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2x Plants with liqui cannabiz doing very - ghe tri 2x coming along (adjusted their nutes) lets hope for the ge best..ill be doing some fimming through out he week.. Hopefully side branches eill catchup during stretch period.. Looks like 2 showing signs of flowering.. Hectic week ahead @ work - will try my best not 2 f&#k things up..sofar so good.. Had some issues with LC buckets - looks like ektra NSol solving the issue.. Lets see changing all nutes 2morrow
14/05: EC: 1,23 PH: 5,22 Removed all LST hooks 15/05: EC: 1,15 PH: 5,92 16/05: Added Nuts EC: 1,3 PH: 6,08 17/05: EC: 1,3 PH: 6,1 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 Lesson Learned: AS SOON AS THE MAIN BUDS RAISE UP MOVE THE LAMP ON THE CEILING TO AVOID BURNS 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 18/05: Changed Grow Box SetUp . I had burning lights problem and I moved the lamps on the grow box ceiling EC: 1,42 PH: 5,99 19/05: EC: 1,25 PH: 5,46 20/05: EC: 1,25 PH: 6,03
In 13 day is harvest. Startet now to flush. Yesterday i gave her a last time a nutrient bomb
2x Plants with liqui cannabiz doing very - ghe tri 2x coming along (adjusted their nutes) lets hope for the ge best..ill be doing some fimming through out he week.. Hopefully side branches eill catchup during stretch period.. Looks like 2 showing signs of flowering.. Hectic week ahead @ work - will try my best not 2 f&#k things up..sofar so good.. Had some issues with LC buckets - looks like ektra NSol solving the issue.. Lets see changing all nutes 2morrow
Esta es la última semana de estiramiento. Espero que no sigan subiendo. Apliqué LST para mantener la altura. Por el momento vienen sanas, pero tardan mucho en mostrar las pre flores. Hice una defoliación fuerte en todos los bajos. Voy a dejar pocas ramas laterales, pero algunas voy a dejar. Aún no se junta suficiente humedad como para poner el ventilador, y con la ventilación es suficiente para moverlas. De todos modos en una semana o dos lo prenderé. Por el momento estoy expectante de todo. Día 10. Las plantas se están estirando demasiado. Espero que frenen pronto para evitar un LST en todas las ramas. Aún las pre flores están muy cerradas, pero tengo fé en que pronto se verán. La temperatura en general ha bajado un poco, pero dentro de todo mantengo un máximo de 26C°, pero intentaré subir un poco. Seguiremos actualizando. Día 12. Tuve que hacer un atado de plantas importante. Pero pude manejar la altura al momento. Ya se acaba el estiramiento, pero las pre flores aún siguen muy inmaduras para dos semanas. Son las desventajas de un mal bioestimulante. Pero ya van dos semanas y se nota en la estructura de los troncos. La semana que viene empieza la nutrición mas fuerte. Día 14. Cierra la semana con un LST furioso. Até todas las plantas, incluso el caño que uso de anclaje lo tuve que atar a la base que sostiene los caños. El estiramiento fue fuerte. Tuve que cortar algunas ramas que quedaron muy debajo. Todavía me cuesta visualizar cómo quedarán esas flores cuando engorden. Ya mañana comienza la nueva semana y espero que sea una semana de cambios interesantes. Mirando otros diarios viejos en mi teléfono, me encontré que formulaba de entrada con 1,2g./l de feeding. Así que imagino que voy a volver a esas dosis un poco mast agresivas. Tengo buenos recuerdos de los resultados anteriores.
Been on the straight water halfway through the week going to be keeping a close eye on them in order to time a 2 day darkness period and I would like them to be close to dry at the roots also so it's all watchy and trying to balance and time things together. One thing is for certain tho some of the buds smell like lemon cleaning products! Crazy. Should be Harvest before next week so I might pop on with some decent pictures if I can get any. Will reupdate once dried also.
