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Commencing Week 8: day 50 on January 19th Update is late my sincerest apologies. I will make it up by giving a very thorough smoke report when all is done. Otherwise all is going very well 😁😁👏👏 On day 50 I took the head off of bloody skunk. I checked trichome colors under USB microscope. At least 90% fully milky-white with maybe 5 or 6% Amber and the remainder clear. 😁 On day 55 I gave all of the plants a fan leaf trim including the remaining bottom half of bloody skunk. as I sit here and think about it I believe this will help with ensuring the entire plant ripens and matures at the same time - versus the tops being ready before the bottoms. I still plan on letting the bottoms of all these plants go way beyond the recommended time to see if I can initiate the process of rodelization. Either way I am glad to report that Bloody skunks pollenization looks like it is resulting in some seeds. (See photo). In hindsight my only concern is that because the plant finished a bit earlier than I expected the seeds may not make it to full maturity but I believe it should be okay we'll just have to wait and find out. That being said besides the bloody skunk being done just a few days early everything else seems to be right on time as described in plant profiles on company websites.👍 That's all for now thank you for your patience and attention and support and as usual feel free to leave any suggestions comments or questions and I'll do my best to get back sooner rather than later 😁
Hemos probado ésta genética de fast buds en cultivo ecológico de guerrilla y la verdad que nos ha sorprendido gratamente. Facil de cultivar y con poca atención hemos obtenido grandes resultados. Por lo que a plagas respecta ésta niña ha crecido fuerte y sana durante todo el cultivo. Resistente a clima húmedo y costero pero si llueve demasiado hay que estar atentos a principios de brotitis cuando las flores ya están formadas. Muy buen aroma y sabor, a tropical y dulce y un efecto de felicidad y motivación muy placenteros. Totalmente recomendable.
Just first Plant harvested 5.10- second big sister harvested And two Lil Sisters too..Now theyr already drying in room update in few days cause our weather Is not going to be so good ... 8.10 some of dried buds already cuted.. And puted to glass jars
10/13 Day 8 of veg and she is looking really good. Included is a close picture of some new growth that came up over night! Rock it doll! 10/15 10/15 First watering since transplant a week ago ... Fish Sh!T 1tsp / Cal-Mag 1tsp per gal @ 6.1 ph for 0.5 gal She looks like she likes it :) 10/16 Krisabel seems to just love the watering! Growing right before my eyes! over night she went from a bit over 2 to pushing 4 inches! Can't wait to see how she shows.
10/13 Day 43 Fed Bio-Bloom 15ml/ Bio-Grow 5ml/ Big Bloom 15ml per gal Mel and Lisa 1 gal each Kim and Jen 0.5 gal each, they just dont drink like their more sativa sisters. With Lisa being a green bud pheno think out of the 9 LSD-25s I have grown seen the most common phenos purple bud, green bud ,big leaf, thin leaf, dry leaf, oily leaf, yellow leaf (not sure about that) tall plant, short plant, and they come in all combinations it seems though I have only seen the "oily leaf" on the big leaf phenos. Have 20 more to grow in the coming year so time will tell.
10/13 Day 15 and one week in the large pots. Still no need of watering not concerned as the pots are reasonably fertile, right now they are busy building roots which is just fine. Veg growth will increase just any time now. 10/15 First Watering/feed since transplant a week ago Fish Sh!T 5ml / Cal-Mag 5ml per gal @ 6.1 ph Each got 0.5 gal though I fear some over watering is unavoidable this time think only Maggie is showing the symptoms. 10/16 Explosive growth, more than an inch on Layla and the others are getting it together. May be getting a handle on this. 10/19 The uptick in Brandy and Maggie was not to continue and they worsened making an attempt to fix the issue with a 6.1 PH root drench of Cal-Mag 5ml and Kangaroots 10ml / gal about 2 gal for each plenty of runoff that tested at 6.1 PH. Layla looking great watering tomorrow 10/20 Update Made a spray of 6.5ph water with one tbs / gal Epson Salts and really soaked the leaves of both plants in attempt to help these poor guys, know a new week is due will get to it later 10/21 update When pots dry a bit using a solution of one cup hydrogen peroxide to one gal of 6.5 ph water (lowering ph has done nothing so going back to middle of the road) using as foliar spray as well, not sure if waiting on pots to dry first is called for here so yall chip in if you wish
hola colegas , 6 semanas desde el cambio a 12/12 , las nena siguen bien amarillando algunas hojas por falta de nitrigeno me imagino , instale los tutores que me faltaban a las 5 nenas que no lo tenian , EXHALE CO2 es una bomba 100% recomendado. tienen un olor muy rico que al empezar a subir la escalera del segundo piso se siente el buquetazo , segun yo voy bien , cada vez queda menos para la cosecha y eso me deja muy feliz , ya quiero que llegue ese dia , el ultimo riego con fertilizantes que hice no use la base (top bloom ) y la verdad respondieron bastante bien las plantitas , saludos a tod@s de esta gran comunidad y pagina , grow diaries ,me encanta. pueden ver el avanze de mis nenas por instagram tambien , abrazos y que esto no pare .
