For the Herbies contest - - Grandmommy Purple is guilty multiple noise violations for being too loud and for stanky funk.
Harvest - 169 days / 66 days in flower
Well, we did it. I made it to the end. All I can think is...WOW that was A LOT of work. But I think I had very good results for a first time grower. I
For harvest, we took Plant B and D and prepared them for immediate freezing. Altogether, I ended up with 1212g wet on plant B and 1089g wet on plant D. I ended up freezing 1816g of this. There was some from each of these plants that was set aside from freezing because, for whatever reason, I thought they were not worthy of washing because of how progressed the leaf damage was from the root rot battle. So that was cut up and dried as nuggets instead of hanging like the rest. Sawtooth and Plant C were both harvested and hung in the tent to dry for 12-13 days. I think I overdried by 1-2 days because when I jarred them they struggled to raise up to 55%. So I am using rh% packs.
After drying Sawtooth and plant C, I ended up at 459.8g for dried flower and 170.8g in dried trim. So just over 1lbs between the 2 plants and 4.15lbs wet between the other 2 plants that was washed for hash.
So... are you for real with the effort involved with washing bud for bubble hash? I don't think I would do this in the warmth. I only pursued doing bubble hash cause it's cold right now and I figured that would really help. Even in the 30s(fahrenheit) stuff would stick. It's hilarious how sticky of a process this is. I hope you have a bunch of gloves, water, and ice to burn through. I went through over 60 gallons of distilled water and 80lbs of ice to wash the 4 lbs. I am envious of people in videos using a hose to collect, clean, and refill. Also, doing this as a 1 person show is the definition of insanity.
I broke the washings up into 3 parts. The first part was was the tester wash. I broke off 420g of plant D's 848gs available. I used 7 bags to see where I would end up. I used 220, 160, 120, 90, 73, 45, 25. What I determined was that if I was hunting a specific micron with a lot of material this would help find what you can get. But for the next washing I reduced the amount of bags to 4; 220, 160, 45, 25. The time, with the 4 bags, I washed with 809g. I had a much more favorable experience and return this second time but I had green fast and probably used too much ice. The 3rd wash was the remaining 631g and I found an extra 137g I added of sugar leaves and trim, brining the 3rd wash to 768g. I used 5 bags this time; 220, 160, 73, 45, 25.
By the 3rd wash I have become an expert in collection but also never want to do it again. lol.
2 of the 3 washes have dried and I have 43.4g of bubble and 2.8g of dry sift. 37.4g of that bubble is able to be pressed into rosin. I will probably press that dry sift as well. The other stuff is 25u or 160u that I will experiment with or cook with. The other stuff is drying so I can't add it all in.
I pressed a bunch of trim and some flower. The trim presses nice and the dab is decent. I am working out a good temp for the flower. But the problem with all these tests to find the sweet spot is that I have all these testers to go through but want to keep pressing and trying that! I think I will need to work on a better storage solution.
I can't wait for the fresh frozen bubble hash rosin pressing... I have over 20gs of bubble to put in one bag. I am really looking forward to this. But I will need to work up to that pressing since I have never pressed hash/kief/bubble before in my rosin press. So this should be really fun.
I will 100% post an update of the hash pressing once I do that and also after the 3rd wash session is done drying.
In closing, saying I learned a lot from this grow would be an understatement. I fully expect to start it back up in a few weeks after some R&R then some R&D. There's some things I will need to work on before I start again, such as: having a single external reservoir that feeds multiple plants, hard to clog and easy to use ebb and flow system, miscellaneous final run stuff like space for drying. So thanks everyone for hanging out and perusing the photos and or reading all my huge rambling updates and thanks to those for the help along the way.