Hallo liebe growmies, ich hoffe euch geht es allen gut! die Woche war wieder eine erfolgreiche Woche 😁 ich muss sagen ich bin erstaunt wie gut die runde bis jetzt läuft und wie schön sich meine Ladys entwickelt haben, bis jetzt habe ich noch keine Mängel vernehmen können und die Damen sind meines Erachtens nach auf dem besten Weg zur sicheren ernte aber nun zur Woche Am 08.03.23 also einen Tag bevor diese Woche begann habe ich den compost Tee angesetzt dafür habe ich 2,5L Wasser was ich ja eh in der Tonne ab stehen lasse entnommen und habe es in einen leeren behälter von destilliertem Wasser getan, dem ganzen habe ich 2x luftstein hinzu gefügt mit Belüftung's Pumpe (Eheim 200) eine kleine mini heizung für 8 L Aquarien (regelbar) auf 20 Grad eingestellt. Dem ganzen habe ich dann 15g/L wasser compost Tee (37,5g bei 2,5L Wasser) hinzu gefügt bactrex drauf 1g/L wasser (2,5g bei 2,5L Wasser) und 5ml/L orgatrex ( 12,5ml bei 2,5/L wasser) gab es auch noch hinzu das ganze habe ich dann 24 h belüftet und bei ca 20 Grad Wassertemperatur gebraut (Bactrex gab es jetzt 1x bei dieser gabe hinzu,bei dem nächsten compost Tee fällt bactrex dann weg) hab jeder Pflanze von dieser Lösung jeweils 0,5L an die Pflanzen basis gegossen vorher habe ich die Ladys aber natürlich Gewässer mit 2,5L Wasser und Dann Die Lösung oben drauf. Danach saß ich Dann knapp 4 Std vor dem Zelt und hab ausgeschnitten unten rum (alle Blätter und Triebe unter dem netzt entfernt) danach hab ich noch ca 1 Std damit verbracht Triebe von oben heraus zu entfernen die zu dicht an anderen standen ( war echt nicht einfach da nicht zu viel weg zu schnippeln) aber ich glaube ich bin auf nem guten Weg. Den Rest der Woche habe ich nur noch gehofft das sich die Pflanzen gut erholen von dem was ich ihnen angetan habe, und hab die Fächer Blätter so gut wie es geht täglich runter gedrückt unters netzt damit genug Licht eindringen kann in den Baldachin, aber irgendwie hat die Damen das harte ausrasieren nicht wirklich gestört da wie auf den Bildern zu sehen ist, ist der stretch immer noch in gange ist, aber schon deutlich weniger geworden zum Ende dieser Woche. Am Sonntag dem 12.03.23 gab es nur Wasser zum trinken hab jetzt 3,5L Wasser gegossen und somit den Topf komplett mit Wasser gefüllt es kamen dabei ungefähr 20 ml Wasser unten raus, was halb so wild ist, aber immer hin Weiss ich jetzt die gieß menge um den Topf gleichmäßig zu füllen. Ich wünsche euch allen eine schöne erfolgreiche Woche! Cu ihr growmies!
No real change other than buds starting to form more. Not one type of plant performing better than another. Took cuttings from northern lights and white widow. They are under 300w led. I cant recommend the 900w viparspectra led enough. Used one last grow with a 600w hps and they are on par yield wise. Run alot cooler!!!
This was an easy cycle with some average problems, dealt with the gnats by topping the soil. anyway it was a plant that was easy to grow, a very pleasant non weedy smell around. and was ready within 70 days, i left it a couple of days more till first amber trichomes The most strains taste far better after curing, with this one i don't agree with that rule. This strain actually tastes better when it's fresh. The curing brings back more of the kush, and makes the smoke stronger, but the taste of fresh dried sugar kush is close to undescribeable.
Everything is moving along nicely. She's drinking 3l+feed (@75% recomended dosage) every couple of days. Some of the lower leaves are starting to show some necrosys but there are no signs of diseases or pests. It didn't filled up the screen as nicely as I wanted to, but it seems to stretch at irregular intervals, so I may still have a chance to fill it up a bit more.
Attempted to LST in this one burn realized my grow area was too small so I scrapped the idea a, this could directly be the reason for a small yield. Learned a lot from a this grow and also took a clone from this plant. Also documenting here. Thanks for viewing. Good luck to all the growers out there.
