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Ciao! Questo è il mio primo EP su Growdiaries sono davvero entusiasta! Oggi 8 febbraio ho messo a germinare le tre piccole di casa Barney's. i semi sono posizionati all'interno di un vassoio da germinazione sto usando un tubo riscaldante e una centralina InkBird per la temperatura così riesco a mantenere la temperatura sui 22/23°C con un RH %80 Sto usando il metodo del fazzoletto umido, spero che in 24/48 ore la radichetta spunterà dai semi! Oggi 09/2/2023 tutti e i tre semi hanno germinato! Successo del 100% Mi colpisce il vigore della Tropicanna Banana! Invece la gelato mi da l'aria che sarà una bella signorina capricciosa! Come si sul dire ogni riccio un capriccio🤣 Ora i semi sono stati inseriti nel soil per la precisione Ligthmix della BIOBIZZ con un aggiunta di micorizze per la precisione Mycos di Xtreme Gardin! Ho nebulizzato con acqua decantata e ph6.3. 11/02/2023 Ed eccoci con il nuovo aggiornamento del Ciclo TheBarney's! Le piccole sono tutte e tre spuntate neo tempi previsti sono davvero felice per la loro vigorosità! La Tropicanna è la Gelato presentano un piccolo problemino nel staccare l'embrione del seme dai cotilodoni, per darle una piccola mano ho nebulizzato a distanza un pò d'acqua. Ho evitato di provare a toglierlo con una pinzetta per paura di danneggiare le piccole plantule, sono sicuro che riusciranno da sole a risolvere questo piccolo fastidio. Ho deciso di accendere la lampada impostandola all'incirca al 20% (60W) a una distanza di 50cm circa. Non ho un misuratore di PPFD per mia sfortuna sarei stato più preciso nel impostare la potenza e la distanza della lampada😓 ho impostato il classico ciclo di luce 18/6. Ho aggiunto un ventilatore oscillante della Secret jardin per smuovere un pò l'aria. Ora con tanta pazienza e amore aspetteremo la loro crescita! Sono davvero curioso di vedere quanto tempi ci metteranno ad entrare nello stadio di Vegetativa! 12/02/23 Ciao a tutti growers eccoci qui con un nuovo aggiornamento sul cultivo TheBarney's!! Le tre piccole si sono allungate un pochino, ho deciso di fare un piccolo refill con terreno e dare una piccola nebulizzata. Oltre a questo le ho tolte dal box di germinazione e aggiunto un umidificatore collegato a una inkbird per mantenere costante un Rh tra il 70% 80%, pian piano abbassero l'umidità fino a stabilizzarla sui 65% 70% di RH. Per il resto nulla di nuovo... Ci sentiamo prossimamente per nuovi aggiornamenti sulle piccoline rimanete connessi e lasciate mi piace🙏💚 17/02/2023 Ecco un nuovo aggiornamento sul ciclo TheBarney's! Le piccoline pian piano crescono, oggi concludono la prima settimana come plantule! Si sono un pochino allungate e per sostenerle o fatto un piccolo refill di soil e ho irrigato con 15ml a testa di acqua con ph6.3 e Herba power (Ammendante) 0.5ml per Litro d'acqua. Per questo aggiornamento è tutto ci sentiamo prossimamente! 20/02/2023 Eccoci con EP nuovo sul ciclo TheBarney's! Le piccole oggi hanno subito un travaso le ho messe in airpot da 3L e irrigato con acqua ph 6.3, ammendante (herba Power) e un estratto di alghe (Herba Sweed) EC 0.45 Esattamente oggi sono 10 giorni che si trovano nello stadio di Plantula, le prime foglie a 3 punte stanno sbucando speriamo presto di vedere quelle a 5/7 punte e finalmente si inizierà con la fase vegetativa! Tutto sommato le vedo in salute hanno un bel colore, il vigore della Tropicanna e della Gelato mi sta sbalordendo! Per ora è tutto! Al prossimo aggiornamento 💚
Girls are looking great so far! I added about 2ml/g to the reservoir and the plants responded well. Got a good explosion of growth over the last few days. I was able to start LST training the largest of the 4 today and the other 3 will be a day or 2 until they will be ready to start LST. Had some Ph issues during week 4 because my pen decided to go wonky. I tried to calibrate it again and had a hard time. So I busted out an older one and decided to calibrate it and see if it worked still... calibrated in a few min and sure enough res ph was well bellow 5. So water was changed as it was time anyway and ph’d proper just before lights out so we will see what happens tomorrow.
