Woo-wee!! The kief on this strain is like nothing I've ever seen, we've grown an insane amount of different strains (easily 3x what we've documented) and this one wins🏆.. I've included pictures but none can do it justice, the trichomes are visible to the naked eye and just falling over each other.. the smoke is very smooth (the little bit that's dry), this despite no cure yet, it melts in the pipe....we made another batch of tincture (for me lol), 12fl oz with 1oz Bruce Banger bud, oven dried slow and then decarbed at normal temps.. 10ml of this tincture made my knees weak lol, its been great for sleep at night..that last part was surprising to me, when smoked it definitely has all sativa qualities but the tincture is like Nyquil (I could have over cooked it)...as always accurate weights are out of the question, we dry only our half here and the rest goes to other houses to dry once harvested but if I had to guess I'd say we got around roughly a half lb, maybe 7ozs..the dry box smells like Fruit Loops cereal with a little bit of diesel ⛽ 🍓, its really pleasant..I'm really glad we grabbed clones of this, we have roughly 10 plants, some will be passed to family but we'll definitely be flowering a bunch more for ourselves... thanks as always for dropping by and happy harvests everyone!! ❤️💡🌱😽💨