So this grow was easy barely fed nutes I felt with really cold temps I’m so far up north but it reall brought out the colours and they are amazing smells like lemon berries I like it cheers and thanks guys
What I can i say other than Ethos Genetics kicks ass. I love growing their gear and will continue for as long as I can. This girl here took very well to training and feeding increases. Her terpene profile early on was undeniably Strawberry but gradually took a citrus dominant turn with some notes of pine. She was a moderate strechter and produced nice full trichomes that I'm sure would give a great return if pressed. The buds themselves are extremely sticky,pungent and dense. I used CX Horticulture and did what most dont do and used the recommended feeding chart 😲🙈🙊. I am glad to say she took it like a champ and for future grows of this strain I know I can up my ppm/EC next time. I yielded 6.25 ounces off of a 10 gallon pot and I know that's not impressive but it's my first time growing in a pot that big so many things learned. I will say after looking at the rootball I could have vegged for several more weeks but again knowledge is power and I've gained some 😉
Just in drying but she smells strong, looks drenched in resinous crystals and I just can’t wait to get her dried and cure. Beautiful plant with nice sized buds. The smell is the strongest I’ve grown like an earthy pine smell full of crystals still curing but my tester blunt put me to sleep but not as smooth as I’d like yet so back in the jar! Full smoke report will be up after a full cure. After a 2 week cure the taste is phenomenal and old school flavour that brings back memories, earthy notes with hints of liquorice tastes a lot like a good quality hash. Nice smooth smoke that packs a punch. Definitely can’t beat the OG strains. The high creeps up on you but not to intensely and lasts hours!
Beautiful beautiful girl. I love their genetics through and through. Never have I grown a plant from sweet seeds that wasn’t fire. The smells the density the entire process. This bitch is beautiful and really throws frosty dense fire nugs. I haven’t been able to test smoke her because I’m taking a tolerance break for a vacation out of country but you bet your ass the second I’m home I am rolling a blunt if this beautiful lady. I just am so happy with how she turned out. Super happy to have watched this bad bitch grow. It’s been an honor.
DrUnderground UPink Kush es una indica de potencia muy elevada, no necesita demasiada comida, es bastante agradecida,tiene la particularidad de sacar estigmas de color rosa, e inclusofucsia, el envés de las hojas adquiere tonalidades entre rojizas ypúrpuras, estos caracteres son mas visibles en cultivos al exterior.La cantidad de resina es brutal, típico en las mejores Kush El aroma es una combinación entre kush original y diesel muy característico en estas lineas con un trasfondo a sal de frutas, pero lo mejor de U-Pink Kush es su efecto, con poco puede ser una delas mejores fumadas jamás conocidas, con mucho... puede arruinarte el día.La densidad de los cogollos es alta, las hojas mas cercanas a estosquedan bañadas en resina.Esta preciosidad termina su periodo de floración entre 8 y 9semanas. El hachís que se hace de su extracción es una exquisitez dealtísima calidad de fama mundial, con ciertos tonos rojizos y ocresproduce un burbujeo de otra galaxia
okay guys this is insane.....232 grams wet... with a final dry weight of 17 grams..... im devastated.... although they are dense buds with such wonderful colour and smell, the yield and time was not worth it.... i gave it same treatment as the other ladies in the tent and they all BY FAR exceeded this. STRAWBERRY NUGGETS has a great berry flavour and honestly you can taste it a bit when you exhale and keep in mind this is not cured fully yet. every day it smells better and better. i am super disappointed with the yield, i was really excited for this considering it was my first prize ever! i do love the smoke but i will for sure never grow this again i was super disappointed...... there was 32 grams of HUGE stems lol after trimming i had 73.6 grams wet. total dry was 17 grams...... not even an ounce folks..... i will be making bubble hash, rosin and edibles with this! STAY TUNED!!!!!!! LOVE YOU ALL THANK YOU FOR LOOKING
These two are moving right along. Starting to show some great early flower stretch and one of which that has come back from the dead you could never tell right now. Did a water change this week to get the ppm back to a more normal number although this strain can handle whatever you give them this is not the case with their neighbors.
Tiene un olor característico muy complicado, muy buen efecto y la gran compactacion hace que haya sido una muy buena cosecha.
Harvest - Let me start off by saying how impressed I am with this plant and the flower produced, not only was it consistent with the description but it seems to be consistent across other diaries that i've seen - really top notch job i'd say. Grow: Growing went without hassle, this plant started off it's life from seed being vegged under my hlg quantum board for the first 5 weeks of its life - after that I left it inside under 5-6 hours of direct sunlight to flower, bud chunked out nicely and i am impressed by the yeild considering the amount of light. Smoke: I love this bud, It is truly pleasant to smoke - so smooth you could smoke it constantly without fear of harshness. The creamy and sweet flavor are a real treat. I will definitely be growing this again
I never actually weighed this plant once dried. I would estimate around 400+ grams as I gave away so much to friends and it still lasted me well over 2 years. Beleive it or not, my wife who disapproves of me smoking never knew I was growing. Until the end that is when she needed a screw driver and entered my shed to see what you can see in the videos. Hahahaha, it took a while to recover from this thats for sure. After this crop was finished, I basically rarely smoked for 4 years until I decided to go under lights this year. And now outdoors again with my latest project.
The Sensi Seeds Research breeding project has created eleven cannabis seed varieties. How? By combining new cannabis cultivars with a selection of strains from their long-established cannabis gene bank. For the first time in thirty-six years, they are opening the doors of the Sensi Seeds Research and Development Department. Week #12 Week #3 of flowering, having some issues with 2 ladies. I haven’t been able to check the room during 4 days, one plant has a Nitrogen excess, and the other one run out of P-K, Mg. Check the video, it’s not often that this situation happens, so let’s learn to diagnose the situation. The plant with banana peels style leaves is a Nitrogen excess, it start with the tips of the leaves pointing down, like claws, then it turns into some old bananas peels looking. The other one, with the crispy looking leaves is a lack of P-K, it starts with some kind of dark brown/purple stripes marks on the leaves with the tips starting to points up + a lack of Mag , the leaf is cupping like a taco shell ! The game now is to loose less yield than possible on those two ladies, but from now it’s already 25% gone .... This is a good example to show that every plants are different, all of them are running on the same diet, all others plants are doing great except those 2. Morality is to check your plants daily, those problems can be fixed before it happens, when you know how to diagnose the primary symptom 😉 Week 3 trimming !!! You must clean your plants legs and cut off all the lil shoots, in the bottom, that haven’t reach the top ! Main goal to keep in mind is to spend all the energy on the top, cleaning the legs will help to avoid wasting energy on the bottom of your plants Once again, Mars-Hydro has definitely improved their performance, the shoots structure of the plants under the SP-250 is amazing. The plants have developed so many shoots compared to the plants under the HID’s , it’s really remarkable ! (I’m looking for a job in the Cannabis industry as Master Grower, Mineralogist, Quality Control)