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For the Herbies contest - - Grandmommy Purple is guilty multiple noise violations for being too loud and for stanky funk. Harvest - 169 days / 66 days in flower Well, we did it. I made it to the end. All I can think is...WOW that was A LOT of work. But I think I had very good results for a first time grower. I For harvest, we took Plant B and D and prepared them for immediate freezing. Altogether, I ended up with 1212g wet on plant B and 1089g wet on plant D. I ended up freezing 1816g of this. There was some from each of these plants that was set aside from freezing because, for whatever reason, I thought they were not worthy of washing because of how progressed the leaf damage was from the root rot battle. So that was cut up and dried as nuggets instead of hanging like the rest. Sawtooth and Plant C were both harvested and hung in the tent to dry for 12-13 days. I think I overdried by 1-2 days because when I jarred them they struggled to raise up to 55%. So I am using rh% packs. After drying Sawtooth and plant C, I ended up at 459.8g for dried flower and 170.8g in dried trim. So just over 1lbs between the 2 plants and 4.15lbs wet between the other 2 plants that was washed for hash. So... are you for real with the effort involved with washing bud for bubble hash? I don't think I would do this in the warmth. I only pursued doing bubble hash cause it's cold right now and I figured that would really help. Even in the 30s(fahrenheit) stuff would stick. It's hilarious how sticky of a process this is. I hope you have a bunch of gloves, water, and ice to burn through. I went through over 60 gallons of distilled water and 80lbs of ice to wash the 4 lbs. I am envious of people in videos using a hose to collect, clean, and refill. Also, doing this as a 1 person show is the definition of insanity. I broke the washings up into 3 parts. The first part was was the tester wash. I broke off 420g of plant D's 848gs available. I used 7 bags to see where I would end up. I used 220, 160, 120, 90, 73, 45, 25. What I determined was that if I was hunting a specific micron with a lot of material this would help find what you can get. But for the next washing I reduced the amount of bags to 4; 220, 160, 45, 25. The time, with the 4 bags, I washed with 809g. I had a much more favorable experience and return this second time but I had green fast and probably used too much ice. The 3rd wash was the remaining 631g and I found an extra 137g I added of sugar leaves and trim, brining the 3rd wash to 768g. I used 5 bags this time; 220, 160, 73, 45, 25. By the 3rd wash I have become an expert in collection but also never want to do it again. lol. 2 of the 3 washes have dried and I have 43.4g of bubble and 2.8g of dry sift. 37.4g of that bubble is able to be pressed into rosin. I will probably press that dry sift as well. The other stuff is 25u or 160u that I will experiment with or cook with. The other stuff is drying so I can't add it all in. I pressed a bunch of trim and some flower. The trim presses nice and the dab is decent. I am working out a good temp for the flower. But the problem with all these tests to find the sweet spot is that I have all these testers to go through but want to keep pressing and trying that! I think I will need to work on a better storage solution. I can't wait for the fresh frozen bubble hash rosin pressing... I have over 20gs of bubble to put in one bag. I am really looking forward to this. But I will need to work up to that pressing since I have never pressed hash/kief/bubble before in my rosin press. So this should be really fun. I will 100% post an update of the hash pressing once I do that and also after the 3rd wash session is done drying. In closing, saying I learned a lot from this grow would be an understatement. I fully expect to start it back up in a few weeks after some R&R then some R&D. There's some things I will need to work on before I start again, such as: having a single external reservoir that feeds multiple plants, hard to clog and easy to use ebb and flow system, miscellaneous final run stuff like space for drying. So thanks everyone for hanging out and perusing the photos and or reading all my huge rambling updates and thanks to those for the help along the way.
After Week 1 in the eazyplug, i've transplanted the Permanent Marker into a bigger Pot
After Week 1 in the eazyplug, i've transplanted the Permanent Marker into a bigger Pot
A few waterdrops and the Permanent Marker is Happy for now
In the second Week i started to give them a few nutrients. Maybe a bit too much, as you See in the last 2 Videos. Since its very cold (-5°C) in Germany i've put a heating cable losely around the pots to Heat Up the soil a bit.
In the second Week i started to give them a few nutrients. Maybe a bit too much, as you See in the last 2 Videos. Since its very cold (-5°C) in Germany i've put a heating cable losely around the pots to Heat Up the soil a bit.
In the second Week i started to give them a few nutrients. Maybe a bit too much, as you See in the last 2 Videos. Since its very cold (-5°C) in Germany i've put a heating cable losely around the pots to Heat Up the soil a bit.
After topping and now warmer days, the Permanent Marker rises Back Up and started the Turbo.
Now we're Back on Track. I've started to her to the Side, to form her. The Permanent Marker is a Hybrid which IS very clear Here. Long branches without enough flowerstems. I tie the main's for a good 90 degree to go in the Kind of sog direction. And, what i learned from Carl Kushman: Break the inside carefully of your stems. It will make the plant stronger. Believe me. Just feel small balls inside the stems and crush every other. With that technic you can Control the growing
Now we're Back on Track. I've started to her to the Side, to form her. The Permanent Marker is a Hybrid which IS very clear Here. Long branches without enough flowerstems. I tie the main's for a good 90 degree to go in the Kind of sog direction. And, what i learned from Carl Kushman: Break the inside carefully of your stems. It will make the plant stronger. Believe me. Just feel small balls inside the stems and crush every other. With that technic you can Control the growing
OMFKG!!!!!! I've been vía for a few weeks and this doll has exploded! 💣💣💣💣 I've never seen such a big growth in all this time! "My preparation with hydroponic cultivation is paying off the hours of study." ...unfortunately his mastodons have given him some small burns... but I'll know how to get it back.
