Day 40:
They got recoverd from overwatering.
Leafs got darker because I gave them more nutrients, but gained early signs of slightly overfeeding ( Burnt tips on leafs).
I had to boost them to fix it because there isn't much time with autoflowers. Now i only have to adjust my nutrient feeding with just 10 to 15% and its all good.
They did stretch again, some growers love it but i think it is ugly and you will gain weak stems.
Also the fans will not reach the plants properly, which is not good.
This time it is my fault, i didnt want to let my friend take care of them while i was busy. What happend is that i could had raise my lamps again.
When your lamps are to close to the plants( its not a big deal with LED but it is with HPS) your plants will get alot of heat and they will stretch.
So the secret of smaller plants is to keep your lamps high, but not to high otherwise they don't grow proper.
But never do this alot when they are in late flowering, because your buds will foxtail, unless you love to have foxtailed buds.
I have to do something about the heat soon, because i want my buds compact and not fluffy. This will happen due lots of heat.
Also due alot of stretching and other problems, I gained a messy cantopy resulting in many problems. For noobies the room looks awesome but pro's will see that because of this,
the stems and branches are weak and everything beneeth it has no use anymore because it gets no light.
The spaces between internodes are to far away, so there will not be huge buds.
I also have to start give them cal/mag, i saw first stages of deficiency. Not a problem when you are early with spotting it.
I didn't forsee that i had to work like 60hours a week suddenly while having autoflowers on cocos in 3 liter pots and you only can water them once per 2 days and can take care of them once per 3-4 days. That is not really ideal 😅
Positive thing is that the buds are starting to develope 😍
Thats all for now
Day 42:
I have been defoliating alot to get the air between the plants. There are still some leafs and branches i want to get rid off, but i don't want them to stress out to much.
Also i have killed of 23 smaller plants to make more space for the others. This is always painfull but stupid if you don't do this.
If the plants didn't stretch that far due heat and low placed lights, this would not have been the case. I would still have alot of small nice plants.
See you guys next week!