Well to day I declare as Day 1 still in the solo cup But I can already tell these seeds from Super Sativa Seed Club are not your usual run of the mill seeds they were the heartest seeds I have seen since cleaning out the seeds on a album cover of old school Columbian but what is in side is what matters. going from seed to sprout in under a week and now produce a think strong sprout that is growing so fast you can watch it. I made a few changes on my medium and transplanting I add Frass Bokashi and Dynomyco into the actual medium and when I transplant I will prep the hole with it. What it does is produce Microbes which are very small critters we cant see except thru a microscope. what they do is keep the root zone healthy also referred to as living soil. the nutrients I am using a top dress fertilizer Geo flora it is designed to work with microbes, I cant rave enough about the Geo flora and the Black Lebanon seeds from SSSC quality genetics with this new food I anticipate a quality harvest. (If I dont treat it with Neem and leave the lights on or some other stupid move. I filled the pots this evening and will actually water the soil with warm water to activate the ingredients and bring the soil alive I am still a week away from transplanting But they will hit the dirt runnin😎
WELL THE GIRLS ARE IN THIER NEW HOME *I transplantewd the SSSC 2 Black lebanon and my 2 Blackberry moon rocks they were germinating seeds aug 13th to day is the 28th I have never seen plants this big in 15 days My heavens shore mix of Bokashi , frass and Dynomyco along with the top qualiity seeds from SSSC tell me this organic living soil grow is going to be my best yet Temps 70in dark 80 max in light every thing that goes in will be phed to 6.3 starting out at a 18/6 light schedule and I cant stress enough tyhe Geo Flora top dressing Nutes the stuff really stinks and my tent is in my famil;y room /mans den thank God for my 6" carbon filteryouy cant smell it out side the tent now remember they only recive nutes once every 2 weeks I have what they call 5 gal buts but in truth they only hold 4 gal og medium so I move my feed amoun t down to 1/3 a cup Now everytime I water the plants I am actully feeding them too in a few week i will add 5ml of purpinator every other watering and n othing else other than before I do the flip I will feed then the Geo Flora Bloom if you are interrested in checking them out here is a link 😲 https://www.geofloranutrients.com/
I would be honored if you would watch my new videos at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu5G2v2kr1kH6BOsgUveWgg ouyr new release is Transplant 101 watch asnd enjoy besure to hit like on the way out