10/14/19 - manim baked. Time to feed them. Going to start flushing this week! Enjoy a video :) UPDATE* Life happens and we make mistakes. Little too much to drink with a good smoke and a long day at work.... ended up not finishing putting my girls all back in the tent so they were out for a few but only interrupted with light for 3 hours.. Not a big deal since we are this far but live and learn.. Rule 1. Dont get shit faced while taking care of the girls 😂👌😅🤦‍♂️💁‍♂️ Anyways will take pictures tonight and then feed the girls. 10/15/19 - watered the girls tonight. No signs of slowing down! Buds fattening and ripening. 10/16/19- updated pictures. Checked the buds. No feeding tonight. Trichomes are mostly milky with a few clear and a tiny amount of amber. Should be around next week when we hit 8 weeks of flowering, we will then determine harvest week. Shooting for 2nd week of November. Girls should be around 11 to 12 weeks in flowering. 10/17/19 - Watering time and updated pics. Milky and clear with a amber here and there. Shes close but needs I'd say 2 weeks more then a flush. Harvest is close. Her buds are getting fat 👌 10/18/19 - Updated pics Day 50. I'd say 2 weeks from now I'll begin flushing. So by mid November these guys will be dried and jarred 💨 10/19/19 - no watering needed. Buds are looking good. Hoping for 3 oz between the 3 bf phantoms. 👌 seeing more cloudy, amber here and there. I believe by 8 weeks we will begin flushing for 1 to 2 weeks. Then 48 hours of darkness before their chops. Will start setting up my tent for drying once it gets closer. Want to keep the rh at 50 to 52 while keeping the air at 70 to 68. I want them to slow dry and depending in how we run the tent, i will trim either on day 3 or 7. I want to give them 10 days of drying for a good fluffy cure. Top shelf bud is the goal for my first phenos. 10/20/19 - Fed the girls. I think this may be the last week and a half of nutrients then flush.
The pistols are turning a brown colour this is the end of week 2 going into week 3. Does anyone know if this is normal with LED lighting? I have put a close up on the video.
The pistols are turning a brown colour this is the end of week 2 going into week 3. Does anyone know if this is normal with LED lighting? I have put a close up on the video.
Can't wait to harvest! Probably going to wait another week. Trichomes are getting cloudier. A few amber ones, a few clear ones still. Most are cloudy. Gave them the last garlic spraying for the spider mites yesterday. Only spraying them with water now to keep the mites in check and wash off the garlic.😎
She's looking lovely this week. Buds fattening up nicely. Pistils slowly changing colours, still many white though.
So she grew another 26cm this week!!!!!!! But that means the flowering stretch is coming to an end. Her flowers are starting to form nicely. They look really dense at this early stage. Can't wait to see what she's like in a few weeks.
So she grew another 26cm this week!!!!!!! But that means the flowering stretch is coming to an end. Her flowers are starting to form nicely. They look really dense at this early stage. Can't wait to see what she's like in a few weeks.
6cm vertical growth this week but she threw out some nice side growth. Apologies for the timelapse, it starts halfway through the week and finish/start are in the middle of the week 😳
So she sprung up during the week!! Lets see what she does. I'm in need of a sativa strain at the mo.