Great week of growth, been doing a lot of LST. Spreading her out and tying it down! Roots are really growing. Pinching leaves as they get too big and block light.
Great week of growth, been doing a lot of LST. Spreading her out and tying it down! Roots are really growing. Pinching leaves as they get too big and block light.
Hey Friends, end of week 13 from seed Buds are getting thicker Smell is getting stronger Bud structure is looking amazing, so far its been an amazing experience seeing this plant grow. I am watering every 3-4 days 1 full gallon of water mixed with nutrients. Leaves are green, looking healthy Trichomes are 98% cloudy 2% amber This week I had a tough time trying to maintain a steady humidity level, its been raining outside lately so humidity level goes up. QUESTIONS When should I begin flushing?
Plants are looking good so far, added about 2ml/gal to the reservoir this week and plants responded well. They are all keeping short and stocky so far and should be able to start LST training in a few days I think. I also turned up the light to 750w and the air temps are now hovering between 24c-25c. Water temps are creeping up though in the 21c range, gonna wrap the buckets tonight in foil insulation and build a water cooler for this setup soon as well. Had some Ph issues during week 4 because my pen decided to go wonky. I tried to calibrate it again and had a hard time. So I busted out an older one and decided to calibrate it and see if it worked still... calibrated in a few min and sure enough res ph was well bellow 5. So water was changed as it was time anyway and ph’d proper just before lights out so we will see what happens tomorrow.
Hey Friends, end of week 13 from seed Buds are getting thicker Smell is getting stronger Bud structure is looking amazing, so far its been an amazing experience seeing this plant grow. I am watering every 3-4 days 1 full gallon of water mixed with nutrients. Leaves are green, looking healthy Trichomes are 98% cloudy 2% amber This week I had a tough time trying to maintain a steady humidity level, its been raining outside lately so humidity level goes up. QUESTIONS When should I begin flushing?
👹 Oni Seed Co. 🍭 Dub Trop BX1 // Dubble Trop x Tropicanna Cookie F1 🍓 Straw-Picanna // Strawberry Bananna x Tropicanna Cookies 🌿 Tropicanna Kush // SFV OG x Triangle Kush 🔥 Sunburn // TKT (Triangle Kush x Tangie) x Tropicanna Cookies 🍁 BLOOM WEEK 3 📅 Day 1 - They're drinking lots now, in full speed. - Going to top dress tomorrow. 📅 Day 2 - Final lollipop, felt dirty doing it, but from experience they ° would be wasting time on these lowers. - Top dress with SW-Bloom 📅 Day 3 - Bloomin' 📅 Day 4 - Bloomin' 📅 Day 5 - Watered in EM-1 microbes from StepWell. Not sure why I waited so long. 📅 Day 6 - Watered. Super impressed so far! 📅 Day 7
Hey Growers, end of week 12 from seed Not much has changed this week, its been a slow bud growth. I feel it still needs to grow thicker, 2-3 weeks before flushing Smell is a bit stronger, hoping a sour flavor. It been difficult trying to maintain a steady humidity level due to weather outside. I will consider buying a stronger humidifier for my next grow. Trichomes are cloudy, no amber yet Some of the leaves have yellow-orange tips, this happened after I changed ph meters, my old one broke so I had to purchased a different ph meter at my local hydroponics store. Will keep you guys posted, see you next week
Transplanted 6 girls into the hydro, 3 Bubble Gum Kush and 3 Critical +2.0. The critical is a beast, can’t wait to see how it grows! Dealt with some hot water issues but think I’ve got it together.
