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you see 2 sunset sherbets in hydroponics, but then I decided to transplant one of them into potting soil for outdoors. 24 hours in 5.5ph room temperature water and then into the growth plug they go. i will be using BluePlanets organic 3-part FarmersPride, with many other goodies
i let her roots build up on the first couple weeks after germination in a 1/2 gallon pot. 250ppm.
this is my first time transplanting from hydro to soil due to room/spacing issues, and let me tell you, this is NOT an easy task, and should be avoided at all costs, especially the bigger the plant. it almost seems impossible to remove all the clay pebbles without damaging some of those 2-3week old baby roots around those pebbles. i gently picked out as many clay pebbles as i could with my hand and then had to cut the plastic net pot to completely free up those roots without shocking the plant too much. the transplant was a success into soil 5gal, although I expected worse, and am expecting to be a few weeks behind to let her system reset/build. to make matters worse, its been VERY HOT in the midwest (90-100f). and here we go, later that same week, i accidentally left her overnight, and into the morning sun on a 100f day. as you can see from her burn marks, she clearly wasn’t able to defend herself against that type of extreme heat yet, and i was blessed to catch her before the afternoon heat, otherwise she’d be toast, lol. just a few of the upper leaves turned crispy. i know she wasn’t happy so i put her under more gentle conditions, now let’s see how she comes back
Blue Dream Auto, Fastbuds, I will train this one very aggressively, and test a new ripening blend I have been developing with the help of @GrowerAR. I will not be using any organics or biological supplements this run, so no GHE Diamond Nectar, Pro Roots, Pro Bloom, only mineral based fertilizers, Tri-Part Flora Series, Cal Mag, Armor Si, Mineral Magic etc. This is a very old seed, but has been in the refrigerator with the rest of my collection since I purchased it. Started dry seed in wet Root Riot on 17-08-2022 Day 1 a. dry blue dream seed is in Root Riot branded root plug with PH 5.5 water on it. b. I will add 5-10ml to the root riot 2 times per day Day 3 a. first signs of the plant are visible b. she may be up tomorrow!! Day 4 - video a. she is in the middle of rising when I took first photo b. lights have been 24/7, temperature in tent is 27 degrees right now c. she is up! wow! 56 hours from dry seed we have a plant! d. in the open with micro humidifier providing nice RH. e. video uploaded Day 5 - hello world a. she is up, and looking nice and strong b. she still gets 24 hrs of light, I will change to the schedule soon. Day 6 - she is up and strong! a. the seedling has solidified its color, and its new first leaves are very strong b. grew 3x overnight, great little seedling c. top water rocks daily Day 7 a. she is vigorous, getting tall b. topped up the rest of the Expanded clay, the stem has about 3cm of coverage now for new roots
Cette semaine les nuriments sont au maximum, seulement P et K. D'ici une semaine je vais rincer l'ensemble de la culture. Pas de problème recurant, je suis très content des couleurs.
Used 300 watts, produced over 400 grams of dry, extremely dank cookies. Thanks to top quality genetics, lights and nutrients.
Used 300 watts, produced over 400 grams of dry, extremely dank cookies. Thanks to top quality genetics, lights and nutrients.
Die kleine Lady wächst sehr schön kompakt, bin gespannt wie groß sie wird. Hoffentlich nicht über 80 cm.
Well growmies , that was fun , I really enjoyed doing a outdoor run this year , it's really too bad about how the weather played out , but still I ended up getting a bunch of jars of some frosty Buds 👈 and thats what matters ..... Thanks to Ganjafarmers for the seeds ...... Would recommend to anyone, 👈 👉Big thanks goes out to all my growmies for sticking by me on my growing adventure 👈 And to NutriNPK Nutrients.... Well that's it's folks until next time 👉HAPPY GROWING 👈
2022-08-20 Cindarella Jack is Budding up, Plant still looks quite happy and well feeded she drinks around 1l per Day ( its still quite hot in the Daytime) Breeder Information Auto Cinderella Jack is a cross of Cinderella 99 ,Jack Herer and Magnum, giving the strain a high THC level, almost 26%. Also, such genetics give high yields of 400-500 g/m2. The variety has very powerful long-lasting effects. The plant grows in any growing environment,and harvesting occurs in 70-77 days. This strain has a compact structure and an average size. It is easy to trim. The buds are abundantly covered with snow-white trichomes. Auto Cinderella Jack is easy to grow, but you should take care of the humidity level. Aroma and taste this is a mix of pine and herbal flavors, with notes of fruit and citrus. Because of its powerful effect, the strain is recommended for experienced smokers. It gives a body stone and uplifting effects. There is so much information on the website to this Strain Genetic (Cinderella 99 X Jack Herer) X Magnum Harvest 400 - 500 g/m² Floweringtime70 - 77days
Hey folks. No new updates really. still on cruise control. Plants are crazy thirsty. Using 10 gal every 2 days or so. So that ends up at 1.2 gal per plant per day! Insane. These air pots do thoer job as advertised. Next update we are going to amend these babies with the power bloom mix!
