The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Nous somme à la 6ème semaines de floraison tout se passe comme prévu les bourgeons continuent de gonflés les paramètres sont excellents 24 degrés en température 55% en hydrometrie. - L'ajout de RQS guano a redonner un coup pouce à la plante les bourgeons ont sacrément gonfler aimer et regarder par vous même. Cet semaine sera aussi la dernière irrigation avec nutes. Ce run est l'une de mes préférée. Léger carences en azote post-stretch cela es dû a un faible apport de celui-ci mais rien de grave cela indique les derniers semaine de vie de cette dame le rinçage sera simple et éfficace. L'odeur quelle dégage es fortement fruité cela sent le 🍬 🍬. A plus pour d'avantge d'informations.👍🏼
not much to report from last week 7 into week 8,but come the end of week 8,,,,,,,,,see week 9
vorrei provare a far crescere ua pianta sul balcone nel periodo invernale e vedere che viene fuori
la primera semana al 12/12, empiezan a ver los pistilos de maduración sexual, los mantuve quietos un poco debajo de la red y por el momento estoy recortando, crezco bien y pronto florecerán 👊👽👍 🍁🍁🍁🍁
Bueno, al final las flores desde el tallo medio hacia arriba no han sido polinizadas ... ¡o al menos pocas tendrán semillas! Porfin los cogollos están empezando a hincharse y definitivamente les daré una semana más de floración. ¿Qué dices? Si teneis algún consejo para mí, lo agradesco mucho!
11/23 Week 9 Start the week with a harvest, Pat LSD-25 Harvest day. Pat - 940 Grams wet will take a big hit on dry due to her structure but think she will dry out to about 150 grams see if Im right. Pics on the rest later Note on LD-25: We like to harvest these before the trics start going amber, the psycho-activity is unreal at that point. pics 11/24 Joan's buds are closing up so time to put her on a ripening feed as listed. Thinking 10 days to finish last few in flush 11/26 Pat the Tall yielded 158 grams dry Great work big girl now lets see what Blondie will do 11/27 Joan has gone on Phed water her buds have closed and no sense keeping it up ready to finish up Listed feed is latest for Blondie as she builds cotton balls 12/1 Sorry for the delays got an issue or two over here. New week tomorrow promise May harvest Joan tomorrow she is ready will depend on our schedule if not then the following day Not the monster my wife #HisHope grew last summer but a very respectable girl. Have a guess in mind but think I will sit on that my guesses have been pitiful of late 😝
Steady healthy growth ive found no spidermites so far. Very chrystaline very beautiful. Very good recovery from spidermite damage so far.very exited to see how this goes. Red diesel smells very sweet and fruity other ones smell very strong but more earthy.
This week just water from the autopots and a soil soak with some bio enhancer . Plants are really starting to smell now . Resin production on the Rado z is insane. Sadly they did not make the cut for the next drop. Happy to have been able to test them. I think they look and smell great.
Dernière semaine de croissance. Changement de solution fait le dimanche 22/11 car le ph commençait à descendre en dessous de 6.2 et cela faisait 1 semaine que j'avais fais le précèdent changement. Le PH lors du changement était de 6,8. Il est monté jusqu'à 7.5 mais je laisse le filtre faire son oeuvre. Il est actuellement à 7.1 et continue de descendre naturellement. carence en fer. Ajout d'une dose supplémentaire de Sensi CalMg Edit au 25 : Malheureusement ce que je sentais venir est arrivé, saturation en N. Le Ph et l'EC continuaient de baisser tous les deux. Les parties basses des plantes étant sombre et ayant une carence en fer sur la partie haute (puisque élément mobile), j'en ai déduit que c'était une carence en fer induite par une surfertilisation en N. J'étais à un EC de 1, je suis revenu à 0,8 le mardi 25 au soir. La bioponie est très capricieuse au niveau de l'azote. Le mercredi 26 le ph remonte ce qui signifie qu'on a stopé le processus de dégradation du N. Je devrais changer la solution mais je dois passer bientôt en flo donc j'ai enlevé de l'eau et rajouter, histoire de tenir jusqu'au prochain changement de solution qui est prévu samedi sauf si la situation dégénere de nouveau avec le PH. Last week of growth. Change of solution made on sunday 22/11 because the ph was starting to drop below 6.2 and it's been 1 week since I made the previous change. The PH at the time of the change was 6.8. It went up to 7.5 but I let the filter do its job. It is currently at 7.1 and continues to drop naturally. iron deficiency. Addition of an extra dose of Sensi CalMg Last update : Unfortunately what I felt was coming has happened, N saturation. Ph and EC both continued to drop. As the lower parts of the plants were dark and iron deficient (on top because is mobil nutrient), I deduced that it was an iron deficiency induced by N overfertilization. I was at an EC of 1, I came back to 0.8 on Tuesday evening the 25th. Biopony is very capricious in terms of nitrogen. On Wednesday the 26th the ph goes up which means that we stopped the N degradation process. I should change the solution but I have to float soon so I removed some water and added more, to hold until the next change of solution which is planned for Saturday unless the situation degenerates again with the PH. Ultima semana de crecimiento. Cambio de solución hecho el domingo 22/11 porque el ph empezaba a bajar de 6.2 y ha pasado 1 semana desde que hice el cambio anterior. El PH en el momento del cambio era de 6,8. Subió a 7.5 pero dejé que el filtro hiciera su trabajo. Actualmente está en 7.1 y sigue bajando naturalmente. deficiencia de hierro. Adición de una dosis extra de Sensi CalMg Ultima hora : Desafortunadamente lo que sentí que venía, la saturación de N. El pH y la EC continuaron bajando. Como las partes inferiores de las plantas eran oscuras y con deficiencia de hierro, deduje que se trataba de una deficiencia de hierro inducida por la sobrefertilización de N. Estaba en un EC de 1, volví a 0.8 el martes 25 por la noche. La bioponía es muy caprichosa en términos de nitrógeno. El miércoles 26 el PH sube, lo que significa que detuvimos el proceso de degradación del N. Debería cambiar la solución pero tengo que flotar pronto así que saqué un poco de agua y añadí más, para mantenerlo hasta el próximo cambio de solución que está previsto para el sábado a menos que la situación degenere de nuevo con el PH.
