For LIQUIDS & NUTES ******GREEN BUZZ NUTRIENTS***** organic. Also i’m using their LIVING SOIL CULTURE in powder form! MARSHYDRO ⛺️ has large openings on the sides which is useful for mid section groom room work. 🤩 ☀️ MARSHYDRO FC 3000 LED 300W 💨MARSHYDRO 6” in-line EXTRACTOR with speed-variation knob, comes complete with ducting and carbon filter.
La planta viene creciendo bien y ha superado con éxito el transplante, creció 11 cms de una semana a otra, las hojas están lindas, se regó con micorrizas 1ml x litro y 2ml x litro de oro negro de namaste, para complementar un poco mas en esta etapa.veremos que sucede mas adelante.
Vamos familia que ya actualizamos la cosecha de estas Candy Rain de Zamnesia, para el concurso POWER BUDS Plagron x Zamnesia CONTEST. Ya era hora de cosechar, estoy bastante contento con los resultados. Vaya flores que se han marcado repletas de tricomas, y las flores se marcan aromas dulces y afrutados. Es una variedad bastante fácil de cultivar y muy resistente, crecieron desde el principio bien vigorosas, sin problemas y al final de todo recompensó. Las condiciones ambiéntales han sido máximas en 25 y mínimas en 20 y una humedad estable en torno al 36% al final de floración y en el secado. Os comento que tengo un descuento y para que compréis en la web de Zamnesia de un 20%, el código es ZAMMIGD2023 The discount 20% and the code is ZAMMIGD2023 Espero que disfruteis este diario, buenos humos 💨💨
What can I say? This Friday is amazing! Dynomyco is looking like it's going to be a go-to for me. Will wait and see how it goes so far like in all the signs I see.
18/01/2024 Mid-day Tidy Up lite clean with hydrogen peroxide Moved Spicy Temp to flower tent 18/01/2024 Temps a little high Looking for a new huge heatsink For The CropMaster Pro 1000 and make it look like the SK600 haha Ideas to modify the CropMasters Heatsink because, atm it's bodged up with a 12-watt fan driver with PC Fans and its connected to the LED mains power. Still Works good, I need to replace some LEDs on it once this grow has finished. Fed 200ml ti 5 of Organic random feed Found a seedling sprouted under Forgotten Haze and put it in veg tent 19/01/2024 Here Comes The Flowers!! 20/01/2024 Mid-day Photoshoot Started using Natural Fertiliser now flowering is here! 150ml - 5litre 20-01-2024 Video of the pre-flowers Shes gonna' be a bulky one!
Just a little presentation video, update soon! :)
2024/01/19 : plant looks healthy, 5th node is deploying, I can see 6th, even tiny 7th... so I decided to top. Back to 10 cm... 2024/01/20 : mainlining starts today.
Just a little video demonstration, update soon with harvest! 😜
Half biggest buds are cut already rest need still some time this mf are heavy weight
W9.Day.1(59) As the ninth week of flowering arrives, my plants are doing quite well. The younger one has recovered from her injuries and has produced a plethora of buds from her seven nodes. It seems I'm on track to set a new personal record for the stem width at the base - currently, it measures 33 millimeters. My plan is to see these plants through 70 to 77 days of flowering. W9.Day.3(61) Today's music program features rave and Sanskrit. Removed some old root leaves that covers less potent colas. Sending greetings to @chamomile ( from week nine of Grow and week two of the Challenge )) W9.Day.4(62) This week's revelation has been the attempt to change the approach to watering and nutrient application by moving away from the recommended Advanced Nutrients program to mixing all types of nutrients at a lower concentration until the end of the grow (not considering the flushing of course). So far, everything is working, and if it continues this way, it opens the path for me to fully automate the watering cycle throughout the entire grow along with nutrient application. The end goal is one container for nutrients, one connection to the water supply system, and one drainage. The ultimate aim is an automated grow. P.S. There are already plans for a robotic LST ))).
Hello everyone 😎 Time for harvest my Tropicana Cookies auto from Fast buds after 10 weeks she looks beautiful with some purple color and amazing smell The buds are fat & frosty Have a nice day
Starting to get my first issues with what appears to be calcium deficiency and perhaps nitrogen deficiency as well. Bumped up the CALiMAGic to 2mL per gallon to try and turn it around. Measured runoff ph is 6.15 so I think still ok. Did not get a PPM measurement yet though. Assume I still have a few solid weeks of flowering to go.
Legend Timestamp: 📅 Measures: 🛠️ Water: 🌊 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 ________________________________ 📅 D63/F01 - 17/01/24 🛠️ 🌊 Flushing 💼 Added CO2 dispenser system 🧠 🚀 ________________________________ 📅 D64/F02 - 18/01/24 🛠️ EC: 0.9 pH 7.2 🌊 Added new res with CalMag, Bloom A-B, Some B-52 and Bud Candy. Added also Rhino Skin and Voodo Juice 🧠 pH is still too high, evaluate to use pH- 🚀 ________________________________ 📅 D65/F03 - 19/01/24 🛠️ EC: 0.8 pH 7.4 🌊 Added a little bit of pH- 💼 LST 🧠 🚀 ________________________________ 📅 D66/F04 - 20/01/24 🛠️ 🌊 💼 LST 🧠 🚀 ________________________________ 📅 D67/F05 - 21/01/24 🛠️ EC: 0.7 -- 0.9 pH 7.2 -- 6.2 🌊 Added 6L of water with Calmag, Bloom A-B, B52 and Bud Candy 💼 🧠 🚀
18.01.2024 Tag 79 - Woche 12 / Tag 2 Licht: 40cm – 90% Lichtzyklus: 12/12 Luftfeuchte: 55% Temperatur: 26°C VPD: 1,5 kPa Höhe: Apple Fritter - 45cm Purple Punch - 65cm Gelato - 75cm Bemerkungen: Miss Purple Punch wird jetzt unten ziemlich gelb. Ansonsten sieht sie hervorragend aus. Ich weiß noch nicht, ob es einfach nur Nature oder ein tatsächlicher Mangel ist. Ich beobachte noch und gieße am Wochenende einen Komposttee. Wir werden sehen und es bleibt spannend. Lady Apple Fritter: absolut herausragend die Dame. Die hat einfach keine Probleme und macht ihr Ding großartig! Ich weiß jetzt schon: die werde ich wieder growen. Madame Gelato: unverändert. Steht da wie eine Diva und lässt sich nicht locken. Sie ist nach wie vor weit hinter den Anderen zurück oder braucht einfach nur länger. Kann nur für die Qualität der Buds sprechen… denn das werden definitiv die Größten und Dicksten von den Dreien. Wir werden sehen, wie sie sich weiterentwickelt. ############################################################################################################################################################## 20.01.2024 Tag 81 - Woche 12 / Tag 4 Licht: 40cm – 90% Lichtzyklus: 12/12 Luftfeuchte: 55% Temperatur: 26°C VPD: 1,5 kPa Ich hab die letzten 24 Stunden einen Komposttee, vor allem für die Gelato und Purple Punch, gebraut. - 5 Liter chlorfreies Wasser - 100g Wurm Kompost - etwas Great White Mykorrhiza - das Ganze 24 Stunden lang aktiv belüften (siehe Video) Ich verspreche mir davon, dass einige Nährstoffdefizite an der Purple Punch noch ausgeglichen werden können, vor allem aber, dass es die Gelato nochmal richtig pusht. Der Komposttee wird 1:1 verdünnt mit chlorfreiem Wasser gegossen. Terp 💪😎