✋Ding Dong le Cut a sonné pour les belles demoiselles la semaine dernière après une belle floraison J'adore son feuillage qui à fait une belle sénescence et surtout c'est feuilles légèrement violet 😍 Remplit de trichomes 😍 Partis pour une petite semaine minimum de séchages et en bocaux 😎 Je vous dis à bientôt pour le résultat final 😉
Lights sponsored by gottagrowsometime, thanks bro 🙏 Into flowering we go, tents full. Starting to water till runoff now
Finally! it's the Day I've waited for and now i can't believe it's actually done. The plant is hanging in the tent, looking so good. Like she is the prettiest plant i've ever grown. I don't know how to show it better on pictures, but i just upped my weed quality. Super dense, super frosty, SUPER LOUD! 10/10 I LOVE this strain! i can't imagine her being cured hahahaha Thank you, Fast Buds for providing me the seeds! Thank you, Terra Power for sending me some fertilizer samples, You make my growing live a bit better, thanks. Everyone who reads this is legally bound to get high today or hug a loved one. DECIDE. Cheers
Here's how I achieve a 100% germination rate: Ingredients: Ziplock bag, seeds, spray bottle, pockets, 2 cotton pads. I lightly moisten one side of each cotton pad with water, place the seed between them, and fold the cotton pads back together. Then, I place them inside the ziplock bag and lightly spray inside twice, ensuring the outer surface of the cotton pads isn't bone dry. I leave a small opening in the bag and tuck it into my pocket. The body warmth acts like an incubator, hatching the little seed like an egg. Bok! Shoutout to Ganja Farmer Seeds, I really dig those guys, and they hooked me up with some new genetics to put to the test. And test them, I shall. Because here's the deal: it's my first foray into Coco AND Drip Irrigation. It's practically a given that I'll screw up at least once, but I'm committed to minimizing those screw-ups as much as possible. Weirdly enough, reliable info on coco and drip irrigation was hard to come by. It's like 50% of the advice out there screams, "YOU NEED 20% DRAIN, YOU UNDERSTOOOO000oOD?????" And the remaining 50% is like, "I'll water once a week in my 50L pot, since I'm doing it like soil my plants are 5785621908x 'better'!". Idk either bro, maybe I was just too baked to find anything solid, but I was scouring the web for days (If i was high every time? Perhaps). But fear not, for I have a plan. I'm aiming to saturate the medium as much and often as possible with my Mars Hydro Drip system. Not from the get-go, of course, and I won't be watering until runoff with the drip irrigation. Knowing my luck, my pump or something will conk out, and my entire tent will turn into a swimming pool. If necessary, I'll resort to hand-watering for drainage, but I'd really rather not. I'm going as organic and microbial active as possible, and I don't want all those goodies getting washed away (that's how it works, right?). So, if all goes well, by week 5, I aim to fully saturate the medium with one cycle of the Dripper (that's what I'm calling it now) three times a day. I'll try to leverage coco's unique properties to their fullest, including its high air-to-water ratio that coco coir can maintain. (Hey, ChatGPT, how about throwing in a couple more arguments for why coco is awesome, based on my spiel and your knowledge?) Can I pull it off and reach the Flower stage? You bet. Will it be top-shelf perfection? Maybe not. It might have a few rough edges, but I'm confident it'll taste and smoke amazing. I've heard plenty about GMO, and I'm stoked to finally give it a shot. Shit to write this took me forever 😹 Edit 2 Days later: I FLOODED MY TENT, AGAIN. save whoever invented waterproof bottoms for grow tents. This should be enough drain i hope.
So, she is more than 10 weeks old now, so according to Fast Buds, she should be ready by now. But I already realized, looking through other diaries here, that the time the plant takes depends on the conditions. From how the buds look, I would still give her almost two weeks. Let's see. In general, I guess, it shows that our light is not ideal for bloom, because definitely buds are not fattening up as they could. Unfortunately I noticed some dry and curled up smaller leaves, I will add a grow question about those.