Lo stretching è finito finalmente e con il climatizzatore ho risolto il problema temperatura!
8/19 Rained again last night. No damage but medium is drenched. The 9lb kush I've been struggling with seems to be improving. I spent a lot of time on her yesterday and at least an hour this morning defoliating and pruning her. New growth and flowers look promising. I'm cautiously optimistic. I defoliated what needed it. I needcto qpplyvorganocide again. I can see random signs of septoria leaf spot. I really have been off my fame lately. I'm back on it now. This week the garden will be rearranged and I'll pull that big GDP back and better support the blueberry for flower. That NYCSA is a beast. It's resilient as all hell and just continues getting bigger and fuller. Despite pr9blems in the garden this girl seems absolutely fine. At least I don't have that defeated feeling anymore. I've got flowers on a few different plants. I'll try to get a couple pictures. I may take rapacaps advice and add a cheap plastic roof for later flower. I'm not sure if the explosive flower growth is due to the liquid kool bloom but I think I'm going to switch back to tiger bloom as it works better with the other nutes. I'll jeep this updated but I've got work to do. 8/20 Well it Rained again last night. This is getting discouraging. Now my other 9lb kush has the bottom branch all droopy like there's a borer or something. Realistically with the temp swings and the weather I think it's a firm of root rot or pythiym damage which isn't good. I posted pictures of the stalks and would be grateful if anyone has any advice. I'm go8ng back down to look again for a borer hole but i didn't see one. What it looks like to me is that the petroleum jelly I put on the stalks (to battle ear wigs) seems to keep them moist or something inviting mold or fungus. I'm kind of at a loss. I don't really know where to go from here. I don't know if I should just replant the severely damaged plant away from the rest of the grow, bag it and get rid of it or leave it be and hope for the best. I certainly don't want anything spreading. I'm getting tigerbloom today as my plants still need to eat and I'm nervous about the liquid kool bloom. It's probably fine but still. I'll update after I put in more work and research more today. Any advice helps. UPDATE: No borer holes. The stalk looks fucking horrible. It's supposed to rain today. I'm going to give it one more day then I'll amputate that branch and get rid of the other plant if I don't see an improvement. Perhaps I'll plant it in the ground. Don't really know what to do. Family bar b que today so my options are limited. 8/21 FED TWO GALLONS TO THE GARDEN. ONLY USED .5TSP/GAL OF LIQUID KOOL BLOOM. Did not feed dieing plant. Back to super hot weather 80° at 9am. Did a lot of research last night. I also went to several commercial growers and asked advice. What I came up with was a fusarium infection of pythiym infection (Crown rot). I looked at all my stalks and they all have bark and are darker where I applied the petroleum jelly. I'm also NEVER using DE again. It fucking ridiculous amounts of water. Everyone swears by it bit it's not going in my garden again. Since use I can just watch water sit right on the GD soil. I tried to get some examples of what I'm talking about with the stems. I amputated that lowest bottom branch I trained (which was huge). I didn't have time to dispose of the other plant before my wife's doctor's appointment. I'll update when I go back over. I'm sure this won't help and may hurt but I used Bee Safe 3 in 1 on the wound and around the stalks of the plants I saw discoloration on. I didn't touch the NYCSA even though I see some discoloration. I may just be seeing things. That plant I'd super healthy and I don't want to risk losing it. It doesn't seem to have the stem rot like the others. At least I'm not the only one having problems. I hears some pretty bad stories. Still. I'm heart broken. I'll keep this updated after I go back over. FUCK. I MAY just go back to indoor. UPDATE: Got back from the appointment and the rest of the plant was all droopy just like the other 9lb kush (and the branch amputated). I wondered about that because other branches looked worse. I got the totally dead 9lb kush out and found some root rot. AFTER wheeling the bag out I found earwigs and other insects where the bag had been. Awesome. I used h202 to try to wipe down anything that looked Fingal in the stem. It sucks because it seems like that liquid kool bloom pushed them over the edge into flower. Cotton balls where there was nothing. So