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Left um 4 days over Christmas being a lazy bum and come back to half a tent off yellow a lot of fan leaves are looking sickly / fell off altogether most yellow leaves have been pulled off plants lost a lot of they fam leaves all in maybe abit too many , it’s hard because one person tells ya leave um all on and another person will tell ya take um all off so we just been seeing what works ourselfs and still ain’t got the foggiest , when ya rub the buds you get hints off lemon / pepper and fresh dog shit 🤣🤣 as I say we have um last feed of nutes this week and started to flush um they take about 6 litres of water through the pots untill any type of coloured run off and we only have 100l so 3 days at it we got through about 10 plants and we gave up 🤣🤣 so again intrested to see the finished prouduct if flushing does change the taste of the smoke , saying this the plants we have flushed seem to be looking alot more healthy than the ones we haven’t so deffo leaning towards a lockout or too high nutes for the girls , alot of rusting and alot of burnt frazzled tips one plant we chopped early and didn’t even get a gram of smoke able off it just alot of leaf n skinny buds , it being a first time go at this I’m not really too disappointed with the outcome but deffo kicking myself at how many I rammed in togther , some of the top Kolas are looking 10/10 but other than the top kolas the rest ain’t worth a wank to me , all in all learnt a lot though so excited to finish this one up and get cracking with number 2 I’m leaning towards bud Buddha seeds cheese puffs after smoking some zheez that’s going around the country at the minute cheese x zkittles , anyway happy growing people and don’t forget to drop a comment if you have anything to say or ask
Pineapple Express looks to be coming in on the finish line, maybe 2 weeks tops on left on it. The ghost Train haze i the back of the tent is still throwing out all white pistils and i see bo end in sight for that one, the ghost train at the front of the tent however looks much farther along and may be ready in 2-3 weeks. they are all looking healthy, save for some fade starting to hit some of the leaves. the flowers are dense and sticky, i cannot wait to experience these plants after cure!
This girl is growing gorgeous and super frosty, hints of blue/purple are starting to show deep in the buds. she doesn’t seem close to finished pushing out new pistils, i would say she has at least 3 weeks left. i am switching to only water at this point, so that she starts to utilize the last of the nutes in her soil
This week was a lot going on! The girls started to flower... The ones in the pouches stayed small because I think they didn't get enough water. I'm gonna take care of that from now on, so there is still hope they grow more in the next 2 weeks. Stopped with B52 at the beginning of the week. Just did LST and Leaf-Tucking dail. They are responding well to training but the temperatures are getting colder so I'm gonna have to find a way to keep them above 20C during the 4 hours lights-off time. Maybe i also find something to get them off the ground. Light is at approx. 80cm, 240W since the beginning of the week. Gonna lower it when they grow some more leaves. Saving the 300W for flowering. Also, I misted once with Cal-Mag this week, just to help the grow. That's pretty much it for this week, I hope they grow more because there is plenty of space in the tent. Thank you for checking out my diary for this week, there are a lot of images and also one video so if you have time check them out and feel free to ask any question/give me a suggestion since this is my 2nd grow, the first one wasn't that much successful. Peace out
So this is my first grow ever. I planted directly in substrate and watered with nutrients directly. I water every 2-3 days. I have watered 3 times till now day 8. Are my seedlings healthy? is my grow normal? I water until the coco is completely wet, as soon as it starts to runoff i stop. Should i always let runoff water more? Thank you.
Some leaves got burnt but everything is good, just flipped to 12/12. I think the pH down is causing the leaves to burn or maybe my pH pen is not working properly (I've already calibrated it) so I'll stop adjusting pH, in the next couple of days there should be some pistils. I wanted to let them grow for around 9 weeks but I think they'll grow too tall for my tent. Forgot to add that I kinda supercropped one of them because I didn't want to defoliate anymore.
Beautiful week for these purple ladies! The purple urkle has really took off and has fat colas forming whilst already piling on trichromes too! 🙏😌 the grape ape is a little smaller and fatter showing a big indica vibe to her so expecting a strong aroma and flavour and buzz when it comes to harvest 🙏 I can’t wait to see how these next weeks go as everything right now is perfect! They’re 4 weeks in bloom Monday! As that was the day I made the switch! They’re going to be some fat nugs
Threw big supercroppers on the main stalk and they are happy with their LST. Will probably stake down the sides branches here soon. ALL HAIL MARSHYDRO the best light company!
Hello friend grower, Good week she is nice and biggest each days. Stretch still in progress I'm trying carnivorous plant to solve insect problem. Have a good week
This week they climbed about 7 inches. I’m in love with these girls. They’re a lot of fun to watch. They’re so uniform and wholesome I can’t stop staring at them. I just watered yesterday with just 6.3 ph water. I realized I was using too much veg fert. so I kept that out of my feeding for this week. I thought it said tbs instead of tsp so I was using way too much. They seem happy though so I think I’m ok. Other than that, I’m excited to see how much they grow this week.
