We're at the start of the fifth week of veg, and all is well in the tent.
I did some more LST to spread her out as much as possible before she goes into flower.
I'm fairly confident that she is stunted since she is extremely compact and doesn't seem to grow much. She will go into flower any day now, but she is still pretty small.
I'm adjusting the LST wires daily and today, I did some minor defoliation by removing a few low branches and leaves. Maybe that will redirect some energy and help her stretch out.
Alright, she is now officially in flower. I was hoping for a few more days in veg, but she wouldn't have it.
I brewed up a quick compost tea using oat flour as the food source. Some people claim that that will result in a fungally dominant tea, so I thought I'd try it out. I also added humic acid and a teaspoon of myco because why not?
Honestly, I'm not sure it is even possible to create a fungally dominant AACT, as the constant water movement will most likely tear the fungal hyphae apart as they form.
In any case, a different food source should promote other bacteria than the molasses I usually use. Diversity is the name of the game in living soil. Well, in life in general.
I gave her around 1 liter (5% of container volume) of tea @ pH 6.1.
We're on the last day in the fifth and final week of veg, as she is now in flower.
All is well in the tent, and there isn't much to report. One thing I did was buy a mushroom grow kit to keep in the tent. I figured I'd test it out and see how it works. The mushrooms produce CO2 that the plants love, and hopefully, I'll get some tasty Oyster mushrooms to eat — two birds with one stone and all that.