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***Sponsored Grow*** = Medic || || Grow = ***Sponsored Grow*** Ok big update this week, I finally edited the footage of the lights and got their unboxing photos processed, this took way longer then expected and should have been done on germination or week 1 entry but better late then never. You can really see how the lights shine in comparison to my older ones. The brightness of the leds is next level and I can use their V1 spectrum from seed to harvest. Its a great balance of red and blue in a full spectrum light. The medic grow mini sun 2 is a all purpose light that I can see myself getting lots of use out of in the future. Plus they fit in my tent just as snug as my last ones and that's a big thing for me, I don't like dim corners. I am using the lights at 80% dim level. this will be raised to 100% when they enter flower :D First time useing lights I can dim. they also have an onboard timer attached to them, I will be playing aorund with this to see if its something I want to use in the coming weeks, I all ready have all the external timers so I can see how this is a useful tool for anyone starting off without them. On top of all this I also transplanted my plants into their final pots. they went from a .7-.8L to a 2gal or 7.5L, all the root balls on the plants where perfect, nice white roots, maybe a bit compacted for the size and might explain why I am having some issues with them but healthy none the less. I think they will not start to grow a bit better and I will see less issues moving forward. I still have yet to get a new PH pen but I am blindly guessing the PH by adding 2 drops of phosphoric acid ph down per 1gal of feed solution. it seems to be working out just fine. Till next week. ***Sponsored Grow*** Official Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: Growdiaries:
14/01/21 He cumplido un mes de vida, mido 12cm y soy feliz, sobre todo cuando estoy en la ventana mirando el cielo, hoy mi jefe me ha sacado al exterior, había un bonito sol de invierno y me ha dicho que me vendrá muy bien para la fotosíntesis. Por fin he conocido a las plantas de exterior, son raras, me han dicho que son de la familia de los cactus, me parecen poco sociables, tienen pinchos y me da miedo acercarme... 19/01/21 Hace dos días que hace sol y disfruto cada tarde al exterior. Mi jefe está contento por las numerosas raíces verticales que asoman por mi base, dice que así mis raíces no se enrollan en la maceta y podré respirar mejor!! 😍 Cada día tengo más sed... me gusta estar hidratada 😅 20/01/21 Hoy ha sido un día muy especial, con muchos cambios... I loved!! 😘 Hoy esperaba mi nueva maceta, en realidad la esperaba ayer, pero mi jefe no pudo y me prometió que hoy sería el día... casi no he dormido de emoción!! 😳 es mi puesta de largo... soy una adolescente!! mi jefe me lo ha dicho!!... I loved!! 😍 Por la mañana mi jefe me puso en la ventana, el día estaba nublado, pero la temperatura de 15°C era idónea, después de un rato comenzó a soplar un fuerte viento... aterrada y temiendo por mi vida, grité socorro!! 😱 ... ¡Ja Ja Ja, te vendrá muy bien para fortalecer tu tallo y ramas!! decía mi jefe riéndose de mi... no es justo, he pasado mucho miedo 😔, porque el viento no es igual que el aire del ventilador de mi carpa, el viento va y viene, cambia de dirección y de intensidad... me hace bailar!! 😍 Esta tarde ha comenzado el proceso para cambiar mi maceta, mi jefe ha elegido una muy moderna, grande y llena de protuberancias y agujeros, no se😒, es un estilo muy tecnológico y soy una cepa clásica... para tranquilizarme mi jefe me ha asegurado que es la mayor que tiene y que mis raíces se propagarán muchísimo y estarán muy oxigenadas y eso hará de mi una grande y bella planta, y además, si sigo creciendo fuerte como hasta ahora, me pondrá una carpa de floración para mi sola... I Loved!! 