160 days of life harvested on day 63 of flower. I don’t have photos of her vegging but she started off great. About two weeks in, she started having some major issues. Her leaves started atrophying, curling up at the borders, growing 3 finger leaves, all new growth was deformed and twisted and growth in general almost stopped completely, to what I suspect was from broad mites. These fuckers are nasty! I dm’d my local grow shop and tried out some Neem Oil. I diluted it in water like they recommended and sprayed that baby every day for one week, then every other day the following week, then down to once a week. I sprayed her leaves stem and surface of the soil. I also cleaned the entire grow space with some bleach solution. Doing this allowed her to really bounce back, growth started to take off again! So I vegged for a few more weeks and trained her as much as I could to keep her uniform but short, she responded well to this. During flower, she was very happy. I had two main issues during this time, one was being too hot in Nitrogen and a week of very hot temperatures which burned her a slight bit, although she didn’t seem to mind much. I also could’ve continued a once a week spray of Neem oil because I think they might’ve started to come back on the lower and younger leaves that weren’t getting much light. Overall it was a dope grow and hope to do better on the next one!