Transplanted and doing great! My youngest that I planted a week late has caught the older ones and I'm happy. Looking good
Girl Scout Cookies is one of my favourite strains, so to be able to grow this as a fem seed by RQS was a pleasure. As far as comparing to GSC, it looks, smells, tastes and grows exactly the same. I have a clone of this girl in veg so I'm looking forward to running her again but changing a couple of things. The pheno in this diary was a bit of a stretcher, but with that being said I do think I could have prevented this a bit. I'll also pinch her stems more when she's going through her stretch as I missed doing this on this girl because she kept a nice even canopy, meaning I wasn't forced to in order to even her out. She still went on to produce some nice dense cookie nugs with beautiful colouring. Her next run in flower will be under my new 315w CMH which I'm very much looking forward to! This girl has kept her place in the Fox's Den 🐺 I've enjoyed doing this diary, and all my others, on grow diaries and will continue to start more. If even one person has learned one thing from my presence on here, then that makes it all worth it in my opinion! From where I stand that's all we can do for each other our community. Because I've created 4 seperate diaries with 4 different strains, I've had to calculate these by dividing the conditions by 4 (4 plants in total but only one of each strain). This is the fairest and only way to work it out properly. I also want to thank Royal Queen Seeds for creating this partnership between us and I definitely look forward to growing more of their strains. All of which will be on Grow Diaries! Thanks for following and happy growing! 🐺
THe little i smoked was great for pain. Got crazy munchies afterwards. Thumbs up!
Sorry for the late post had a very busy period. The buds are great, good feedback from patients. First time I've been able to taste a fully organic bud and I can say I won't be going back!
It's been a while, I know, but been too busy during this festives to keep the diary up... Damn spidermites! I've try to control them every day but it was too long in bloom to do something for this little creepers! I've decided to cut them and wash the buds as in a video made by Mr.Cervantes seen on youtube. I've mix 120ml of H2O2 in 10Lts of water, washed the buds for a couple of minute, rinse'em and then hanging for a couple of hours with a fan that gently blowin on them. So, mates, this journey has ended, I've learned a lot of things during this real first indoor grow, and this also thanks to you and your hint. Thank you, see you soon (more beans are waiting to born) and most of all CIAO!
It's been a while, I know, but been too busy during this festives to keep the diary up... As you can see, my ladies suffered from plague. Damn spidermites! I've try to control them every day but they were too long in bloom to do something for this little creepers! So, after 11 week of bloom I've decided to cut them and wash the buds as in a video made by Mr.Cervantes seen on youtube, and made a video so that it can be useful. I've mix 120ml of H2O2 in 10Lts of water, washed the buds for a couple of minute, rinse'em and then hanging for a couple of hours with a fan that gently blowin on them. The result is in the photo. So, mates, this journey has ended, I've learned a lot of things during this real first indoor grow, and this also thanks to you and your hint. Thank you, see you soon (more beans are waiting to born) and most of all CIAO!
Like I said I messed this one up. Neglected her and it shows. Super big colas but stunted. And all maybe fault. Going to do Much better next bubbley Livers bean
She was a gray big bush. Wish I could get her more dense but already popped 2 more of these beans bc it is one of my new fa new favorite strains.
This was the first grow of my own, and it went pretty smooth overall. I'll update the outcome, tastes & effects after it has dried. has been a great experience so far, very happy! 😀 Final dry weight was 2.4oz!!!👍
Hey hey :) Flowering mode ON. They are looking realy good, one week in flower and i noticed this Strains require a boost of Phosphorus at this phase. Beside that the Vegeative phase was really good for a 150W Hps Lamp. I will keep it updated every week, Cya next week guys
harvested it one week earlier than i planned on my mother passed away and i was not around for 3 days taking care of things and when i came home she was very angry at me so i decided to chop her down will update a dry weight and taste when this stuff is ready taste is great effect is awesome
Hello guys, I would like to share some thoughts with you. In this cycle I messed up with: - light bleaching This is the main reason why the plants slowed down in flowering cycle, everyone who would like to try this strain MUST keep in mind that it's TALL and STRETCHY, and in my case one of them grew up almost to 80cm with just 9L pots. Moreover, they should have done more flowering weeks to fully develop their buds, but with the first two plants I messed up, and with the third, even though I would have let her go up to 90 days, I didn't have time left due to other reasons. Anyway, I vaped and smoked the first harvested plant, guys... it's DEVASTATING!! Who did ever say autos aren't potent?? A fool! This weed gives you an instant headbang which then turn into a really creative high. Every plant in my grow has different aroma (in addition to the size and plant structure), in fact my only complaint is: Strain behaviour inconsistency, they were so much different from each other. On march I will run Skystompers, but I will supercrop them and maybe buy a grownorthern telos :)