😍 He visto todo el proceso y los componentes de mi nuevo sustrato, estoy aprendiendo mucho, mi jefe me lo explica muy bien... dos tierras ligeras a base de turbas, un poco de bocashi casero para aportar nutrientes y microorganismos, humus de lombriz para dar estructura al suelo y fomentar la humificación y microbiología, fibra de coco activada con microorganismos para retener humedad, airear el sustrato e inocular MM, un buen puñado de perlita, vermiculita, arena de río y zeolita para facilitar el drenaje y oxigenar el sustrato... Ah!! y los minerales!! estos me han gustado, definitivamente aportan lo que le faltaba al sustrato, mayormente de composición vegetal... basalto, roca fosfórica, arcillas caolin, illita y montmorillonita para darme sílice y favorecer el intercambio catiónico de nutrientes, azomite rico en magnesio, aluminio y muchos otros minerales, un poco de dolomita para equilibrar el PH y aportar Cálcio, leonardita para dar estructura al suelo, retener humedad y aportar materia orgánica humificada, Piedra pomez y ceniza para completar el aporte de minerales... ...y como punto final, los encargados de procesar estos minerales y componentes del sustrato, para que yo los pueda asimilar son los Microorganismos, mi jefe ha añadido carbón vegetal activado con MM, excelente para retener humedad y nutrientes y Microorganismos de Montaña Sólidos... Guau!! he estado ansiosa todo el tiempo, deseando entrar en mi nuevo sustrato!! 😻 Ya estoy dentro!! en mi nueva maceta, con mi nuevo sustrato... I loved!! 😍 Siento unas cosquillas muy grandes en mis raíces, me han espolvoreado alrededor de ellas, auxinas caseras para promover el crecimiento de mis raíces y esporas de micorrizas para que las protejan contra hongos patógenos. El primer riego en esta maceta me ha encantado, estaba caliente y era dulce... mi jefe me ha dicho que se compone de agua de montaña con un poco de melaza a 22°C, con esta solución está activando los microorganismos del sustrato, la melaza los dará mucha energía para que se propaguen y empiecen a trabajar, ellos la necesitan porque son diabéticos y no almacenan azúcar, cuando yo sea mas grande yo también les enviaré el azúcar para que trabajen con ganas!! Y lo que realmente me ha vuelto loca es el Mulch!!.. I loved, loved, loved!! 😍 es el mejor material que almacenaba mi jefe, pequeñas hojas y tallos secos, sobrantes de las limpiezas de cogollos, mucha materia orgánica que mantendrá la humedad en la parte superior de la maceta, será la comida de los microorganismos y creará un ecosistema ideal para la microbiología!! Y a la hora de dormir... sorpresa!! puedo con tantas emociones!! 😅 ... nueva carpa más grande, limpia, desinfectada y con luces a estrenar, la comparto con otras tres plantas, bellas y mucho más grandes que yo... quiero ser como ellas cuando sea mayor!! 😃... bueno, yo soy la pequeña pero tengo la maceta más grande jejej!! 😋 Antes de ponerme en mi carpa, me han lavado las hojas con jabón potásico, me han quedado muy suaves y el jabón me protegerá de una plaga de arañas que está cerca 😨... estoy con miedo!! 💀 La semana que viene voy a poner toda mi energía en propagar mis raíces y crear más hojas... voy a dejar feliz a mi jefe. Nada más esta semana... saludos queridos cultivadores!! 😁 =======================================
4th week of flowering is beginning today I’m very happy with these, began to add K to the feeding so they can grow big buds I hope 🤞🏼 Light smell increase, gassy/resin notes + piny and lemony too ⛽️🌲🍋
Soooooo... I think I really fucked up haha. It's week 6 and they are huge... I didn't anticipate the stretch well and now I'm panicking. Any advice would be great because aside from getting an extra 8 inches from mounting all the way to the ceiling I'm at a loss. They are doing well aside from that though. a lot of dark spots where I could have trained better are just becoming more prevalent and I'm really seeing where I should have filled gaps and trained for a better light footprint. Adding top shooter for the first time at half strength this week, hoping to see results like the canna pk boost in the personal grow which is doing great. Oh and guess whos dumb pump started working for no reason after I got the replacement in the mail lol smh.
Soooooo... I think I really fucked up haha. It's week 6 and they are huge... I didn't anticipate the stretch well and now I'm panicking. Any advice would be great because aside from getting an extra 8 inches from mounting all the way to the ceiling I'm at a loss. They are doing well aside from that though. a lot of dark spots where I could have trained better are just becoming more prevalent and I'm really seeing where I should have filled gaps and trained for a better light footprint. Adding top shooter for the first time at half strength this week, hoping to see results like the canna pk boost in the personal grow which is doing great. Oh and guess whos dumb pump started working for no reason after I got the replacement in the mail lol smh.
