Day 29 - 13/6
13/6 - General:
Another week starts for #3. She looks strong and vigorous, produces a different kind of foliage when compared to #1. Regarding the heating and RH problems, after a full morning and afternoon working inside the grow and outside, they're finally solved now. I didn't have the thermo-hygrometer in the right place, and made some adjustments in the setup that brought me back to desired values. Having the fans in the right place and speed and the same with extractor made all difference.
Just got everything tighten up, tomorrow will have a big training day.
Gave her the week 6 biobizz schedule. Tomorrow will do the same and maybe from monday will start going over, depending on her response.
She rocks! when it comes to this subject, she's really different from #1. Funny how different they can be coming in the same package. I wonder if topping the plant had any influence...
Temps and RH recorded today:
30c - 18c
63% - 28%
Pests and plagues:
Nothing to record.
Day 30 - 14/6
Another day goes by, and she keeps growing. Starts to pre-flower. Today during some training, accidentally broke a little one, which is always sad. Anyways, start to think I have a nice couple plants to make a SCRoG, and will eventually consider it during the week, while the plant grows. May be a nice way to support the weight if needed.
Today i start bending everything around, to make a spiral. Let's see tomorrow how it responds to it. Took some extra foliage that was on the way, covering other budsites. She really grows leaves fast!
Nothing today. The pot looked heavy enough to skip a day. There'll be more coming tomorrow.
Bam! Opening the tent equals to getting a weed breeze straight in the face. It's really the smell you wanna feel coming from a cannabis plant. Great smell. I'm in love with it.
Temps and RH recorded today:
30c - 18c
87% - 30%
Pests and plagues:
Nothing to record.
Day 31 - 15/6
The pre flowering stage is more evident, and one of the bigger signs is the way she's starting to grow foliage and size. Definitely different phenotypes this 2 ladies. Today didn't touch the plant at all, been just around the tent trying still to get the perfect environment, which is not being that easy task to accomplish. Got it going very well, steady temp and RH (25 celsius, 45%) until the afternoon when the high temperatures outside thrown the temperature values to the 30c for some minutes.
Just checked everything out. Nothing done in this area.
The medium looks good enough to skip a day on the feeding. The pot feels heavy enough to wait at least 12+ hours.
With the increase of the heat and RH going down, the smell got a bit more intense, bringing all the good stuff from this fine plant. What a weed puch you get in your nose when you approach. Smelling her makes me smile and wonder how it'll be if we make it until the end.
Temps and RH recorded today:
30c - 19c
71% - 36%
Pests and plagues:
Nothing to record.
Day 32- 16/6
Enormous growth of new foliage. It's everywhere! If it keeps going like this, some of that extra foliage will go down over the weekend. After 48h without watering, today was time to feed her again. Was expecting her to drink more than it did. It's the second day I don't touch the plants, and will keep this way until tomorrow, when I'll just rearrange her a bit.
Just checked everything out. Nothing done in this area.
Same feeding you can see above. Going heavier in the next days.
I have the impression some days and sometimes it has much more smell than other times. Weird. Today was a low smell day, which is always disappointing to me as I love to feel that unique smell they have.
Temps and RH recorded today:
29c - 21c
60% - 38%
Pests and plagues:
Nothing to record.
Day 33- 17/6
She keeps growing foliage at a very high rhythm. In the weekend she'll be defoliated and re-adjust a little the stems. She looks much more Indica compared to her Sativa looking sister. I'm still amazed with the different phenotypes. Finally get a hold on temps and RH, which makes me super happy. Today I'll delay the feeding for 12h, fastening her for 36h.
Just checked everything out. Nothing done in this area.
No feeding today.
Quite powerful for her age, really strong smell coming from this little one.
Temps and RH recorded today:
28c - 21c
64% - 36%
Pests and plagues:
Nothing to record.
Day 34- 18/6
Another day has passed, not much to tell about this one. She stinks, she got big fat leaves, massive amount compared to her older #1 sister. Starts to drink more water than #1 soon, the foliage color isn't as green as #1, which makes me wonder if I'm giving her too many nutes for the time being. Besides that, she really needs training and a nice defoliation to get her going.
Just checked everything out. Nothing done in this area.
She's a drinker. Same strains, soil and everything and how can they be so different? Anyways, she had the nutes mentioned on the chart.
Quite powerful for her age, really strong smell coming from this little one. The whole tent smell to it, and it's quite pleasant on the nose. Get a lot of tropical aromas, almost like a pineapple/mango/passion fruit mix. It's the exact opposite of #1 that has this earthy/woody smell, like when it starts raining.
Temps and RH recorded today:
28c - 21c
50% - 40%
Pests and plagues:
Nothing to record.
Day 35- 19/6
Accentuated growth this last few days. She's very bushy and growing upward very vigourously. Leaves are looking great, she's drinking good amounts of water, and looks like it'll take her longer to flower than her older sister. We'll wait and see.
Just checked everything out. Nothing done in this area.
Normal feed, nothing new here.
She's still the queen of the tent when it comes to this topic.
Temps and RH recorded today:
28c - 22c
50% - 34%
Pests and plagues:
Nothing to record.