1/23/2023 - Day 21 Veg: Transplanted all 6 into 1 gallon pots. Still using BuildASoil Light soil and watered in with a compost tea. Gave them a foliar feed with the teas as well. They all look good so far, but we will have to see what they look like tomorrow. Dropped the intensity on the light to about 50%, and I plan to increase it again tomorrow if they are all looking healthy. 1/24/2023 - Day 22: First day after transplant and all the plants are looking good. 1/26/2023 - Day 24 veg: got the genetic test back today and ended up with 2 male and 2 female Grand Prix, which is perfect. Number 1 and 4 are males, and 2 and 3 are females. I was a little bummed #1 was male, because it was already getting some funk, but what can you do. Giving it to a friend who might use it for some breeding, so I'll still get to see how he turns out. 1/27/2023 - Day 25 veg: watered the 4 remaining plants with ThermX-70, FishShit, Fermented Comfrey Extract,Yah-Whey, and fresh aloe juice. Gave them a foliar feed with this as well. Also, lowered the light to about 26 in away from the plants to bring the ppfd to about 500. They are really starting to pick up speed now that they are in the new 1 gallon pots. 1/28/2023 - Day 26 veg: Topped all four today.
Hello growmies 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾🌲🌲, 👋 Girls keep growing on this last veg week. 💪 Continuing Defoliation, lst, preparing scrog and daily fighting with this big leaves 😅 🕑 I've removed 3x 2h 💡 during the week, now 12/12. 💧 Give water each 2/3 day And vaporise plant with water + Plagron Roots (1ml/l) 1.5 l Water + Roots + Grow + Zym + Sugar Royal (1 + 4 + 1 + 1 ml/l) PH @6 💡Mars Hydro - FC 3000 43% 43 cm Mars Hydro Fan kit Setting 4 Have a good week and see you next week 👋 Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Mars Hydro - Smart FC3000 300W Samsung LM301B LED Grow Light💡💡 Mars Hydro - 6 Inch Inline Fan And Carbon Filter Combo With Thermostat Controller 💨💨 Fast Buds - Gorilla Cookies FF🌲🌲
Last week I think. Nice amount of cloudy trichomes next week should show enough Amber to please me. Waiting game now. At least plant 1 is now smokeable. Starting to focus on the next now and letting these do their thing.
On day 1 the reservoirs PH is 6.3. The rez is 483 ppm. The girls are looking good and nitrogen toxicity seems to have stopped. On day 2 the reservoirs PH was adjusted from 6.1 to 6.3. The rez is 477 ppm. Trichomes seem to be 10% cloudy so I still have a bit to go i'm thinking 9 weeks should be a good bet! On day 3 the reservoirs PH was adjusted from 6.4 to 6.1. The rez is 500 ppm. On day 4 the reservoirs PH is 6.2. The rez is 503 ppm. I lowered the ppfd so my tallest received 900 ppfd and an average of 543 ppfd.
I'm anxiously waiting for it to dry, good colors and smell
I'm anxiously waiting for it to dry, good colors and smell
Here are my 3 nori cake that i keep 👶 They look in good shape to me💪🎊 For this grow, I plan to let each plant grow with a large main bud, without topping. Next week I will cut the lower branches closest to the ground. ----------------------------------------------------------- 💧Watering each pot: day 9 : 1L day 12 : 0.5L I use tap water, adjust the ph to around 5.8 and water ------------------------------------------------------------ 🤩Equipment of the week : Light FC3000 Mars hydro. power 80% at 50cm Extractor 6 inch Mars Hydro. power 1/10. ON 24/24h 2 fans to circulate the air inside the tent. Each on for 30 minutes then off for 1 hour. this rhythm repeats itself in a loop Heating mat Romberg 95x95cm. ON 45 minutes. OFF 30minutes. In a loop I am adding anti-midge bird stickers 🐦 ------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for your visit and your support with the likes, comments. It's always nice to see you!💚 ------------------------------------------------------------ My Instagram 🌱❤️️ :
Here are my 3 nori cake that i keep 👶 They look in good shape to me💪🎊 For this grow, I plan to let each plant grow with a large main bud, without topping. Next week I will cut the lower branches closest to the ground. ----------------------------------------------------------- 💧Watering each pot: day 9 : 1L day 12 : 0.5L I use tap water, adjust the ph to around 5.8 and water ------------------------------------------------------------ 🤩Equipment of the week : Light FC3000 Mars hydro. power 80% at 50cm Extractor 6 inch Mars Hydro. power 1/10. ON 24/24h 2 fans to circulate the air inside the tent. Each on for 30 minutes then off for 1 hour. this rhythm repeats itself in a loop Heating mat Romberg 95x95cm. ON 45 minutes. OFF 30minutes. In a loop I am adding anti-midge bird stickers 🐦 ------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for your visit and your support with the likes, comments. It's always nice to see you!💚 ------------------------------------------------------------ My Instagram 🌱❤️️ :
