want to go down?'. I take my water from kitchen crane, it has ~ppm110 and ~ph7.5. But clorine in this regular water slowly makes the reaction with asid I use to low it's ph. And slowly but surely ph of solution rises. I noticed this by making ph5.8 water and waighting 24hrs - ph of solution became 6.7 the next day. My previous grow I used distilled water only and thet's why I didn't know about this problem. It's a pity I made this guess so late. But it's better late then never. From now I will make ~ph5.2 water immediately after watering and it will react till next procedure (2 days). It's ph should rize above 0.9-1.0 by this time and become near ph6.0. I already prepared water for the next feeding - clear, without any nutrients (by now) and ph5.25 on it's start.
Today my solution measurements looks like this:
- Substrate ph before watering: ~7;
- Solution ph: 5.8;
- Solution ppm: 680;
- Solution EC: 1.1;
- Substrate ph after watering: ~6.9;
- Drenage ph: 6.7;
- Drenage ppm: 710;
- Drenage EC: 1.03.
The 'rest day'.
My experinent with water ph was sucssessful. Now I know how to treat usual water to feed my flowers correctly. My next grow will be nearly perfect. And also, it's my first (and last) grow using autoflowers seeds. I don't like a grow process ether a future results.
Regular flowers are what I can grow the best. So I'll stay on a 'photo' side of a force (after this auto grow ends).
Week ends.