Got them in pots on Wednesday, they're happy and growing like crazy. I buried them deeper in the 5g so they're growing out more than up right now. Getting hard to regulate temp and humidity in that tent as it's colder outside.
~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_ 10/07/21 👋😺Hi grow family!! We're beyond excited to try out this new MarsHydro LED for our latest grow, the SP-3000 is INCREDIBLY bright!! ..I have never seen a light more appropriate for a 4x2 tent in my life, we (happily) replaced 3 "600 watt" blurple LEDs with this single rig ( something we've wanted for a very long time). There should be no issue achieving perfect coverage, corner to corner with this light. Its been years since we've flowered under LED ( and never one of this quality), we're a little bias towards HID/CMH, especially my hubby but I think this might just be the LED that changes our mind! We'll be growing Gelat OG Auto by Seedsman (we've heard amazing things) for our first grow under the SP-3000, all plants in 5gl fabric pots, Promix-B (25% perlite) on a 20/4hr cycle. We're starting with 4 plants but if they become unmanageable, we'll move one or 2 of the plants to another tent. We use a glass of water and a paper towel as our germination method. We soak seeds roughly 24hrs and then in a wet paper towel for another 12-24hrs, we average roughly a 90% success rate doing it this way... Thank you for reading if you made it this far and happy harvests everyone! ❤️💡🌱😽💨 ⚡Mars Hydro/SP-3000⚡ Specifications ⚙️: Diodes: Samsung LM301B / Osram 660nm (960 total) Driver: Meanwell 300watt 🔌 (300W±5% @AC120V-277V) PPF: 824umol/S ☢️ PPE: 2.8 µmol/j 〰️〰️ Lifespan: >50k hrs ⌛ Veg Coverage: 3 x 5 ft 🌱 Flowering Coverage: 2 x 4 ft 🌼 Weight: 10.1 lbs (4.6kg) -No-fan design: the SP-3000 uses an aluminum heatsink, and the driver can be removed then placed outside the tent🌡️⬇️ -IP65 waterproof ratings, tolerant to high humidity grow environments 💦 .. -Up to 30 of these lights can be daisy-chained together and controlled from a single light! 💡~💡~💡~💡~💡 ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_ 10/10/21 🤘😺 100% germination!! All seedlings have broken the soil today.. I'm so in love with this light!! ❤️💡🌱 ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~
Hola y gracias por pasarte a ver mi diario. Cuando compré esta semilla buscaba una variedad de rápida floración y con toques a naranja para completar mi cultivo de exterior. La planta creció sin ningún problema excepto alguna carencia que presentó antes de tiempo, especialmente de nitrógeno. Al ser un cultivo 100% orgánico y únicamente con riegos de agua del grifo sin añadir abonos líquidos era esperable, aunque el resultado final me deja muy satisfecho. Además, el hecho de añadir todos los nutrientes al sustrato me ha permitido facilitar la tarea del riego y no tener que realizar el lavado de raíces. La planta se desarrolló en una maceta de 20L y ha producido 90g de cogollos secos, bastante duros y con una relación flores/hojas bastante buena. El olor de las flores húmedas era bastante intenso y con matices dulces y cítricos. Respecto a plagas y enfermedades ha sido muy resistente, no he apreciado signos de araña roja, pulgón ni trips gracias al aporte de harina de Neem en el sustrato. Tampoco he sufrido el temido y habitual ataque de las orugas (ni la oruga de las hojas ni la del cogollo) gracias a las pulverizaciones en las fechas clave con Bacillus Thuringiensis. Tampoco se ha visto afectada por el Oídio que normalmente aparece al final de la floración en la zona donde vivo, tampoco botrytis pese a ser cogollos densos y llenos de resina, por lo que la pastilla de Micorrizas y Trichodermas ha funcionado a la perfección, no sólo reforzando el sistema radicular sino también frente a los hongos invasores. El clima también me ha acompañado este año, vivo en una zona cálida donde la temperatura suele ser óptima para el cultivo de exterior de cannabis, el mes de mayo llovió algún día de forma agradable, junio, julio y agosto fueron especialmente secos, solo llovió un par de noches a finales de agosto, y septiembre también ha sido muy respetuoso lloviendo solo 2 veces. Por todo esto, siendo la primera vez que elaboro un supersoil, estoy seguro que para la temporada 2022 repetiré el sistema, haciendo algunos ajustes a la mezcla para evitar estas carencias que he comentado. Quiero agradecer a la herramienta que nos brinda a los cultivadores (en mi caso cultivador clandestino) para poder realizar el seguimiento de nuestros cultivos y como, en mi caso particular, ha hecho que mi motivación y trabajo hayan sido una constante semana tras semana, por lo que ha influido directamente en el buen resultado final de la cosecha. También agradecer a todo el que pasó por aquí durante el seguimiento ya que me dieron el apoyo necesario para mejorar en mi cultivo. Un saludo. Ferinky