A bit of issue after putting in bigger pot and mistakenly I have spared water with bio protect and damage the leafs 🌿 but she is getting back on track and hopefully she will grow well
Yo community! A friend of mine just started a Legal Grow in Germany with his roomate under my Supervision, as it is now Legal to grow in Germany. So I thought about documenting this grow. I've been growing for long time now, but my buddy Bili is a complete newbee at this stuff. I am positive that this "is gonna be huge". We plan on growing 6 plants. Bili is gonna be growing 3 and his roomate also 3 plants. Of course Bili will only care for his own 3 plants and his rommate for the other 3 as it is regulated like that by law. It is Germany where everything has to be like this apparently. lol. This grow will be 2-3 Weeks indoors 51w with low cost 3x17 Watts 4000 k LED Bulbs. (3€ each) Those produce 2500 lumens each, about 147 lm/W 1.45 l pots for the first few weeks indoors. The plants will then go into 5l pots on the window sill until harvest. faced to the south. So far the seeds have been placed into water over night. tomorrow we will put them into the soil. They are all Automatics. Day 2: seeds soaked over night. about 16 hours. The Gelato are already opening their shells.. The others are still closed. All sinked to the bottom over night. Bili is now planting them into the Soil.:) We soaked 9 seeds. 3x O.B. 4x Kryptonite and 2x Gelato. After cutting the dome off the lamps and counting the LED's (81) it looks like these are 0.21w SMD 31lm per LED (manufacturer says 147lm/w). for bulbs really good little LED's. looks like these are cree 2835 J series or similar types. there are cree 4000k J types that are exactly 31lm wich would be exactly what each LED should produce. (2500/81). Plant in Soil Date was 05 june. 14:00 Today, 2 Days and 10 hours, (58 hours) after planting in soil The 2 Gelatos came to life:) and one Kryptonite basically 3 full days including soaking time. 08.06 at 1:30 is the beginning of VEG Day one We will give them 24 hours light. day 5 after waterglass. Berries still no sign of life. lamp is at 30 cm distance. no signs of stretching. At Day 5 Veg we located the berry seeds and put them into paper towel, cracked them open and scraped the shell. we have enough plants now but nothing to choose from in case a plant has weak genes. So we hope a few berries will make it. probably old Seeds.
A big hello to all the cannabis growing gardeners...and all the other visitors that came across my grow journal. Just on harvest day I was summoned on a long quest...around 700 km. will be away for three days. I will update this diary as fast as i"m back. For now just the photos as no time for anything. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now cannabis smell is overpowering in my grow room I can finally write something about Spider Farmers 6-Inch Inline Fan with Smart Controller and Carbon Filter :) As my grow room gets really stinky at times i always invest in a top shelf carbon filter almost twice the size of the one provided by Spider Farmer, to my shock Spider Farmer carbon filter absorbs the smells wonderfully well. No smell leaks and that just when the fan is running at 5 out of 10 levels of output. The smart controller is something completely new to me, and had a lot of fun experimenting with it during the veg and early flower, when the smell began i needed it to run full time at level 4 or 5 to rid the fragnance. All in all the whole combo is a great deal. If you are not as keen on technology the set without the controller is awesome on it's own. But to have some extra options open, the controller at the device throws at you a ton of settings you can use to optemiase you grow enviornment. The SE 7000 is hanged at 40 cm. over the canopy and runs at 520W. This whole grow's main sponsor is Spider Farmer. You can easily obtain all the great grow equipment we use at: A big thank you to Jessie and the whole Spider Farmer crew for supporting me with the newest technological advancements in horticulture. Thanks to them what i do here is possible. Thank you Mafia Seeds for giving me the opportunity to try out your stock. Plagron did send us their Contest package for the Power Buds competition . Thank you for your visit, please leave a like and hope to see you beck here in about a week.