Descubrí que le pasaba. Le faltaba fertilizantes. Le eche un día el top auto y apenas se seco el sustrato le metí el monster bloom. Y la planta se levantó de maravilla y freno el amarillo un poco. Arranca la 5 semana de floración. Se empiezan a formar los coquitos. 15/05 se riega con 2 litros de agua Agua de riego PH: 6.5 EC: 0.5 Agua de drenaje PH: 7.2 EC: 1.194 De sales estamos bien pero no está bien el ph. Próximo riego con 5.8 para tratar de llevarlo a 6.5 17/05 se riega con 1litro de agua con 0.4 ml de top auto + 0.3 ml de big one a un ph 5.8 para bajar el ph al sustrato. EC 0.6 18/05 los cocos parecen engordar aunque la planta se este amarillando toda. Se dimmerizo la luz a un 80% tengo una sensación que la está quemando. 19/05 se riega con 2 litros de agua + 6ml de Detox. Para lavar las raíces por si hay algún bloqueo. Apenas se seque el sustrato empiezo a aplicar top bloom. Agua de riego PH: 6.04 EC: 0.333 Agua de drenaje PH: 6.88 EC: 1.268 Made in Argentina 🇦🇷
These were brought on from seed planted straight into plastic 1litre containers and keep in the environment for around the first 3 days before transplant into their final pot.
I had alot of Fun with this Grow, and a lot of Growers, had a Story about the Strawaberry Cough. Thank you all for sharing that with me!!! I learned alot about the heritage of this Strain and its appearing in Movies and Music. Mr. Kushman itself had a great Story about Strawberry Cough, and how he got them as a Present But back to the Grow fast Germinating, Germiating Rate 100 Percent, fast grower, and then the Journey began...... One Pheno turned out with Cottoncandylike Buds , The other Pheno with Fistsized Dense Buds Booth showed a wonderful Scent, and they were a Pleasure to look One Plant is still growing Thank you @Miister_lee , for the opportunity to grow them And LEGALIZE WORLDWIDE
Tip - Before every watering I ensure to leave the water rest for a minimum of 24-36hours to allow for chlorine dissipation.
I had alot of Fun with this Grow, and a lot of Growers, had a Story about the Strawaberry Cough. Thank you all for sharing that with me!!! I learned alot about the heritage of this Strain and its appearing in Movies and Music. Mr. Kushman itself had a great Story about Strawberry Cough, and how he got them as a Present But back to the Grow fast Germinating, Germiating Rate 100 Percent, fast grower, and then the Journey began...... One Pheno turned out with Cottoncandylike Buds , The other Pheno with Fistsized Dense Buds Booth showed a wonderful Scent, and they were a Pleasure to look One Plant is still growing Thank you @Miister_lee , for the opportunity to grow them And LEGALIZE WORLDWIDE
I had alot of Fun with this Grow, and a lot of Growers, had a Story about the Strawaberry Cough. Thank you all for sharing that with me!!! I learned alot about the heritage of this Strain and its appearing in Movies and Music. Mr. Kushman itself had a great Story about Strawberry Cough, and how he got them as a Present But back to the Grow fast Germinating, Germiating Rate 100 Percent, fast grower, and then the Journey began...... One Pheno turned out with Cottoncandylike Buds , The other Pheno with Fistsized Dense Buds Booth showed a wonderful Scent, and they were a Pleasure to look One Plant is still growing Thank you @Miister_lee , for the opportunity to grow them And LEGALIZE WORLDWIDE
Tip - Before every watering I ensure to leave the water rest for a minimum of 24-36hours to allow for chlorine dissipation.
This is week 4 around day 22 a few more days and flower will begin. I didn't want to push them to far to the edge of my 1.5 mx 1.5m space because of the restriction of the 600w hps flowering set up.
I had alot of Fun with this Grow, and a lot of Growers, had a Story about the Strawaberry Cough. Thank you all for sharing that with me!!! I learned alot about the heritage of this Strain and its appearing in Movies and Music. Mr. Kushman itself had a great Story about Strawberry Cough, and how he got them as a Present But back to the Grow fast Germinating, Germiating Rate 100 Percent, fast grower, and then the Journey began...... One Pheno turned out with Cottoncandylike Buds , The other Pheno with Fistsized Dense Buds Booth showed a wonderful Scent, and they were a Pleasure to look One Plant is still growing Thank you @Miister_lee , for the opportunity to grow them And LEGALIZE WORLDWIDE