Quest'anno si comincia col botto! Come buon proposito dell'anno nuovo mi sono deciso a metter mano ad un vecchio cassone che c'è in casa mia (prima era una base per un acquario). Ora sarà tut'altro >:D Dopo aver fatto una bella ricerca e raccolta di semi, averli testati e messi alla prova, mi sono finalmente convinto a fare questa benedetta veg box. L'altro box era un 80x80x160, perfetto per la fioritura. Questo invece è un 60x100x80, un box più slim del mio e sdraiato, riesco a dividere lo spazio per tenere madre e cloni contemporaneamente :) Per il momento sto ospitando alcune piante di un amico, piante che dovevano avere dimora in un comodo 120x120 ma che ora sono tutte stipate come sardine a casa mia per le prossime settimane. Mi sto prendendo cura di loro: mi assicuro che germoglino per bene (vedi la girl scout cookies e la runtz in serra), trapianto quando necessario, e mi occupo delle mie bambine personali, la banana sherbet e la critical 707. Piccola curiosità: quando mi ha portato le piantine, stavano tutte a 1 settimana di vita, alcune appena germinate, e ho notato che la bruce banner 3 ha prodotto un gemello! Due germogli da un seme! Sono riuscito a dividerli con successo e mi terrò il gemellino sfortunato per cercare di riportarlo in forze. Al momento ci sono 10 piante in totale: 5 automatiche (tutte del mio amico) e 5(+1) femminizzate (3 mie ,2 del mio amico e 1 in fase di germinazione). Vorrei provare a fare un clone di Monster Skittlez, visto che ha delle foglie particolarmente strane e arricciate (in inglese si dice "webbed" se non sbaglio)... indagherò! Saluti a tutti dal caprone Alpine Goat
relaxing and enjoying the show almost at max watts SPIDER FARMER SF2000 is now maxed out at 207w , 16"-18" from the plants and I will need to keep up with pruning to allow more air flow and more light to penetrate deeper into the plant. 2, 6" oscillating fans on 100%, may be on low or just one stationary but at this point in the grow air flow is a MUST, specially for the thick, dense vegetation of the OG Kush. trying my hardest to stick with the 4" ventalation til the end of the grow. Right now I have to replace the exhaust ducting due to tiny pin holes leaking more than a bit of light.
relaxing and enjoying the show almost at max watts SPIDER FARMER SF2000 is now maxed out at 207w , 16"-18" from the plants and I will need to keep up with pruning to allow more air flow and more light to penetrate deeper into the plant. 2, 6" oscillating fans on 100%, may be on low or just one stationary but at this point in the grow air flow is a MUST, specially for the thick, dense vegetation of the OG Kush. trying my hardest to stick with the 4" ventalation til the end of the grow. Right now I have to replace the exhaust ducting due to tiny pin holes leaking more than a bit of light.
Coming into week 4. I have trellis netted for scrog . I like to trellis about a week before switching to flower in this space. Plants were 22 inches tall, after trellis net brought them back down to 12 inches tall.
Update 20 Jan 2021 - Well starting the cure a bit earlier than I’d like cause I’m having issues getting the humidity up so she dried up quick. Working on rehydrating her a bit and have her in mason jars now. Ended of with 88 grams of rock solid buds. Still want it to rehydrate and cure a bit before trying her out. What can I say, a very simple and easy grow. Had absolutely no issues during the grow and ended up with 380 grams of SOLID wet bud. Even some of the lower buds that didn’t get much light are pretty rock solid. Going by the smell and solidness of the buds, I got a feeling this is gonna be a too 2 strain, if not number 1. Looking forward to growing this one again and as soon as I harvest another plant, I’ll probably start another one of these.
I think the stretch is nearly done, they could have filled out a little better but overall I’m pretty pleased, this is the fewest I’ve run in here and to have it this even and filled out im pleased. If low temps stunt growth we will find out soon, these had a brief stint in the mid 70’s toward the end of veg but they’ve been experiencing sub 50 degree nights for basically the whole run. Anyways, flowers are coming in, probably towards the end of next month, but who knows, they’re never simple. Thanks for checking this out!
So guys, one of my 4x4 tents 3 of the plants have been harvested so the Wedding Cake have been relocated for their final week as I am starting a new grow. Very exciting, can't wait to share with the rest of the gang. Bang Bang