Bienvenidos cultivadores de marihuana clandestinos, y también, a los que tienen la fortuna de no serlo!🖐️👨‍🌾 Casi 18 semanas de vida de esta cepa seria, colorida y exótica, esta semana mudanza a mi armario de cultivo casero en compañía de su compañera LSD, ambas plantas de similar envergadura y altura han encajado como un guante en este espacio de 60x40cm, al estar la floración avanzada en ambas plantas, la masa foliar se ha despejado un poco a favor del crecimiento de los cogollos, esto provoca mayor entrada de luz a todos los rincones de las plantas, actualmente alumbro ambas plantas con 265w de buena luz, en el dosel 3 lámparas Full Spectrum (200w), en laterales opuestos un panel de 2800K y 60x30cm y otro de 3000k +660nm y 30x30cm, todas las luces muy cerca de los cultivos, me aprovecho de las bajas temperaturas y de que el armario permanece siempre abierto, esta planta que ya tenía tendencia a colorear las hojas, ahora con el descenso de temperaturas son más hojas las que se tiñen de hermosos colores violetas, amarillos y verdes... I loved! Los cogollos presenta una gran densidad y rozarles solamente es liberar un gran espectáculo de aromas exóticos! El último riego de esta semana ha sido con poca concentración y componentes estimuladores, para desahogar el sustrato de nutrientes acumulados y con la vista puesta en las últimas semanas de cultivo, donde he prometido a la planta grandes comilonas... a jugar! Hasta la próxima... SALUDOS Y SALUD A TODOS!! ================================ Info de la cepa Seriotica: "Es una variedad sofisticada que ofrece alta potencia y rendimiento..." Serious Seeds - Genética: Mimosa x Cookies - Índica corta y robusta - Tiempo de Floración - 5,5 - 7,5 semanas - Rendimiento: 350-500 g/m² - THC Alto - Hasta 28% ================================
Hello growmies 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾🌲🌲, 👋 Girls keep growing on this last veg week. Down the EC, don't need to much. 💪 Continuing Defoliation, lst, preparing scrog and daily fighting with this big leaves 😅 💧 Give water each 2/3 day And vaporise plant with water + Plagron Roots (1ml/l) 1.5 l Water + Roots + Grow + Zym + Sugar Royal (1 + 4 + 1 + 1 ml/l) PH @6 💡Mars Hydro - FC 3000 43% 43 cm Mars Hydro Fan kit Setting 4 Have a good week and see you next week 👋 Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Mars Hydro - Smart FC3000 300W Samsung LM301B LED Grow Light💡💡 Mars Hydro - 6 Inch Inline Fan And Carbon Filter Combo With Thermostat Controller 💨💨 Fast Buds - Tropicana Cookies FF🌲🌲
👌It’s progressing, slowly but surely for my 4 young banana krumble 👶🍌 For this grow, I plan to let each plant grow with a large main bud, without topping. Next week I will cut the lower branches closest to the ground. ----------------------------------------------------------- 💧Watering: 1L on day 9 and 0.5L on day 12 I use tap water, adjust the ph to around 5.8 and water ------------------------------------------------------------ 🤩Equipment of the week : Light FC3000 Mars hydro. power 80% at 50cm Extractor 6 inch Mars Hydro. power 1/10. ON 24/24h 2 fans to circulate the air inside the tent. Each on for 30 minutes then off for 1 hour. this rhythm repeats itself in a loop Heating mat Romberg 95x95cm. ON 45 minutes. OFF 30minutes. In a loop I am adding anti-midge bird stickers 🐦 ------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for your visit and your support with the likes, comments. It's always nice to see you!💚 ------------------------------------------------------------ My Instagram 🌱❤️️ :
👌It’s progressing, slowly but surely for my 4 young banana krumble 👶🍌 For this grow, I plan to let each plant grow with a large main bud, without topping. Next week I will cut the lower branches closest to the ground. ----------------------------------------------------------- 💧Watering: 1L on day 9 and 0.5L on day 12 I use tap water, adjust the ph to around 5.8 and water ------------------------------------------------------------ 🤩Equipment of the week : Light FC3000 Mars hydro. power 80% at 50cm Extractor 6 inch Mars Hydro. power 1/10. ON 24/24h 2 fans to circulate the air inside the tent. Each on for 30 minutes then off for 1 hour. this rhythm repeats itself in a loop Heating mat Romberg 95x95cm. ON 45 minutes. OFF 30minutes. In a loop I am adding anti-midge bird stickers 🐦 ------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for your visit and your support with the likes, comments. It's always nice to see you!💚 ------------------------------------------------------------ My Instagram 🌱❤️️ :
