Alrighty, Guys I'm coming to some new realizations lol. Plants are doing way better with new root growth coming from the net pot sides horizontally. I was confused because it seems that a bit of the roots had died or rotted for no real reason. I have suspected the amino treatment and root accelerator was gunking them up. Needless to say, I am almost out and decided to exclude those additives and see what happens. I also ran out of Multi zen and decided to up the base nutrients to compensate. It would be great to get opinions on it all, The prices are so steep and honestly, I practically had the whole line up and it didn't really impress at all. Strangely I have some dc buckets in the center and they are doing really well on just micro, bloom, and cal-mag so save me from making some baizes haha. I noticed that the growth is a bit spread out but they are all from seed so I guess that expected. the bushiest of plants has some discoloration on the leaves but it seems to be killing it so I'm not too worried. At this point, I'd love to get any harsh criticism or to narrow down where I am making these mistakes. I came in expecting to flip from veg in 4 weeks but that doesn't seem possible from seed. I know a lot can be a strain but I still feel like even though I have all these controls I'm missing something. Oh everyone got topped for the first time and aside from some interesting patterns its all gravy baby. Let me know if I need to do something about that missing 400 ml of multizen haha.