Day 71 - Starting week 11 and now that I put my Cherry Cookies into 72 hours of darkness, she’s got a ton of room in the tent now. I gave her 2 gallons of water and nutes today and she’s finally starting to develop some trichs. A very small amount right now but they’re finally starting to show a little.
Day 72 - Nothing really new going on today. She seems to like having a bit more room in the tent now. She’s doing good on water and should be for another couple of days. I just removed a few lower dead leaves today and tucked everything back down.
Day 73 - Nothing really new today, just letting her fatten up and finally starting to get a little bit of frost on her. Gonna need to give her some water and nutes tomorrow.
Day 75 - Went just a bit too long before giving her water. Pulled her out today and extremely droopy but gave her a good 2 gallons of water and nutes to hopefully perk her back up. Had a few more dead leaves at the bottom so removed them and I’ll check on her in a few hours to see if she’s perked up at all.
Day 76 - Overall she’s looking good and looks like she’s getting a pinkish color forming. It’s also looking like she might have a Cal-Mag deficiency going on so will up the Cal-Mag the next feeding to hopefully help her out.
Day 77 - The end of week 11 and she going along nicely still. She’s going to need some water and nutes tomorrow so I’m going to up the Cal-Mag this feeding. Instead of 5ML per gallon, I’m going to up it to 10ML and hopefully that will help her pull through her deficiency she’s got going right now.