👌It’s progressing, slowly but surely for my 4 young banana krumble 👶🍌 For this grow, I plan to let each plant grow with a large main bud, without topping. Next week I will cut the lower branches closest to the ground. ----------------------------------------------------------- 💧Watering: 1L on day 9 and 0.5L on day 12 I use tap water, adjust the ph to around 5.8 and water ------------------------------------------------------------ 🤩Equipment of the week : Light FC3000 Mars hydro. power 80% at 50cm Extractor 6 inch Mars Hydro. power 1/10. ON 24/24h 2 fans to circulate the air inside the tent. Each on for 30 minutes then off for 1 hour. this rhythm repeats itself in a loop Heating mat Romberg 95x95cm. ON 45 minutes. OFF 30minutes. In a loop I am adding anti-midge bird stickers 🐦 ------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for your visit and your support with the likes, comments. It's always nice to see you!💚 ------------------------------------------------------------ My Instagram 🌱❤️️ :
Week three and the plants are doing better, still some signs of nutrient burn but the new growth is coming though lovely. Temperature has dropped this week outside and even with an extra heater I can only achieve 23c. I’ve re topped a few plants to try and maintain an even height and let the smaller ones catch up a bit. Apart from that all I have done is take some burnt leafs off and watered with de chlorinated water at 6.5 ph, the “all mix” pragron soil is very hot compared to the light mix. I’ll probably stick to using light mix once all the all mix has gone
Bienvenidos cultivadores de marihuana clandestinos, y también, a los que tienen la fortuna de no serlo!🖐️👨‍🌾 17 semanas de vida de esta sativa africana pura, siete semanas desde el cambio a horario de floración 12/12h 🌲🧡 La planta avanza hacia el zenit de su gloria, muchos brotes florales por todas partes y grandes ramas, cada una pujando por ser más bella que la otra. La planta, inteligentemente se deshace de su tupida masa foliar, absorbe los nutrientes y deja caer las hojas al sustrato para completar el ciclo del bosque, al tiempo permite mejor entrada de luz en el interior, mientras tanto come y bebe con ganas, para engordar los cogollos. El frío de esta temporada está coloreando muchas hojas en todas las plantas, ellas perciben la llegada del invierno y se esfuerzan sobremanera para hacer crecer flores muy olorosas, pegajosas y bellas, esperando una polinización que no va a suceder, pero ellas no lo saben todavía. Hasta la próxima... SALUDOS Y SALUD A TODOS!! ================================ Info de la cepa Malawi Gold: "Malawi Gold procede de Malawi, un país del sudeste de África, y es una de las plantas más psicoactivas del mundo." Anesia Seeds - Genética: Landrace africana - Sativa pura: 100% - Tiempo de Floración - 10-13 Semanas - Rendimiento en interior: 600/650 g/m² - THC Alto -20% - Sabores: Floral y Limón ================================
Bienvenidos cultivadores de marihuana clandestinos, y también, a los que tienen la fortuna de no serlo!🖐️👨‍🌾 17 semanas de vida de esta mítica sativa sudafricana y siete semanas desde el paso a horario de floración 12/12h. La grandullona del jardín os da la bienvenida, soberbia y orgullosa esta gran planta exhibe colas monstruosas que prometen cogollos inmensos que van a llegar a los 40cm de largo, todavía hay mucho juego por delante, la planta pide alimento, luz y calor constantemente, yo se lo doy porque estoy rendido a los encantos de esta cepa ponzoñosa! La masa foliar se mantiene mientras la planta fagocita las hojas viejas y ocultas a la luz en un acto de auto defoliación y supervivencia, las hojas agotadas caen al sustrato para completar el ciclo de la vida en el bosque, de esta manera devuelven el resto de los minerales que usaron para crecer y finalmente esta materia orgánica sirve de comida a la microbiología del sustrato para que vivan y trabajen con alegría y energía, mientras, el consumo de agua es brutal, riego profundamente cada 3 días... a jugar! Hasta la próxima... SALUDOS Y SALUD A TODOS!! ================================ Info de la cepa Durban Poison: "Una planta sativa pura que nunca ha sido hibridada..." MSNL Seeds - Genética: Variedad africana original x Skunk holandesa - Sativa pura: 100% - Tiempo de Floración - 8-10 Semanas - Rendimiento masivo: hasta 600 g/m² - THC Alto - Hasta 20% ================================
Hello growmies 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾🌲🌲, 👋 Was the last VEG weeks, was very easy, now can't wait to see the stretch, and hope to have enough space in the tent 😁😅 💪 The canope start to be great 🌲🌲 Defoliation each week, Removed some buds site under the canope. 🕑 Started to remove 2 hours per day, to reach 12/12 in 2 days 💧 Give water each 2/3 day And vaporise plant with water + Plagron Roots (1ml/l) 1.5 l Water + Roots + Grow + Zym + Sugar Royal (1 + 5 + 1 + 1 ml/l) PH @6 💡Mars Hydro - FC 3000 43% 40 cm. Mars Hydro Fan kit Setting 4 Have a good week and see you next week 👋 Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Mars Hydro - Smart FC3000 300W Samsung LM301B LED Grow Light💡💡 Mars Hydro - 6 Inch Inline Fan And Carbon Filter Combo With Thermostat Controller 💨💨 Anesia Seeds - High Mars 36% THC🌲🌲
I hope the stretch stops now. I had to add a dehumidifier to keep those humidity levels down. Seems lik the flowers are starting to develop nicely, I'm even able to see some early frost.