that's both my 9lb kush plants and the largest plant of the year the GDP that have all bit the dust. If you grow cannabis you know how I'm feeling. I KEEP TRY8NGVTO UPLOAD THE MINUTE VIDEO I TOOK BUT I CLICK ON SOMETHING ELSE AND IT DISAPPEARS. WIFI SLOW. HAVE TO WAIT FOR 5G 8/22 What do I say? Fusarium? Pythium? Stem rot? I'm going to have to get a tent to do some indoor to get the medicine I need for me and my wife. I took the last 9lb kush out and disposed of it. Well it's still in the bag. I'm hoping maybe it might come out of it (beyond hope and far away from the others (but I'm going to toss it today). This blows so hard. Flowers are just starting to develop. I like the liquid kool bloom. It seems to make flowers explode when there was none before. At least on the plants I have left. Actually even the dieing ones started flowering. I'm really concerned considering that one plant (at least) has septoria and every plant has that petroleum jelly on it. Cautio to people that use that. It seems thats where the rot started or is. In spots I spread the petroleum jelly. Anyway my NYCSA has the smallest amount of "funky looking stuff on the stem" so I'm hoping it will make it. Cotton balls starting to appear. If I lose the whole fucking crop I'm gonna go ape shit. UPDATE: Spoke with a few others and did more research. I removed my braces on the bottom of all the plants. It looks like the pjelly and the brace allowed for some type of contaminate. Other growers think I'm being too bleak. They think things will turn out okay. They are more knowledgeable about cannabis than me but I'm with these particular plants everyday. They're probably right and my anxiety is just getting g to me. It's scary seeing a healthy plant completely die in such a short time. After removing the other 9lb kush I could easily see extreme rootbound roots still too the size of the 1 gallon they came in. The bag was PACKED FULL of tight roots so they definitely made it down. The plant however just fell over when I pushed it. I had roughed it up a big before. Anyway I'm praying to the cannabis gods to not take what I have left. 8/23 Fucking pouring again. This sucks. I've gotten loads of advice and made another friend on here. I forgot my phone so I couldn't take pictures this morning. My spirits are up a little seeing that others are at least attempting to help. I'm headed to the grow shop after a night of research to grab supplies to battle this. I'll update later. EDIT: I picked up plant doctor at the grow shop. It was 50% off and I couldn't find anything with trichodermia. However, I've heard good things about this plant doctor. It's systemic and can be used as a root drench and a foliar spray. BIGGEST selling point for me is that it SPECIFICALLY lists fusarium, grey mold. Pythiym crown rot, black mold and all kinds of other shit. The thing that sucks is it's raining and it's not supposed to stop for a few days. That's going to make application more difficult. Oh well. I think I may do a root drench on the one plant that has a wilted bottom branch. I'll keep this updated. Thank you everyone who reached out. Especially growing grannies and my commercial buddy who is always here for me. However he has no experience with this so I'm kinda on my own here. EDIT: I couldn't find trichodermia and I don't have time to wait around and order. I found plant doctor which literally lists it treats all the possibly pathogens my issue could be. Even has a section for medical Marijuana. I did a root drench on the plant up front in the middle AND I did a foliar spray. Might as well get the septoria too. It's systemic but it gets in faster through the leaves I guess. It started sprinkling and I want to test this stuff out before I go ham with it. I did give some to the to other plants bit left my best AND THE TWO SMALLER ONES alone for now. I'm not seeing those issues on the NYCSA and I don't want to risk damaging it. I chose tge root drench as it's raining and the instructions for fusarium WAS a root drench. Thank you all for your help. I will close out tge question once I know it's figured out. Wish me luck. DID A SHORT VIDEO BUT WIFI IS SUPER SLOW SO I NEED TO WAIT TO UPLOAD IT. Went back over. Finished foliar spraying the other two and left the NYCSA and two Littles alone. Hopefully this works. I did I short video. Who knows if it uploads. UPDATE: Went back over and finished foliar spraying. Took a bunch of pictures and did a video but it didn't upload. I'm hoping this will do it. Plants actually look good. And they're flowering nicely! It's too bad I had to do a foliar bug this