9/14 Week 9 and she is doing fine Little vid she is front left Nuets not changing for now 9/16 Doing well but some white tips are saying we gotta reduce the salts so will be dropping CT nuets 10% and upping PK to 2.5 Extra space is really doing them well Defoliation again tonight the war on stemmed leaves has begun 9/17 Held a meeting of the minds and decided the best course of action is to flip the light schedule so I can feed them more appropriately, twice a day. Leaving nuets as they are as this will drop pot EC. Setting the alarm for the AM before lights out at 7:30 and changing the sched to 6AM-6PM summer is done no need for current schedule. Lights be out from 7:30AM to 6AM long I know but should not bother them. 9/19 Lights on girls feed buds look fine Video enjoy
9/14 Week 9 and she is doing fine Little vid she is front rt Nuets not changing for now 9/16 Doing well but some white tips are saying we gotta reduce the salts so will be dropping CT nuets 10% and upping PK to 2.5 Extra space is really doing them well Defoliation again tonight the war on stemmed leaves has begun 9/17 Held a meeting of the minds and decided the best course of action is to flip the light schedule so I can feed them more appropriately, twice a day. Leaving nuets as they are as this will drop pot EC. Setting the alarm for the AM before lights out at 7:30 and changing the sched to 6AM-6PM summer is done no need for current schedule. Lights be out from 7:30AM to 6AM long I know but should not bother them. 9/19 Lights on girls feed buds look fine Video enjoy
Week 1 was smooth, didn’t tKe good pictures at first. Trying out a new set up before transplanting to the big tent.
9/14 Week 9 and she is doing fine Little vid she is center Nuets not changing for now 9/15 Ok major changes Brought up the alternate tent and placed her in it alone under a 150w Mars This is a test to see if we can help the crowding issue in the Flower tent Video enjoy 9/16 Doing well but some white tips are saying we gotta reduce the salts so will be dropping CT nuets 10% and upping PK to 2.5 Extra space is really doing them well Defoliation again tonight the war on stemmed leaves has begun 9/17 Held a meeting of the minds and decided the best course of action is to flip the light schedule so I can feed them more appropriately, twice a day. Leaving nuets as they are as this will drop pot EC. Setting the alarm for the AM before lights out at 7:30 and changing the sched to 6AM-6PM summer is done no need for current schedule. Lights be out from 7:30AM to 6AM long I know but should not bother them. 9/19 Lights on girls feed buds look fine Video enjoy
Just about have the temperature issue under control, doing a lot of LST to open up the canopy. The Alaskan Purple (soil) is really growing! Hydros should be taking off soon.
Hi everyone. By now a fat banana has come to an end. With next week I will proceed to the cut. Now it is being fed only on water (ph 6.2) The other little fat banana was infected with a caterpillar that was eating the stem internally. I eliminated the parasite and treated the wound of the plant with a totally natural product. It seems to me that he reacted well. The northern light proceeds ... it is still behind.
Day 128... long journey behind...What can I say? Beautiful.... last time removed the injured leaves due to covering but now she is coming back. ;) Weather condition is still right compare to September in London but okay. I hope she will do all the way the flowering and nice smoke comes off.
Day 128... long journey behind...What can I say? Beautiful.... last time removed the injured leaves due to covering but now she is coming back. ;) Weather condition is still right compare to September in London but okay. I hope she will do all the way the flowering and nice smoke comes off.
Day 128... long journey behind...What can I say? Beautiful.... last time removed the injured leaves due to covering but now she is coming back. ;) Weather condition is still right compare to September in London but okay. I hope she will do all the way the flowering and nice smoke comes off.