3 years ago
88kasanovacommented4 years ago
So I’ve been trying this new technique and it has really really improved my plants (this is mainly for ppl with full spectrum grow lights) so what I’ve been doing is mimicking the weather outside, I take my UV meter outside 3 different times of the day and measure the direct sunlight, then I match those reading with my lights in my tent for example during the day I have the veg and bloom switch on, as soon as I see the sun setting I switch it to red lights only (bloom switch) so it’s mimicking the sun setting. And it’s amazing to see how much better my indoor plant is doin lg than my outdoor. My outdoor is great, just lots of pest, birds, and you know the rest, but matching the exact light outside with that 30min flash of all red light has fattened and sensed my buds up like crazy! I if you wanna try a experiment that pays off, give this a try!! Peace my growmies!!