Our Rainbow Sherbet of course from Zamnesia like all my plants has been the territory of realization for an exceptional mainfolding. After a topping that would seem very premature at the second internode (But that in autoflowering is also appropriate to delay flowering) I managed very well to make the lateral branches grow parallel to the ground. They form a T with the main stem that comes out of the ground a little. It seemed like it should be low, some joker even joked about it and instead it is becoming a nice little monster. It made the lateral branches start and all that then worked with a successful main lining on which I made the only mistake of leaving a little too much stuff at the bottom that I am cleaning up little by little as I understand that it will not see much light or will not produce satisfactory flowers. The main stem that runs parallel to the ground is very beautiful to look at and is from the main lining manual. The structure created with mainfoldindg, mainlining, topping and lst vari is very pleasant, the plant is at medium internodal distance and flowers quickly so it is a plant on which I would feel like recommending these techniques that it is true that they can slow down the harvests but they give a satisfaction to the sight and an unparalleled fun in making them. We are still using soil, fertilizers and all the additives recommended by Plagron 100% organic. We are still in the early flowering program that maintains the same additives Power Roots, Sugar Royal, Pure Zym and adds the flowering stimulant Power Buds. Obviously the basic fertilizer is now Alga Bloom. The Green Sensation hero of the late flowering will arrive and at the same time it will be time to remove power roots and a week later the enzymes. (The plant left to grow straight and straight ahead of time has been taking it for a while) ---- Decide on the right soil and calculate your fertilization schedule according to your soil on the official website. -- Try a seed of this variety that drives us crazy.. ---- Zamnesia Description //A cross between Pink Guava, Sunset Sherbet and a hint of ruderalis, Rainbow Sherbet Auto offers a wide range of flavors, effects and more. This 70% indica-dominant strain reaches considerable THC levels (24%) and is suitable for both experienced growers and those taking their first steps in the world of cannabis cultivation. All the best that mother nature has to offer is on ----
Wir schreiben die vierte Woche der Wachstumsphase. Letzte Woche hatte ich erst das Gefühl es verschlimmert sich, dann hat es sich scheinbar verbessert. Ich bin mir ehrlich gesagt noch nicht 100% sicher was jetzt das genaue Problem ist bzw was den Pflanzen fehlt. Sind sie jetzt von einem Cal/Mag Defizit in eine Überdüngung geraten? 🤔 Oder sind es wirklich einfach nur die kleinen Töpfe..? Naja die Pflanzen sind mittlerweile auf jeden Fall jeweils zu viert in ihren 15l Töpfen (Endtöpfe), haben also jeweils ca 3,75l Substrat,... mit der üblichen Mischung + Biotabs Palette ( leider finde ich hier keine Auswahlmöglichkeit zu Mengenangaben von Feststoff.-/Streudünger wie g/l(Substrat) ) Außerdem haben sie eine schöne BoomBoom Spray Dusche bekommen, fantastisches Zeug - ich liebe es und die Pflanzen lieben es noch viel mehr. Der Topf mit den Automatics steht jetzt hinten links.
Fin de la première semaine,on commence la 2 ème avec enthousiasme Les filles se portent bien, que de l'eau minérale pour le moment, fausse alerte pour la triploid, elle avait seulement un cotylédons coupé en deux ! Placez dans la grande tente de croissance 1m5x1m5, sous un mélange de lumière mars hydro et Sayon , un bon réglage d'humidité relative de 70% pour une température plus stable de 23-24°c le jour et 18-19°c la nuit , interaction et extraction d'air plus ventilation au top Premier arrosage avec plagron power roots
Vienen muy lindas, por ahora solo estirandose sin formar mucho las preflores, al final de la semana que viene planeo hacer defoliacion y poda de bajos
Hey guys ! What a blast ! 10 days drying at 55-60% RH and 15-18°c. 45gr/plant. 3 plants, 2 differents phenos 1 pheno is realy Kushy, with specials notes that remind me some sort of GMO terps, with no real notes of permanent marker. The second one definitly have permanent in it, smells realy special, like medical products. Thing smoke realy nice, realy terpy
Hey guys ! What a blast ! 10 days drying at 55-60% RH and 15-18°c. 45gr/plant. 3 plants, 2 differents phenos 1 pheno is realy Kushy, with specials notes that remind me some sort of GMO terps, with no real notes of permanent marker. The second one definitly have permanent in it, smells realy special, like medical products. Thing smoke realy nice, realy terpy
Hey guys ! What a blast ! 10 days drying at 55-60% RH and 15-18°c. 45gr/plant. 3 plants, 2 differents phenos 1 pheno is realy Kushy, with specials notes that remind me some sort of GMO terps, with no real notes of permanent marker. The second one definitly have permanent in it, smells realy special, like medical products. Thing smoke realy nice, realy terpy
In diesem Run verwende ich das erste Mal meine AlienHydroponics RDWC Anlage. Und Beleuchte meine Pflanzen aktuell unter 13/11 in der Blüte. Aktuell befinden wir uns in Blüte Woche 5. Und die Pflanzen sind unter der Beleuchtungsdauer unglaublich groß geworden.