I just cant get over how well things are going!!!! I've come so far in only 3 generations of plants! Today I did my FIRST DEFOLIATION EVER!!!!! It went so well!!! Shout out to Bill Ward for having some good views to brush up on! My first grow I didnt have enough leaves to defol and last grow I was to scared to lol. This time I made them my bitch!!!! It was EASY! NEVER BE AFRAID OF YOUR PLANTS!!!! I'm tinkering with the light so they aren't super happy atm. I turned on the exhaust and the Vaporizer. I also raised the light to 2ft and will try to consistently keep the light at that distance. I bumped up the nuets to 2ml. I'm a little lower than my schedule called for but i might bump it this week. Gonna watch the ladies! I tested the runoff and its 6.1, perfect. Starting to see how the plant is gonna look. __________________________________________________________________________________________ The plants came down with some spots. i did some reading and i came to the conclusion that they needed a bit more cal-mag. I also had noticed some of the newer growth had reddish stems too. I checked my discords and that's what they thought too!!! I was going to bump it anyway bc I've seen alot of diaries on here with ALOT more Cal-mag than me. Otherwise they look great! I got them out tonight for a light watering and noticed they had grown like 4or5 inches! Go Baby Go! __________________________________________________________________________________________ I fed them this evening and gave them a small haircut for some light penetration. I put a few spacers in that I printed and they seemed to help salvage my LST. I think the stakes dont hold up to the plant. Next Grow I will use wire. Still monitoring the leaves and while its slowly spreading I don't think I will see the effects of the extra calmag for a while. I have double downed on my videos, working on editing and hope to really develop my dairies! __________________________________________________________________ Things are going great as we wrap up the week. The plants are almost fighting for space in the tent, and i'm dialing in how much water the pots hold, I think this is the sweet spot size. Defoliated about 20 leaves, just a trim and tuck. I didn't do well at LST at all this round, i noticed all the main stems are ramrod straight, but using the spacers seems to be making the plants into pretty nice lil trees. I think the best part is right around the corner!!! Its about to get very pretty up in there!
As the days go by and the weather in my area is getting colder, I've got a difference from almost 10 degrees between night and day, so one of the girl is getting some purple colors in the buds. Everything else seems normal, I just had to change the light cause my 600W LED fell out. Now I'm using a 200W till I hopefully can fix the other light.
Food mix: 1L distilled water + 120g NKP food
Well this will be these girls last week, they are supposed to be early versions with a 5 week flowering time, according to the package anyway. 5 weeks = I didn’t think they would be this quick, but when I looked at Delicious Seeds website it says 45-55 days... so we aren’t actually that far over. But they are definitely ripening up and we are low on supply, hence why we went with the 5 week strain in this tent this so these girls are gonna get chopped to make room for the new girls coming into the tent and get us some smoke for the time being so we can do a proper 9-10 weeks on my Banana Bomb. I continued the flush through last week and they are fading out a bit, some more then others. The one bigger plant still seems to be behind but is starting to get some decent buds going, I would like to do a few more weeks on her but she is coming down with the rest. Well that’s it for this week, took lots of pics. Next update will be Harvest! Cheers! 💨
Alaskan still growing don't see much of a stretch Speed plus 1 started to pre flower and stretched a good amount. 3 main sites Speed plus 2 flowering started to show. Had 5 shorted sites that has not flowered or pre flowered Came to terms with I might harvest total 10-15g for all 3 plants. Trial and error taking it as a learning experience
Hola cultivetas! Todo sigue bastante bien a no ser por unos pulgones, moscas blancas y arañas rojas que encontré en 2 de mis plantas. Las estoy combatiendo manualmente. Pensé que esta semana seria la ultima pero parece que sera en 2 semana mas el tiempo de cosechar! Saludos y gracias por leer mi diario.
Bin soweit zufrieden werde die Tage mal die Äste leicht an schrägen durch anbinden am scrog netz mehr licht und luftstrom für die buds einrichten die erste Sapphire scout wächst echt dicht die brauch das unbedingt bin aber sonnst ganz zufrieden mit meinem Ergebnis bis jetzt falls einer von den Profis Anregungen oder Verbesserungs vorschläge hat würde ich mich freuen eure Meinung und Rat zu hören bilder und videos folgen jetzt in regelmäßigen Abständen ab jetzt wird ja erst interessant bis die Tage ihr grow Götter