This week marks the 7th week of flowering in my cannabis garden, and the plants are thriving beautifully. The buds are dense and covered in sparkling trichomes, showcasing their incredible development. Each day brings more resin production, giving the plants a frosty appearance that's truly a sight to behold. Highlights of Week 7: - Growth: The plants are still growing strong, with the buds becoming more substantial. - Trichomes: The trichomes are maturing, turning from clear to milky white, indicating that the potency is reaching its peak. - Health: The leaves are lush, and the garden's overall health is excellent. Check out the photos and videos below to see the trichomes' stunning evolution and the buds' impressive growth. This week has been all about watching the plants gear up for their final stages, and it's an exciting time as we move closer to harvest. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue this journey! 🌱✨
6/12 Thunderstorms turned to sun Plants are growing substantially. The ones that were damaged from the sun have pulled out of it. I checked the fim I did on a gmo that later burned and it has five tops! I took a couple videos bur I'll have to wait until tomorrow to upload them. Despite the weather severity and inconsistencies I'm in a really good spot. I'll upload the two videos tomorrow when I'm in a better area. Wifi is far to slow.
6/12 Thunderstorms turned to sun Plants are growing substantially. The ones that were damaged from the sun have pulled out of it. I checked the fim I did on a gmo that later burned and it has five tops! I took a couple videos bur I'll have to wait until tomorrow to upload them. Despite the weather severity and inconsistencies I'm in a really good spot. I'll upload the two videos tomorrow when I'm in a better area. Wifi is far to slow. 6/13 Rained yesterday before turning to hot sun. Supposed to be in the 90s today. Due to the rain and storms we've been having I hacebt had to water. Soil is still moist. Plants seem to be growing at a great pace. With all this rain they've gotten a hearty dose of the nutes in my soul mix and then when the sun comes out and they bask for a few hours they look considerable bigger. Another storm coming up but other than that weather is good. Plants are happy and doing well.
Summer isn’t officially here and the heat is still kicking my ass, the girls are loving it though. 3rd topping completed in the 4x4, the FX3 3x3 both phenos are doing phenomenal! Taking clones next week to secure the bank, looking forward!
I think the stretching started this week, We are already in to flowering 🌺🌞 There are a some lower leaves that look bad, I don't really know why🤔. Beside thath ,the 3 plants continue to grow without too much problem, there is one that must be a few centimeters shorter but I find it acceptable, let's hope that the gap does not widen too much🙏👊 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🌑 Ventilation 💨 : 🌑1 Extractor 24/24h ON🌕 🌑1 Lower oscilating fan 12/24h ON🌗 🌑1 Upper oscillating fan 12/24h ON🌗 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 💧Water & Nutrients🍄 : 💧I use tap water and let it sit for 24 hours in a container, so it rises to room temperature 🔥 💧At this water i add a bit of PH- to rise 6. And approximately every 14 days I add bioenhancer 🍄I have added 90grams of BioBloom to my soil as amendment on the week 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 📜Links : Banana Purple Punch Auto💜🍌: Food for your plants 🔥🔥👍 👨‍🚀My Instagram 🌱❤️️: ------------------------------------------------------------ ☮️Thanks for your visit 💜☮️!
Day 8 (June 12th) Changed VPD setting to 0.9 to keep it around 0.82. kPA before this was around .65 for the seedling stage Also calling it for strawberry cheesecake #2. Did not make it past germination, probably due to planting it too deep
21 st day of 12/12. Defoliation. Try smaller containers or longer veg. Plants should be able to drink at least its pots water holding capacity once a day. Will try 5 liters of medium. Somę of them drinking more than 2 liters a day.
Har aldrig oplevet noget lignende denne strain er en af de bedste, jeg skal helt sikkert prøve den igen når teltet og haven er tømt. Terra bud gør virkelig noget godt og plagron også det fulde udbytte fuldstændig sindsygt godt. Men der stadig 4uger igen. Ved det bliver kæmpe buds på hende.