us supposed to combat PM and septoria as well. 8/24 It Rained last night but hasn't Rained today yet. It's supposed to and uts overcast. I'm really considering putting a roof on my grow (like rapacap suggested) for flower to decrease mold chances. Plants looked happy. I saw no negative effects from the Plant Doctor. I even sprayed a branch of the NYCSA and the stem and a little around tge roots. I finally feel like I can take a breath. I've been working so hard and worrying about losing g everything. I may have been able to save that 9lbkush but I don't think bit was worth taking the chance. The sun is peaking out now. My buddy at the grow shop called and set a side general hydroponics armor si 0-0-4 silica supplement cause it was 90% off. I pad like a buck sixty lol. I'll incorporate that next feed or water. Whatever comes first but it will be good to get it in the regimen. I was worried plant doctor might hurt but the girls seemed to kike it and I went ham on the worst plant. I mixed according to medical Marijuana guidelines on the label (Theres another label on the internet, it's not on this one, it's at the very bottom and just recommdations from commercial growers. I hope this stuff works. Things look better already though. That liquid kool bloom is the bees knees. That's making flowers pop up like crazy! I think I'll stick with it. I was going to use beastie bloom and cha ching later on (and still might) but I hate the lockout bullshit. I've done a bunch of videos but most don't get uploaded as i forget to upload when I leave and wifi is slow here. Anyway at least I've got a few good ones left and pleating the words of my commercial poll buddy, "barring anything catastrophic you should be fine. I know your anxiety gets the better of you sometimes." Couldn't be a truer statement. I'm still getting a tent and doing indoor though. I'm going to need to. 8/25 Did some slight defoliation. I think today I'm going to reorganize my grow space. Things are looking better though. Plants look healthier. Flower is on and they are going to beat hell. I'm glad I took a cutting from NY 9lb kush. I also took one from the NYCSA. THose are tge little ones. The 9lb kush is flowering pretty good. Too bad it's just on a 3 gal. The NYCSA us in a 10 gal grow bag though and is doing amazing. I still see septoria on the leaves. I'm sure I'll need to reapply plant doctor but thus far I'm impressed. Things LOOK better. I don't even remember the last time I watered. It Rained last night. Looks sunny today. I'm going to feed tomorrow. I want the soil to dry out though. We usually don't get consistent rain like this. It's a first for me. I'll update later if I get stuff done.still wondering if I should amputate that wilted branch or give it a bit. It's still attached right now. I'll get some sealant and do some more research.
Alright so i got some guanokalong products to try from my local grow shop, i hope it doesn't screw the plants 🙈 after the last update last week we placed some powders on the soil so lets see how it goes the next weeks! The strain is doing great, lots of short internodes with big long branches, these plants are full of bud sites! I never tried a kosher strain before but i do think that this seed bank has a great genetics here, im thinking to monster crop this girls to continue the legacy 💪👌
I use these fertilizers not for the first time, the whole grove was successful, without any problems. the tree did not hurt, and there was no shortage of fertilizers. organic fertilizers are very good for the earth
I use these fertilizers not for the first time, the whole grove was successful, without any problems. the tree did not hurt, and there was no shortage of fertilizers. organic fertilizers are very good for the earth
Hello my friends 👨‍🌾👩‍🌾, This start week I've topped the plants, saved 3 nodes/plants, Removed some leaves Started my training, I've given 400 ml/plants 2 times. Start week and middle week. 1x water + tera vega + boost 1x water + cannazym PH@6 This end week I've topped the plants again, continue my training to prepare my scrog. I'll probably make a big def and lollipop 🍭 the next week and transplant them in 11l pots for the blooming, Starting 12 12 till 2 weeks I think. I've several damages on the leaves, principaly on the #2, after removed several leaves, looking less damaged, but I don't found the 🐛🐛 to kill them... Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Also to @marshydrococo2 , @News_SweetSeeds for sponsoring 💕💕. Mars Hydro TS 1000 Gorilla Girl F1 fast version See you next week my friends Have a good week end 😁💕